Reborn Wolf Cub

Chapter 36: grow up

    In the afternoon, when I found out that Yu Haitian was back and Rong Yueze brought Kang Hui to apologize, Yu Lang had to go down and have a look.

    Kang Hui came to him to apologize, he had to go down and appreciate it. It is not easy for Kang Hui to apologize to him. The adoptive mother Kang Ning is even more. Anyway, the truth is on their side. The earth absolutely revolves around them. The same is true for Kang Hui. He only sees the places where others feel sorry for him, and never looks at it. Where is he sorry for others? , it was this **** who knew in his previous life that he was not Kang Ning's biological son. When Kang Ning insisted on treating him as his own son, and he had to give the Kang family to him, he didn't even take it hot. The reason was that it was given to him by his mother. Yes, he has to, don't be so **** sad!

    When he saw Kang Hui and Rong Yueze lying on the same bed, he wasn't so disgusting, but when he heard Kang Hui's "heart words", he almost didn't spit it out.

    My God, Yu Lang felt that he was self-sufficient enough, but he didn't expect that a mountain was higher than a mountain. Compared to himself, Kang Hui was more like a spoiled child, but Kang Hui He also often put on a face of "Yu Lang, you are spoiled", Kang Hui stole so many things from him, and he dared to have the face to feel that he was at a loss, and he wanted to take it back.

    Bah! Sure enough, the dragon gives birth to the dragon and the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix, and the rat gives birth to burrows by nature. This looks like the seed of An Huilan. Of course, his mother Kang Ning can't let go too much. Enzhong, compared to Kang Huilai, his own son was born from his stepmother, not hers.

    Well, he didn't pay, at least in Yu Haitian, he was more popular than Kang Hui.

    Hey, Yu Lang doesn't know who is more unlucky than Kang Hui. On the surface, his own mother Kang Ning regards Kang Hui as his son, Kang Hui's father regards himself as his own son, The two of them are half a mile, but in fact, Yu Lang still feels that Kang Hui is taking advantage of himself. Kang Hui's two mothers have also added a father, and they are Yu Haitian. Moreover, Kang Ning can give Kang Hui all the Kang family, but Yu Lang has never He never thought that he would be able to get Yu Haitian's inheritance, that is, he was thick-skinned, and he didn't know which of them would die first.

    Besides, he knew that Kang Ning knew that Kang Hui was not his own son, so she still regarded Kang Hui as her own son, and Yu Haitian wasn't sure yet.

    Kang Hui took advantage of his relationship and his family property. If he was Kang Hui, he would have laughed secretly while covering the quilt.

    Yu Lang really wanted to pity Kang Hui, a child without a father, but who would pity him.

    How pitiful are you, and I am pitiful? You have two mothers. My mother treats you as her own son, and my stepmother treats you as her own son. The Kang family is yours, what about me? Father and mother don't love, just Yu Haitian, and I don't know when Yu Haitian knew that he was not his son, their father-son relationship broke up, - not broken in the previous life, does not mean that this life will not break - I have a good life One day less, is it easy for me, I, you dare to rob my father!

    Yu Lang didn't feel guilty at all for digging a hole for Kang Hui. It was right to file a complaint in front of Yu Haitian. He was righteous in the face of Kang Hui, so he went to see Kang Hui and apologize to him.

    Yu Haitian disagreed, "You're still hurt, and you just had a fever."

    Yu Haitian sat next to Yu Lang facing a computer and gave Yu Lang a novel on the bed. Besides going to the toilet, Yu Lang wanted to get up, so he put it back into the quilt and listened to Kang Hui came, and Yu Lang finally found a good time. He had to go down to find out the reality of the enemy. The first contact between Yu Haitian and Kang Hui had to be under his nose, and he had to follow him to see, "Dad , I hurt the head, not the foot."

    Yu Lang grabbed Yu Haitian's clothes and wouldn't let him go, "I'm going too, Kang Hui is here to apologize to me, if I don't go, Kang Hui thinks I won't forgive him. "

    Yu Haitian is depressed, this child is not sensible, the one below is the one who beat him, what is the use of giving him such a big face, how good it is to let that person come up and apologize to him , if it wasn't for his nephew Rong Yueze's friend, he would have educated the man who broke his son's head long ago. If it wasn't for the adults being embarrassed to care about the younger generation, how could he let them in.

    Yu Haitian touched Yu Lang's head, "You don't have to go down, don't be too polite."

    "I'm going to have a look." Yu Lang grabbed Yu Haitian's neck, climbed up on Yu Haitian's back and begged, "Dad, let me have a look, I have seen it before. People apologize to me, Dad, tell me, will he bend down in a while?"

    Yu Haitian smiled and flicked Yu Lang's forehead, "Children's temper, okay, then you can't make trouble."

    Yu Haitian confirmed that Yu Lang was okay, and added some clothes to Yu Lang before taking Yu Lang downstairs. Rong Yueze and Kang Hui were sitting on the sofa, Kang Hui seemed a little uncomfortable, Yu Lang looked left and right, hey, An Huilan wasn't here, she ran away after such a good opportunity to see her own son! !

    "Where's mom?" Yu Lang leaned into Yu Haitian's ear and asked in a low voice.

    Yu Haitian also knew that Yu Lang was looking for An Huilan. Yu Lang was usually not close to An Huilan, but her mother was her mother. Yu Lang was disappointed and explained, "Your mother's shop is a little busy, and your father is with you."

