Reborn Wolf Cub

Chapter 35: Extra--Yokaiten

    Before Yu Haitian held a funeral for Yu Lang, everyone who knew Yu Haitian knew that Yu Haitian's son was dead.

    At a time when many people have put Yu Haitian's son's funeral on the agenda, Yu Haitian has buried Yu Lang, he did not notify anyone to say goodbye to Yu Lang, even his wife , Yu Lang's nominal mother buried him in a cemetery that only he knew without saying a word.

    What a willful child Yu Lang is, he can hate to the extreme, but also love to the extreme, Yu Haitian doesn't know whether he loves him or hates him, he knows that Yu Lang doesn't want to see There were many people, so he buried it in a place no one knew, but he didn't know if Yu Lang wanted to see him.

    Yu Lang may not want to see him, but he will never see the child who will call him Dad again and again, how sad he is, even if he is now facing Yu Lang's tombstone , Yu Lang didn't like to see him, and he couldn't take care of Yu Lang's wishes. He would probably be unhappy if he lay on the ground and saw that he didn't like people?

    In just two short days, Yu Haitian felt that he wanted to die. Perhaps, only when he lay beside the child would he not be so sad.

    Yu Haitian still remembers what Yu Lang looked like when he was a child, when he held him in his arms for the first time, his eyes were looking at him, and he was hungry, holding his fingers and grinding his teeth, When he can crawl, he likes to crawl on his head, dragging his hair and stuffing it into his mouth. For this reason, he cut his hair short. As a result, the child who is not sensible will grow his mouth and cry in grievance. He sees.

      He likes Yu Lang so much, he can change his diaper, feed him milk, urinate on himself, pull on him, he can take him to wash his ass, take a bath for himself, he lets himself His nostrils were filled with the scent of milk, and he would lie on his chest, staring at his decorative **** and drooling...

    He has never been angry with Yu Lang, he enjoys everything Yu Lang brings to him.

    He loves him so much, and he once thought that Yu Lang also loves himself so much more than anyone else.

    Yu Lang loves An Huilan more than him.

    He raised a woman outside and had children outside, he didn't think he was sorry for An Huilan's nominal wife, he never decided to be loyal to An Huilan, An Huilan also understood this , Without the oath of loyalty, how can we talk about betrayal.

    He never betrayed An Huilan, maybe a little bit betrayed the child who believed with all his heart. Like a wolf cub, he aborted a pregnant woman.

    Yu Lang was sad because he betrayed their mother and son, and he was also sad, because most of Yu Lang's sadness was because he felt that he had betrayed An Huilan, not himself.

    There are a lot of women outside, Yu Lang begged An Huilan to divorce him, the child didn’t understand that not everyone likes relationships like him, they prefer a good life and spend extravagantly Money, maybe that's what makes that kid fascinating. He naively thought that An Huilan would rather endure herself than divorce herself because of feelings.


    —Yu Lang, that's his child, no matter how his blood was raised, he raised him, he devoted all his affection to him, Yu Lang called him father, then this was his Child, this child is his and must be his.

    No one can stop him from becoming Yu Lang's father, but blood prevents him from becoming Yu Lang's man.

    When he knew that he had a desire for Yu Lang, he thought Yu Lang was his child. He never doubted this. If Yu Lang could bear this surname, it had already been confirmed , is the DAN identification made by his father, Yu Lang's grandfather.

      , even if he hates himself now, but he also understands that Yu Lang is always in love with him, he can't take this step, when Yu Lang is still so young, at least he has to wait for Yu Lang to grow up.

    He doesn't know how long he can endure, he will be watching Yu Lang tomorrow, he hopes Yu Lang grows up as soon as possible, he cultivates a relationship with him, he is waiting for him.

    He never thought that when he was patient in every way, when he restrained himself and waited, this child actually chose another man, his cousin Rong Yueze, Yu Lang What is the difference between Rong Yueze, Yu Lang and himself? gender? Bloodline? it's the same.

    Then why Yu Lang could fall in love with Rong Yueze but not himself.

