Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 911: The real reason

  Chapter 911 The real reason

   "That means my spouse is not insane. There is a reason for her, right? Is there a physical problem?" the patient's husband said.

   "Yes, but this is just our guess. We still need to check." Guo Xiang said, "We need to draw blood and urine for check."

"The blood will be drawn tomorrow morning. 8 am is the peak period of this hormone secretion. It is the most accurate to make it." Guo Xiang said. ."

  Because the patient has not yet started treatment, it is difficult to handle it once it becomes irritable.

   "Okay, I will look at her here, don't worry." The patient's husband nodded.

  The next day the nurse came to take blood for laboratory tests, as well as urine. It turned out that the metabolism of cortisol was abnormal, and the hormones in the blood were too high, which caused the patient's mental abnormality.

  Now that we know that there is a problem with the adrenal glands, we must find out the cause of the problem.

  It’s its own tumor, or the pituitary gland that caused it to commit the crime.

   "Let's do MRI, see clearly." Guo Xiang said.

  "Didn't you do it before?" the patient's husband asked.

   "The parts are different, this time it is specifically for the pituitary gland, as well as the abdomen." Guo Xiang said.

  Many people always think that the hospital cheats money, why do one kind of examination have to be done several times.

In fact, it’s different every time, such as MRI. It’s a price for just the head, another for the chest, and another for the whole body. At the beginning, the doctors also acted on the principle of saving while saving. If the lesion is found, it will be saved.

  But the doctor did not expect it to be found, so I started to do other parts.

   But if you do it all over the body from the beginning, some people will say that the doctor is messing around, doing anything that is expensive, and doing it for unnecessary parts. The doctor is speechless.

  Moreover, the patient’s condition has been developing. Sometimes it is done today, but it will change in a few days, and it will be done again. It’s not that the doctor was deliberately trying to cheat money.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that some doctors who are not particularly ethical will deliberately do more, but it is still a small number.

  As soon as the result was checked, no, there was no tumor at all in the pituitary gland, and there was no problem with the kidney.

  Guo Xiang and Xu Wei both stayed, what's the matter?

   "No?" The patient's husband was also very surprised. The doctor's analysis was very clear. It must be correct, but it was wrong again?

  If the average person is definitely going to make trouble, has done so many checks and spent so much money, why haven’t they found out? Did the doctor deliberately?

  "Could it be the lung?" Xu Wei said.

  Because the patient now has pneumonia, sometimes it will be covered up by pneumonia.

   "It is also possible." Guo Xiang nodded.

  After several days of treatment for pneumonia, I performed enhanced CT on the patient's chest, and it turned out that there were nodules on the lungs.

  But whether it is an inflammatory nodule or a tumor nodule is not visible, pathological analysis is required.

   "Lung puncture is to be done!" Guo Xiang said.

   "Do it, do it!" The patient's husband is also helpless. At this stage, the reason must be known and the patient must be cured.

  Then did a lung puncture, and a small part of the tissue was taken out for a biopsy, and it turned out that it was lung cancer!

  The mood of the patient’s husband is really like riding a roller coaster.

  Although it is not a mental illness, it is a little comforting, but lung cancer is not a good thing either.

  Lung tumor cells secrete too much hormone, which in turn stimulates the adrenal glands.

  So the organs that seem to be unrelated are connected again.

   "Then can my lover's disease be cured?" The patient's husband's heart was raised again.

   "Fortunately, it was discovered early, the tumor is still relatively small, and it should not have metastasized yet, we need to have another examination." Guo Xiang said.

  The result of the examination is relatively good. The tumor is small and has not yet metastasized, as long as it is surgically removed.

   Then he arranged for lung cancer resection.

  Part of the lung lobes were cut off together, and some lymph nodes were removed.

  The patient's hormone level soon dropped to normal after the hand, and the person gradually returned to normal.

  So some mental illnesses really cannot be seen on the surface. It is probably not caused by nerves, but caused by diseases in other parts.

  If the husband of the patient sent his lover to a mental hospital according to others’ claims, it would not take long for the patient to have a lung cancer attack, and the person would soon die.

  Fortunately, the patient’s husband has a deep affection for her, and he is not willing to suffer. This not only saved her life, but also restored her to normal, so that she can work and live normally in the future. This is her luck.

So Guo Xiang often thinks, a woman still has to marry love. If you marry just to get married, you don’t know where your future lover will put you. Once you get sick, he might abandon you mercilessly. .

  Only if he loves you, he will not give up, and he will be willing to spend money to treat your illness.

  When everyone mentioned this case, they were very emotional.

   "I think I came to this hospital really right." Xu Wei said to Zeng Jing, "It really taught me a lot. Dean Guo is an amazing person."

   "Yes, I rarely admire a woman, she is one of the few women I admire." Zeng Jing also nodded, "That's why I tried my best to let you come."

  Zeng Jing smiled and looked at Xu Wei, with affection in his eyes.

  Xu Wei shook her hand and said, "I would also like to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know that there is such a good hospital and such a powerful dean. Also, I might miss you..."

  Zeng Jing pursed her mouth and smiled. She was also very thankful that she did not give up.

  The two have slowly walked together since Xu Wei’s father’s incident. They have been dating and their relationship has developed steadily.

  More and more people in Zeng Jing's reproductive center are looking for her to do IVF. The staff in her department has also increased, and she is also busy.

  But I am busy and happy. The salary is high, the commission is high, and the IVF fee is expensive. Her commission is very high, and no one is competing with her, which is no worse than abroad.

  And there is a lover by his side.

  Xu Wei's medical skills are also improving day by day, and his salary is also quite high, which is much better than the previous hospital.

  Both parents also know that they are in love, and they urge them to get married soon. They are not young anymore. Many people in China have children at their age.

  But because they both stayed in school, they are still more open-minded, and now it is the sweetest love period. They think it is good now, but they are not so anxious to get married.

  Once married life is inevitable, both parents will start to give birth again. It is better to be more than two people now.


  An Rui returned home after staying in the hospital for two days. Because she could not move, she could only lie on the bed. Of course, she could sit sometimes, but she could not move after sitting.

  Of course, if he wants to go to the bathroom, he still insists on going on his own. The big deal is to have a pain and let Yu Yan handle it for him. He will still feel embarrassed.

  Yu Yan is also uncomfortable.

  When she came back on the first day, she helped him wipe her body, and her face was so red.

  Although the husband and wife had been married for many years, they had not had any physical contact for two years. After seeing each other sincerely, Yu Yan was still very unaccustomed to seeing it every time.

  An Rui smiled and watched her face slowly turn red. This woman is so innocent. She even blushes after being married for so long. What a baby.

  (End of this chapter)

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