Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 986: Twins born a month later

  Chapter 986 Twins born only a month later

   Guo Xiang returned to work in the hospital after the National Day.

  Not long after she started to work, a woman in her twenties walked in with a child in her arms, with an anxious expression on her face.

  "Doctor, can you show what happened to my child?"

  Guo Xiang saw that the child's face was yellow, even his neck was a little yellow, and he hurriedly asked the woman to hold the child closer.

  I opened the child’s eyelids, and even the iris was a little yellow.

  "This is neonatal jaundice, how old is the child?" Guo Xiang said.

   "It's just over a month." The woman said, "The workmates I worked with also said it was jaundice, but they said it would be better in a few days, but my child is still a month away, why is it not?"

"It's been a month?" Guo Xiang held the baby. The baby is very small and looks like it hasn't been born for a few days. Generally, newborns have physiological jaundice. Do not take medicine and get more exposure to the sun. It will be better in a few days. .

  The yellow color fades away and the skin will turn white, but it is abnormal if it is still so yellow this month. It may be pathological jaundice.

  Newborn jaundice means that the blood bilirubin is too high, deposited on the skin and internal organs, and the skin of the child can be seen to be yellowish.

  Physiological jaundice is normal, almost every newborn will have it. It appears in 2-3 days after birth, reaches a peak in 4-6 days, and subsides in 7-10 days.

If jaundice occurs 24 hours after birth, the daily serum bilirubin rises more than 5mg/dL or more than 0.5mg/dL per hour, the duration is long, full-term infants are more than 2 weeks, and premature infants are more than 4 weeks without retreat. Even if it continues to deepen or subside, it reappears repeatedly, or jaundice begins to appear within 1 week to several weeks after birth, all of which are pathological jaundice.

  "When did the child start to become yellow?" Guo Xiang asked.

  "My complexion was a bit yellow after birth. They said it was normal, but I didn’t care. I took my baby to bask in the sun every day, but it’s been a month. Not only is it bad, it’s getting worse."

  "Doctor, is there something wrong with my son?" The woman said worriedly.

  Guo Xiang nodded, "It should be pathological jaundice, which needs to be treated, mainly with blue light."

  "What light?" The woman didn't understand.

  "It is a kind of light emitted by a machine. Blue light can cure the child's jaundice. But is your child a premature baby? Why is it so light?" Guo Xiang weighed the child in his hands. It was too young for a month.

"Yes, I was born prematurely for more than a month. It may be tired." The woman's face was a little red. "I am a foreigner, and I came to the capital to work with my man. It was on the construction site. My man is a plasterer, so I will help on the construction site. Cook on..."

  Guo Xiang nodded, and now he is doing construction work everywhere and building houses everywhere. After taking the photo of his own plot, he is also building a community. Perhaps this woman and her husband may not be able to do it on their own construction site.

   "Don't work so hard when you are pregnant, and don't go home to have a baby?" Guo Xiang said with emotion.

  "Don't you want to make more money?" The woman was a little embarrassed.

   "The child will be treated in the hospital, and he is so thin..." Guo Xiang took the thermometer to measure the child's body size. As a result, it was only 36 degrees Celsius, which is considered low body temperature.

  "Is the child lacking energy in these two days?" Guo Xiang frowned.

   "Yes, doctor, how do you know?" the woman asked strangely.

   "The body temperature is so low, you have to put an incubator!" Guo Xiang shook his head.

   "What, what do you mean?" The woman's face changed drastically, "My child is in danger?"

  Guo Xiang just wanted to say that the woman suddenly clutched her belly and yelled, "Ah, my stomach hurts so much, I...I seem to be giving birth..."

   "What?" Guo Xiang was shocked, how could it be possible? Isn’t it just one month after birth?

  Even if you have **** with a child in your lifetime, it takes ten months to conceive another child. How can it be so fast?

Is    an illusion?

  The woman was shocked when she said it, but it felt exactly like when she gave birth to a son, her stomach hurts, like a throbbing pain.

   "I...I can't do it, it hurts..." The woman was holding her stomach and was about to fall down. Guo Xiang was still holding the child in his hand and couldn't help her, so he yelled, "Come here, someone outside!"

  Xu Wei was next door, and hurried over when he heard the cry, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

  The woman has fallen down, Guo Xiang hurriedly called: "Hurry up, help her!"

  There was nowhere to put the child, so I had to pick up the phone and call the pediatrics department, "Doctor Joe, here is a child who is sick. Come here soon."

   Over there, Xu Wei helped the woman up and sat on a chair, and asked, "Is it about to give birth?"

   "How is it possible? She said that she had only given birth to a child for one month. Now, the child is still in my hand." Guo Xiang pointed to the child in his hand.

   "Huh?" Xu Wei was also shocked, "Then her belly, so big, looks like she hasn't given birth yet?"

  Guo Xiang only noticed that the woman’s belly was really like a pregnancy in October.

  It's cold now, and the woman is wearing a rustic padded jacket, which is wide and big, so she didn't pay attention just now.

  Also, when the child is born normally, the stomach does not shrink. Some people will be as if they are still pregnant for four or five months, but it is abnormal at this age.

  "This child is really yours? Are you really the child born a month ago?" Guo Xiang doubted.

   "It's true!" The woman nodded hard, her stomach hurts too much, "Doctor, my stomach hurts so much, I can't do it..."

"Impossible, impossible!" Xu Wei shook his head repeatedly, "Even twins cannot regenerate every one month. They usually take a few minutes, at most one or two hours. How can one regenerate another one after a month? Unheard of. !"

   "But, doctor, I really...ah..." the woman cried out in pain, "My stomach hurts, it really seems to be giving birth again..."

  Doctor Qiao from the Pediatrics Department rushed over, and Guo Xiang quickly handed the child to her, "Physiological jaundice, hypothermia, low weight, premature babies..."

  After talking about these pediatricians, you will know what to do.

   "Okay!" Doctor Qiao took the child quickly.

  Guo Xiang walked in front of the woman, picked up the stethoscope and probed the woman's belly, as if he really heard the fetal heart, although it was not very obvious.

  Guo Xiang has a strange color on his face, how can it be possible?

   "Let me see!" Xu Wei said, and took the stethoscope, his face turned strange when he heard it.

   touched it with his hand again, and looked at Guo Xiang, "It seems that there really is a child!"

  "Go into the delivery room immediately, and immediately push a B-ultrasound machine over!" Guo Xiang made a decisive decision.

  Called the midwife from the obstetrics and gynecology department and pushed the woman into the delivery room together. Xu Wei went and pushed the portable ultrasound machine over.

  I went to the delivery bed, took off the woman’s cotton-padded clothes, and lifted the clothes. It was obvious that the big belly was raised high, as if she had not yet given birth.

  Guo Xiang and Xu Wei looked at each other. To be honest, Guo Xiang has not encountered such a thing in his two lives.

  How is it possible that twins are born one month apart from each other?

  I have read some domineering president’s novels before, and there have been similar passages. Guo Xiang sneered, and don’t write anything without medical knowledge. How can twins be born only a month later?

  Unexpected to have a face slap this time?

    984 wrote that the police went to the village to rescue women and conflicted with the villagers. It was blocked and had to be changed. Moved the back a bit to the front, chapter 985 added a little content, you can look back.



  (End of this chapter)

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