    The first time he hit Yu Lang, he was not punished for kneeling or standing, but he really beat him, Yu Lang knelt on the ground and beat him with a whip himself, he knelt down He let himself fight on the ground, didn't run, didn't hide, and after that, it was really painful, he begged himself in a low voice, calling him loudly, "Dad, dad, I hurt..."

    His heart also hurts, this child is so small, but even such a small child, he will already choose another man, so why let him wait, this time, Yu Lang Must love him, not as a father, but as his man.

    He cleaned Yu Lang's wound, his back was punched with blood, and his handkerchief was stained with his blood, he needed to do DNA again.

    That was the time, he didn't think there would be a second answer, he just thought that since he felt he was going down this road, he needed to cut something, he didn't make a decision At times, blood is his resistance, and when he makes a decision, this blood will keep him moving forward.

    Of course, he got the DNA report of Yu Lang and him, and as it should be, he checked the DNA several times, Yu Lang and An Huilan, An Huilan and Kang Hui Yes, Kang Hui's and Kang Ning, as well as Kang Ning and Yu Lang's, several DNA reports were placed in front of him. There was no evidence, and he almost guessed the truth twenty years ago.

    They made him miss Yu Lang, just a little bit, but fortunately it was not too late, he almost screamed in the sky, and he was glad that he and Yu Lang did not have any blood relationship. Yu Lang is delighted, he must let Yu Lang accept him, he doesn't accept rejection, he has no blood relationship, Yu Lang can accept it a little easier, it also means that maybe he won't taste more of his own means, he doesn't want to make Yu Lang sad .

    As for Rong Yueze, he didn't take that person seriously. Even if Yu Lang loves him now, it doesn't mean anything. Their emotional foundation is too weak. Love is fragile and vulnerable, and they can't even use the word love between them.

    He must clear the obstacle to getting Yu Lang, whether it is Rong Yueze or Yu Lang himself.

    He deliberately disclosed those DNA copies to Yu Lang, of course, he changed the date, he misunderstood Yu Lang, he knew that Yu Lang was not his child, not just now, but five years ago.

    He knows Yu Lang, in the hardest shell, he has the softest heart, he is his biological father, his betrayal of his family can make his feelings for himself change from love to Hate, but once he knows that he is not his biological father, then all his bad will become his good.

    What a beautiful misunderstanding, Yu Lang's love and guilt for himself will become his weight to win his love, and such a child who longs for love like fish likes water, in addition to loving himself, Who else can he love.

    He locked Yu Lang in Yu's house and let him recuperate. Of course, these can also be called house arrest. He didn't care, he just felt that Yu Lang needed him by his side now, and he wanted to make sure his Emotions, he had to stay under his own eyes during the time he accepted the shock, and he didn't want Yu Lang to see Rong Yueze again, but Yu Lang avoided people and ran out of Yu's house.

    Then, he got Yu Lang's body.

    How sad he is, what he lost is not a child, but his life, that child has all his family, love, and affection, he wants to go with him, this kind of deep In the mood of despair and the world collapsing, he locked himself in the house, did not eat or drink, he did not have the idea of ​​suicide in his mind, it was his heart that made him unable to eat anything.

    "I found it." Many people can't understand Yu Haitian's mood now, they can only see that Yu Haitian has died of a son, let alone more than one son of Yu Haitian, the only one who died is One of his sons, even if all Yu Haitian's sons are dead, Yu Haitian is in his prime, if he wants, he can have countless sons, only Peng Tao, who is always by his side, as long as he knows Yu Lang What does his death mean to Yu Haitian, it's not just his most beloved son, that child is Yu Haitian's life, his first half of his life has been given to that child, and the rest of his life will be buried with that child's death Peng Tao couldn't open his mouth to comfort Yu Haitian, and he couldn't let a person have the desire to live after losing his life. He only hoped that Yu Haitian could get through it by himself. He helped him to spread Yu Haitian's despair. Spirit, "I asked someone to check Yu Shao's car, and the brakes were broken..."

    It seems that Yu Lang took away all his feelings and sent him to the dark underground, Yu Haitian's mind was blank, but this sentence still made him read into his mind, he suddenly He raised his head, the violent movement seemed to break his neck, he opened his mouth, he thought he was shouting, but in fact he did not make any sound, Peng Tao repeated it at full speed, and then said: "The opponent's movements are very clean, I need time..."

