Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 910: Find the reason

   Chapter 910

   "Nothing should have happened." Sun Yu's husband shook his head, "My wife is the kind of person who can't hide things directly. If something happens, she will tell me."

  Guo Xiang pursed his mouth. Of course, he cannot deny what he said, but if it is really bad, it is possible for a woman to choose to conceal it.

   "I don't want to do any more checkups." Guo Xiang said, since the patient's family members want to check, they should check it carefully. If the physical reason is ruled out, then she really has no choice but to go to a mental hospital.

  At this time, the patient suddenly became irritable, and her husband could not hold her down alone, so Guo Xiang also hurried forward to help.

Xu Wei and Xing Ming next door also ran over when they heard the movement. The patient was so powerful and she was a little fatter. Several of them couldn't hold her back. Later, they couldn't help but give her a tranquilizer. They were quiet. Come down.

  Guo Xiang first performed some routine checks on the patient, took the blood pressure, and listened with a stethoscope.

   But this time, there is a wet rale, and the patient has pneumonia?

  But the patient’s husband did not say that he had been treated for pneumonia in the hospital before.

  "Does your spouse have a cough these days? Is there any sputum?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "Nothing." The patient's husband shook his head.

   "No?" Guo Xiang frowned. The wet rale sound is so obvious, there is pneumonia, how can he not cough?

  Look at blood pressure again, my god, 120, 210, high pressure and low pressure are so high? You must burst your blood vessels if you continue to make trouble like this.

  It is possible that the blood pressure increased when I was manic just now, but now I have calmed down and everyone has gone to sleep. Why is the blood pressure still so high?

   "Does your spouse usually have high blood pressure?" Guo Xiang asked again.

   "Not high, she is a little fat, but her body has always been fine before." The patient's husband said.

  "This blood pressure and lungs have problems. Let's do a CT scan. The brain and chest should be done together." Xu Wei said from the side.

   "Do you want to do it?" the patient's husband asked Guo Xiang.

  Guo Xiang nodded, "It's best to do it and check the cause. Besides, with such high blood pressure, there is a risk of stroke..."

   "Let's do it." The patient's husband nodded. He was taking someone to see the doctor, and it was inevitable to have a checkup.

  Guo Xiang followed to the CT room and watched on the spot. There was no problem with the brain, no tumors, and no bleeding. But the lungs do have inflammation, which is pneumonia.

   "Then treat pneumonia first." Guo Xiang said. I don't know the cause of the insanity, but if you are sick, you must be treated first.

  Then he opened a hospital bill and prescribed antibiotics for the patient to treat pneumonia first.

  I did a routine blood draw, the result was a single test, and the blood potassium was extremely low, which was half of the normal value.

  "Have your lover not eaten in the past few days?" Guo Xiang asked.

  The patient’s husband nodded, “Yes, I have not had a bad appetite these days, and I ate very little.”

  Guo Xiang nodded, and prescribed potassium chloride to the patient again. The potassium should be supplemented first. Otherwise, the potassium ion is too low to cause arrhythmia or even cardiac arrest.

  In this way, you have to connect the electrocardiograph to the patient, check the patient's electrocardiogram, and see if there is any abnormality.

  The nurse came to help take off the patient’s clothes and put on a hospital coat, and then connected the electrodes of the ECG.

  Guo Xiang glanced at the patient and was stunned.

   "Dean Guo, what's the matter?" the nurse asked, thinking she had done something wrong.

  Guo Xiang pointed to the patient’s leg and asked her husband, “Have your spouse’s hair always been so heavy?”

  The hair is black and long, and it's a match for men.

The patient's husband looked at it and frowned, "It didn't happen before. Although she was a little fat, she had good skin and white skin. She didn't seem to have so much hair before, right? So many things happened during this period, and I didn't pay attention. "

   "Huh?" Xu Wei on one side also turned the patient's trouser legs and looked at it, "It's abnormal."

  Guo Xiang stared at the patient’s face again, "Look, what does her face look like?"

   "Face?" Xu Wei was taken aback, and looked at the patient. There was nothing wrong with the patient's round face because he was a bit fat.

  But what does Guo Xiang say like?

  Xu Wei took a closer look and was surprised, "Like a full moon face?"

  Guo Xiang nodded. The full moon face is a medical term, which means that the patient's face becomes round after a certain disease, and it is round, like a full moon, so it is called the full moon face.

  Generally, the full moon face is caused by long-term use of glucocorticoid drugs.

  Glucocorticoid is a very important hormone in the human body. It is essential to maintain normal human body function. However, if it is excessive, people will become very fat.

  As some people use hormones to treat nephritis, asthma, etc., people easily get fat and become round like a balloon.

  In addition to being fat, the hair will grow very thick.

   Looking at the patient again, in addition to the leg hair, the small lip hair around the lips is also darker than the average woman.

  "Have your lover ever had kidney disease before? Have you used hormones?" Guo Xiang asked.

   "No, she has always been in good health." The patient's husband shook his head.

  That is the body's own excessive secretion of glucocorticoids?

  Guo Xiang and Xu Wei looked at each other, "Cushing's syndrome?"

  "What is Cushing's syndrome?" the patient's husband asked.

"Cushing's syndrome is a clinical syndrome caused by the adrenal glands secreting too much glucocorticoids." Guo Xiang said, "We have a gland on our kidneys called adrenal glands. Normally we watch TV and the patients are almost dead. The doctors said to use adrenaline, that is to say this adrenal gland..."

  "The adrenal gland is an endocrine organ that can secrete many hormones, one of which is called glucocorticoids. Under certain circumstances, excessive secretion of glucocorticoids can cause a series of symptoms."

"For example, a full moon face, high blood pressure, hypokalemia, obesity, etc. And these hormones act on the brain, which will cause mental symptoms. Some people are depressed, some people are manic, so your lover has not been hit by anything, nor has it occurred. What's wrong with the spirit is because of this hormone." Guo Xiang said.

   "Really? Can it be cured?" A big stone in the heart of the patient's husband was dropped. Can it be cured after finding the cause?

  He just said, how can a lover who is well-behaved suddenly become insane.

Guo Xiang shook his head, "But we haven't found the cause of Cushing's syndrome. As I just said, the adrenal glands secrete too much glucocorticoids, but normal humans don't secrete too much glucocorticoids for no reason. There must be a reason. "

   “Could it be a tumor on the kidney that caused the adrenal glands to secrete glucocorticoids crazily?” Xu Wei said.

   "This possibility is not ruled out, it may also be the cause of the pituitary gland." Guo Xiang said.

  The pituitary gland can also secrete many hormones, one of which is called ACTH, which acts on the kidneys and can promote the adrenal glands to secrete glucocorticoids.

  The human body is really very complex, one link and one link are connected. Two organs that you think have nothing to do with each other are actually connected.

  "If the patient has a pituitary gland tumor, it will also stimulate the adrenal glands, allowing it to secrete more glucocorticoids." Guo Xiang said.

  The patient’s husband was stunned. He didn’t understand. He didn’t care about the principle, as long as the cause was found and the cure could be achieved.

  (End of this chapter)

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