Chapter 987 Two Uterus

  Coupling agent is applied to the woman's belly, the B-ultrasound probe is put on, and I look at the display.

  Sure enough, there is a child in the belly.

  Guo Xiang and Xu Wei were shocked.

  "Have you really had a baby a month ago?" Xu Wei asked again.

   "It's true." The woman resisted the pain, "Doctor, am I going to give birth? I really have one in my stomach?"

   "Yes!" Guo Xiang nodded, "Don't you know you are pregnant with twins?"

   "I don't know!" The woman shook her head, "We country folks don't have the habit of going to the hospital for check-ups. If I didn't go out to work, I might not even go to the hospital, so I gave birth at home."

   "In our country, we call midwives to give birth at home, and we didn't go to the hospital, let alone check up." The woman said.

  "But the belly is so big, don't you feel it?" Xu Wei said.

   "My sister Wang next door gave birth to a big fat boy of ten pounds, and his belly is about the same size as me." The woman said.

  Guo Xiang nodded, maybe the baby's belly is not so obvious, they are inexperienced and can't be sure whether there are twins.

   "Ah—" the woman cried out in pain again.

  "Where is your man? You need your family members to be present when you have a baby. In case something happens, you need family members to sign." Guo Xiang said.

   "There is a phone on the construction site, let me tell you..." the woman said.

  Guo Xiang recorded the phone call and asked Xu Wei to call and inform his family to come.

  The woman's labor pains are getting worse and she screams loudly.

  Guo Xiang saw that the palace entrance was completely closed. What's the matter?

   But in this situation, I just gave birth to a child a month ago, so logically speaking, the uterus has not recovered much, why can’t I see it?

  And Guo Xiang still can’t figure out how could the twins be born only a month later, and the doctor didn’t find that there was a child in his stomach the last time they were born?

  Impossible, no matter how small a hospital, this kind of oolong will not appear.

  After half an hour, the woman's palace mouth has not been opened, and her man has rushed over.

  "Doctor, what's wrong with my daughter-in-law?" the man asked.

   "Your daughter-in-law is about to give birth." Xu Wei replied.

   "Huh?" The man looked dumbfounded, "She only gave birth last month, how could she have another one?"

  Xu Wei smiled bitterly, "We also think it's impossible, but there is still a child in her belly, and I have seen it on B-ultrasound just now."

   "Impossible, did she steal someone?"

  Xu Wei smiled and said, "How is it possible, even if you steal someone, you have to conceive in October. If there is such a fast birth, it must be yours!"

   "Oh, oh..." The man realized that he had asked a stupid question, "But it's not right. Why didn't you give birth together last month?"

  "We also think this is very strange, and this is the first time I have encountered this situation." Xu Wei said.

  At this time, Guo Xiang called inside, and Xu Wei hurried in.

  "The mouth of the palace cannot be opened, the child cannot be born, and there is too little amniotic fluid, so a C-section is required." Guo Xiang said.

   "Okay!" Xu Wei nodded, immediately wrote the operation notice, walked to the door of the delivery room, and said to the man: "Your daughter-in-law cannot give birth. If you have to have a C-section, it will be dangerous. You can sign it!"

   "Huh? It's dangerous? Well, that..." The man suddenly panicked.

   "It's okay, C-section is fine, but in case there are cases, you have to understand and look at the above." Xu Wei said.

  "I can't read." The man blushed, "I can only write my own name, and I can also recognize the two characters for men and women..."

  This was when the foreman came out specially to teach him that he should go to the toilet outside and don’t go wrong, otherwise he would be caught as a gangster.

  "Then I will read it to you." Xu Wei said, and read it quickly, "These are just in case, generally there is no big problem."

   "In case... you must protect your lord first!" the man said anxiously.

  Xu Wei glanced at the man unexpectedly, and said that there are not many people who protect adults first, and they usually want to protect children.

  But this man already has a son, so naturally he is still worried about more daughters-in-law.

   "Well, we will try our best to make mother and child safe." Xu Wei said.

  The man picked up the pen and his hand was a little trembling, but he still signed the name, and the writing was crooked.

  Waiting for the man to sign, Xu Wei also walked into the delivery room, "It's okay!"

  Guo Xiang nodded and called the anesthesiologist over to give the woman anesthetic.

  Skin preparation and disinfection.

  When the effect came up, he took a scalpel and cut his stomach.

   "Huh?" Guo Xiang exclaimed.

   "What's wrong?" Xu Wei quickly looked over.

The midwife on the side of    also looked curiously.

  Women actually have two uterus?

  No wonder, the twins will give birth in different months.

   "This situation is truly unique!" Guo Xiang said.

   "There are actually two uterus?" Xu Wei was also surprised, "This situation should also be two eggs, right? Fraternal twins?"

   "It should be!" Guo Xiang nodded.

  Identical twins, one egg splits into two embryos and usually enters the same uterus. This woman is so coincidental that she has two eggs and two uteruses.

  "I haven't encountered it before, what's the matter?" the midwife on the side asked.

  "This is because the accessory mesephritic ducts were not fused well when the mother was born. Without complete fusion, two small uteruses formed."

   "So you see that her child is also small, but it is a little restricted. And because of tiredness, one child is born prematurely, but it does not affect the other."

   "Because in a different uterus, the other child may develop better, and will not come out before the expected date of delivery. Now it is the expected date of delivery, which is premature, which is abnormal." Guo Xiang said.

   "There will be such a thing. This is the first time that I have delivered so many children," said the midwife.

  "Don't talk about you, this is my first time." Guo Xiang said.

   So he opened the woman’s second uterus and took the child out. She was a daughter, but much stronger than that boy.

  Xu Wei held the child in front of the woman, "Look at it, boys and girls?"

  The woman glanced weakly, "It's a girl."

   "Yes." Xu Wei smiled, "Congratulations, you have all your children!"

  The woman grinned, but she still couldn’t believe that she actually gave birth to another one. A month later, she gave birth to a daughter?

  Who would believe it?

  Guo Xiang then sutures the woman's uterus and then the belly.

  Xu Wei took the child out, and the man looked at it excitedly. He really gave birth to another child?

   "Congratulations, mother and daughter are safe, this time is a girl!" Xu Wei smiled.

  "Thank you, thank you, doctor!" The man happily embraced the child. He had both sons and daughters, and he was blessed.

   "By the way, your son doesn't seem to be in good health. He has been sent to the pediatrics department." Xu Wei said.

"Have my son come here too?" The man froze for a moment. The woman kept saying that she would take the child to the hospital for a visit. Wait a few days.

   "Is it serious?" the man asked hurriedly.

   "I don't know the situation very well, it should not be very serious. You can go to the pediatrics department for questions later." Xu Wei said.

  "Thank you, doctor!" The man nodded hurriedly.

  Not long after the woman was pushed out, the man hurriedly stepped forward, "Daughter-in-law, you have worked hard!"

  Women smile, it’s worth making her husband care so much.

  Guo Xiang warned about postpartum matters, a woman’s body is special, so she should pay special attention to it.

  The man nodded repeatedly, saying that he would return to the construction site and call his cousin to help take care of him. The money owed to the hospital would be borrowed and returned immediately.

  Guo Xiang, seeing people so honest, quietly told Xu Wei to reduce or exempt a small amount of fees. It is not easy for migrant workers to go out, and all they make are hard money.

    Tell me, this is a real case. I saw it accidentally on TV. I remember it was from Henan TV.



  (End of this chapter)

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