    Yu Haitian stared at an unknown place for a long time, and was silent for a long time. For a long time, Peng Tao thought that Yu Haitian would not speak again. Cold sweat broke out on his palm. He was very nervous. If he can't make Yu Haitian normal, he thinks, the next thing he should do is to find a cemetery for Yu Haitian, no, maybe he doesn't even need to find a cemetery, he just needs to buy a shovel and die in Yu Haitian When the time came, he buried Yu Haitian beside Yu Lang.

    Peng Tao was having fun, Yu Haitian finally opened his mouth, he didn't drink water for a long time, his voice was hoarse, he only said one sentence: "Langlang, how did he run out?"

    "I'll check." Peng Tao was silent for a while, then said immediately.

    "No need!" Yu Haitian stayed there, motionless, he opened his mouth, and said coldly, "Go to a good mental hospital and send An Huilan there tomorrow."

    This is a very absurd order, even Peng Tao thinks that Yu Haitian's brain is broken, he can see what kind of feelings Yu Haitian has for Yu Lang, and that's what makes him feel absurd, Yu Haitian loves Yu Lang so much, sometimes Yu Haitian looks at Yu Lang and makes him frightened. The scary level makes him worry at night. Maybe Yu Haitian went to possess his own son that night. He had thought about how he would minimize the loss of Yu Haitian's reputation if something happened, but Yu Lang had just died, and Yu Haitian was going to send his biological mother to a mental hospital?

    For a moment, Peng Tao was really shivering. What he was most afraid of was not sending An Huilan to a mental hospital, but he was worried that it was Yu Haitian who should be admitted to the mental hospital. Said: "Ma'am, it seems... it seems... in good spirits." It seems that there is no problem.

    "No, she's already crazy." Yu Haitian hates himself and An Huilan, and she bears the brunt of An Huilan. She brought Yu Lang to his side, and she made Yu Lang resented himself, but also her... Only she could do it. If it weren't for her, how could Yu Lang hide from the bodyguard and run out of the Yu family's mansion. If he didn't run out, he wouldn't die.

    He doesn't know about the brakes, does An Huilan have any part in it, he can't wait for evidence, he doesn't need evidence, he only knows that except An Huilan, no one has the ability to do this It's impossible for Yu Lang to run out of the Yu family's mansion alone. Even if she didn't do the braking, it was her who killed Yu Lang.

    Peng Tao read the DNA reports and stayed silent for a long time. He still underestimated Yu Haitian's heartache. He didn't want to say it, but Yu Lang died at a wrong time. He died when he was not his own son, Yu Haitian would not be so sad, they were only a stone’s throw away, but the moment Yu Haitian raised his hand, at this moment, Yu Lang died, and hope fell into despair after that. The abyss of despair.

    He didn't know that there was such a **** thing in the world. Sure enough, art comes from life. "According to this direction, I will check, and I will find evidence."

    "I can't wait so long." He wanted An Huilan to be in **** immediately, "I don't want to see her again."

    Peng Tao is gone, he doesn't need to check, he also believes that the person who assisted Yu Lang to run out of the house must be An Huilan, but he does not believe that a person or a woman can be so cruel At this level, even if it is not his own, he should have feelings after being raised for 20 years. Yu Lang may not be good, but he is really good to his mother, and the stone should be warmed up, just for his own sake. How could it possibly kill his son to pave the way?

    It would be cruel to let a normal person spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital if he just let Yu Lang run away from Yu's house.

    An Huilan begged Peng Tao and met Yu Haitian before being sent to the mental hospital.

    Yu Haitian was eating at that time, he didn't want to eat before, and he doesn't want to eat now, but he couldn't find a reason to eat before, and now there is a reason.

    An Huilan entered the door and sat opposite Yu Haitian, watching Yu Haitian's dishes, Kung Pao chicken, fish-flavored pork, sweet and sour pork loin, sweet and sour pork ribs..., Yu Haitian Yu Lang likes sweets, these are what Yu Lang likes to eat, and even Yu Lang has never put all sweets in a meal, it will get boring.

    An Huilan sat opposite for a long time without speaking, maybe in the next second Yu Haitian will find someone to throw her into a mental hospital, her face is also very calm, if it is normal, Yu Haitian will appreciate this kind of calmness. She is a stupid woman with ability. She can endure the separation of mother and son for decades, and she acts all the time to everyone. It is her stupidity to switch her own child to another woman's side.

    "Are you going to send me to a mental hospital? You know I'm not crazy." An Huilan said slowly.

    "You're crazy." Yu Haitian was eating a piece of sweet and sour pork loin, which Yu Lang likes to eat, and the degree to which he likes it is second only to grilled fish.

    "Yes, you say I am crazy, then I must be crazy, as long as you say I am crazy, then all people will think I am crazy, no one will refute you, and no one will Say a word for me." An Huilan has long understood the power of power. From the time she saw Yu Haitian, she saw power in this man. She was very precocious and knew what she needed very early. That's right, the only thing she did wrong was maybe that day, she shouldn't have replaced the two children, maybe it was her biological son, not Yu Lang, who was favored by Yu Haitian, and she wouldn't send Yu Lang to die. .

    "No, at least Kang Hui will speak for you." Yu Haitian nodded lightly, "If he doesn't stand up, then I will be very disappointed."

    In an instant, An Huilan's face showed indescribable stunned, deep panic, her hands were shaking, she could hardly find her own voice, she finally knew why Yu Haitian To send her to the mental hospital, she is Yu Lang's mother, she let Yu Lang out, that is the heart of a loving mother, she is not Yu Lang's mother, then Yu Haitian will suspect that she is deliberately wanting Yu Lang's life, the more Yu Haitian loves Yu Lang, the more he will hate her.

    How much does Yu Haitian love Yu Lang? He didn't give up on Yu Lang after he got together with the man. He locked up Yu Lang. In An Huilan's view, it was an expectation. Yu Haitian still wanted to train Yu Lang.

    If Yu Haitian can love Yu Lang a little less, Yu Lang is no longer a threat, she will not start.

    "It's all your fault, Yu Haitian, why do you like Yu Lang so much, these are all wrong, they have been wrong since twenty years ago, you should marry Kang Ning, take Xiaohui Hold it in the palm of your hand and wait for Xiaohui to grow up..."

    "Then you go to Kang Hui and become the mother of the Yu family heir directly?" Yu Haitian laughed ironically, An Huilan was innocent and pitiful, stupid and hateful, just because she didn't know how many years later For the sake of a bright future that may not be realized, she can give up her child, and then Yu Lang became a joke, his Yu Lang!

    The abacus may be successful, but she did not expect that the child born by Kang Ning was not his Yu Haitian at all. Without coming to him, he also thought that the child she gave birth was not his, after all, it was just one night.

    He did not marry Kang Ning, Kang Hui did not appear until more than ten years later.

    "I didn't think so deeply at the time, I was too young, and when I was pregnant, all I thought was to give birth, so I found a place to hide. I gave birth to the child, and what I thought was that the Yu family must recognize my child, so I took the child and went to find your father." These things had been in her heart for a long time, and she could only think for herself, not Talking to anyone, she didn't even dare to spit out a word in her dream. Now that Yu Haitian knows, she is no longer afraid.

    "I won the bet, old people like children, your father has done a paternity test, he likes his grandson very much, he said he will take the child into Yu's family and take good care of him, he recognized it Child, but he is not ready to recognize my daughter-in-law. She is not satisfied with me, so what should I do? I was very panicked at the time, but I knew that I couldn't keep the child. If I leave it, I will have nothing! "Twenty years later, An Huilan can still feel the cold, unconscious pain all over her body.

    "I took the child away, the child was sick, I didn't even have the money to buy some medicine for the child, I saw Kang Ning in the hospital, that is your girlfriend, your future Fiancee, your future wife, oh, it's a coincidence that our children are about the same age, I know that child is yours, how good that child is, it will be reborn, and it will definitely dress well in the future, eat well, be raised The white and fat ones will be better in the future.

    The Yu family and the Kang family are such a good match, you will marry her in the future, and your children will have everything. I thought, my children must have that kind of life and future.

    I didn't do it on purpose. I had no money, no power, and no one to help me. It was a coincidence at that time. My child was sick, and Corning's child was born weak. We In the same hospital, it happened that they looked alike, and I thought, maybe God wants me to change the fate of my child, I did nothing wrong, I am a mother, I want to make my child better, Am I wrong! It was God who put the opportunity in front of me, and Kang Ning didn't even recognize his own child. This is God's will! "

    That's because Corning had no expectations for that child. She wanted my child, but she gave birth to someone else's child. She was too lazy to look at that child. The woman, he thought she had at least a little bit of guilt for the child, but no, not at all, she never even thought about it, she was unfair to the child, she was even more hateful than Corning, Corning is crazy because of feelings , at least she didn't go crazy to the end, after a moment of disgust, she loved Kang Hui from beginning to end, and An Huilan, she never had feelings for Yu Lang.

    "You hate Lang Lang!"

    "Why don't I hate him, he occupies my son's place, if it weren't for him, you should like Xiaohui, and the person you grew up with should also be Xiaohui, he Take everything from Xiaohui." She hugged the person who went to find Yu Haitian, it should be Kang Hui, then their family will live happily together.

    Yu Haitian won't say anything more, he doesn't ask An Huilan why he doesn't think about what Kang Hui took away from Yu Lang, and he doesn't want to confirm if he sees Yu Lang, will he be the same? I like it, Yu Lang is no more, and An Huilan is really crazy, "So, you killed him?"

     "Yes, who let him get in my son's way!" An Huilan said loudly with her neck clenched.

    "Does Kang Hui know?"

    "No, how would he know, I won't let him get these." An Huilan answered quickly to hide her panic.

    Yu Haitian saw it, his pupils shrank for a moment, he coughed twice, forcibly swallowed the fishy smell in his mouth, he knew, Yu Lang's death must have a share of Kang Hui, maybe It was knowledge, maybe it was participation, or it was a friendship show, or it was the mastermind. If it wasn't for Yu Lang when he went, he bumped into him Kang Hui and Rong Yueze rolled on the bed, and his emotions would not be so excited. The speed of the car would not be that fast. Maybe his brakes were damaged in the Yu family's mansion, or more likely, when he was going upstairs, the brakes were damaged in the parking lot below Rong Yueze's house.

      Maybe Yu Lang won't die after one, are they afraid that Yu Lang can't die, not only broke his brakes, but also stimulated him to race, this is a conspiracy.

    He will not let them go, even if Kang Hui is his son, he will not let him go, he will let him go, let alone him, Kang Hui must give it to that child At the funeral, his heart was ruthless, and An Huilan was shocked when she saw it. She knew that Yu Haitian was beginning to doubt, there would be no evidence, he could not find evidence, but Yu Haitian did not need evidence, as long as he suspected, he could do a lot of things , She finally got a little excited, "Yu Haitian, you can't hurt him, he is your son."

    "Of course, I won't kill my son." Yu Haitian thinks he is not a beast, he has a better idea, "Tomorrow, I will return your son to you, I will tell T All the people in the city, Kang Hui is your son, my legitimate son."

      The family will not divide the property. Except for the head of the Yu family, other people are either dependent or work **** their own. The children born in wedlock are the first heirs of the family, and even when they get married, part of the property will be transferred to his name. Down.

      , There will definitely be more than five people who want the Yu family. They want the Yu family, and the person closest to the Yu family is Kang Hui.

    Yu Lang was protected by him, but Kang Hui was not there. When someone stepped on him, he would even applaud him. He was very curious, how long Kang Hui would last, but he You know, Kang Hui will never be happy in this life, he will give power to other sons, so that Kang Hui can't sleep well.

    This is his punishment for Kang Hui.

    An Huilan was dizzy for a while, Yu Haitian was going to cut her back, he would not let Kang Hui rescue her, and... her son, she couldn't help begging, " Yu Haitian, you can't treat him like this!"

    "I can." Yu Haitian's heart is sad, he is sad for the child, An Huilan loves Kang Hui so much, but why doesn't she love Yu Lang? Divide a little bit, Yu Lang...he won't die.

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