    Yu Lang understood. When he came out of the hospital, An Huilan went to the store. Yu Haitian didn't see her when he came back yesterday. The reason she gave to Yu Haitian must be that the store was busy. , It's impossible to be busy in this store for a whole day, so today she just wants to wait at home and wait to see Kang Hui, she must go to the store and continue to work.

      It's a mistake, God has tricked her, Yu Lang only suspects that God doesn't like An Huilan's eye, today's stupid thing, he not only doubts An Huilan's luck, he simply doubts An Huilan's IQ, look , What is she doing? Can't she think more about it when she speaks?

    Yu Lang guessed wrong, Kang Hui didn't come to apologize, they bought some nutritional products for Yu Lang, they came to visit Yu Lang, Kang Hui felt that if he hadn't knocked on Yu Lang's head He didn't use it this time, but he didn't feel that he was wrong. If he gave him another chance, he had to knock a few more times.

    Rong Yueze introduced Kang Hui, "Xiao Lang, Kang Hui didn't do it on purpose."

    Yu Lang sat next to Yu Haitian, squatting on the sofa, yes, Kang Hui didn't mean it, but he definitely did it on purpose. He's so powerful, I hate him so much, he touched the bandage on his head and smiled, "It's nothing, it's just a beer bottle, the doctor said that you can't even see a scar after a few days, so let's count it. I don't know each other anymore."

    Speaking, he stretched out his hand to represent understanding, he has to show Yu Haitian how sensible he is, absolutely brother and brother, no matter how he and Kang Hui fight , Yu Haitian doesn't have a good intention of taking his own side.

    Seeing that Yu Lang is so easy to be fine, Rong Yueze breathed a sigh of relief, he knew Yu Lang's temper, and he also knew that this beer bottle Kang Hui was really wrong. When he came, he I was afraid that Yu Lang would make trouble. Unexpectedly, Yu Lang also has a sensible time. He looked at Yu Lang and smiled, and brought over the things they bought, "I bought you the longan you like, I heard you like to eat."

    Seeing Rong Yue defend Kang Hui so much, Yu Lang felt more and more that he and Kang Hui had an affair. Before, Rong Yueze hadn't even mentioned to him what they knew, and he still kept I thought it was because of me that Rong Yueze and Kang Hui would know each other, but now it seems that these two are a pair of traitor, husband, prostitute, and woman who have been hooked up long ago!

    Here Yu Lang was unhappy because he thought about the bad things in the past, and Kang Hui watched Yu Haitian and Rong Yueze peeling longan for Yu Lang, and he also Not too happy.

    Yu Lang didn't eat Rong Yueze's longan, wouldn't he peel it himself if he wanted to eat it? Yu Haitian was in his mouth.

    Seeing Yu Lang like this, Rong Yueze put the peeled longan in front of Kang Hui and did not peel it.

      Lang Lang took a piece of paper, "Don't eat Lang Lang, longan is easy to get angry."

    Yu Lang likes to eat longan, and Yu Haitian controlled him not to eat too much since he was a child. He was reluctant to peel it out, so he discussed with Yu Haitian, "Dad, let me eat five more? I'll drink more water later."

    Speaking, afraid of Yu Haitian's disagreement, while talking, he stuffed three pieces into his mouth, Yu Haitian frowned a little when he saw it, he didn't let Yu Lang eat longan, Longan is not so hot, but Yu Lang likes it endlessly, and he can't stop eating it. When he was a child, he would not let him eat it, so he hid in the bed and ate it. Once, he didn't eat it. Note that Yu Lang ate for half the night, lifted the quilt in the morning, and touched the longan shell and longan core. As a result, the next day, Yu Lang's voice was a little hoarse.

    This child has poor self-control, Yu Haitian finally managed to manage it almost, if there is one, there are two, if there is two, there is three, but these five longan can't be opened, he stretched out his hand , went into Yu Lang's mouth, pulled out the three longan, wiped his mouth for Yu Lang, thought about it, took a new one, and stuffed it into Yu Lang's mouth, "The last one! "

    Yu Lang took the longan, nodded, and was not willing to eat it, so he put it in his mouth.

    Rong Yueze was speechless when he saw the interaction between the two father and son. He always knew that his uncle was very fond of Yu Lang, but after all, he had never seen it with his own eyes, and he didn't know how to be so fond of him. Dad is also very fond of him, but he didn't take such a big Yu Lang like his uncle. Like a three-year-old child, Yu Lang is also very pitiful. He is so old that he doesn't even have the freedom to eat longan. No wonder he is so I like to eat longan.

    However, Rong Yueze had some opinions on Yu Haitian's disciplining of Yu Lang like a three-year-old child, he didn't intervene, but Kang Hui, who took the longan that Rong Yueze peeled to Yu Lang put Yu Lang in front of him, and confronted Yu Haitian to intercede with Yu Lang, "It's all peeled, it's bad if you don't eat it. Yu Lang likes it so much, so uncle will let him eat some more?"

    Yu Haitian and Yu Lang are very dissatisfied with this nosy.

    Yu Haitian felt that when he disciplined his son, it was not his turn to talk to an outsider like Kang Hui. Apologizing is also insincere, let alone bending over. When Yu Lang stretched out his hand, he actually stopped for a few seconds. How wronged his son is. He has grown up so much, and he has never suffered so much grievance on one person. Without saving face for Kang Hui, he asked, "Do you still want to eat Lang Lang?"

    Yu Lang ignored Kang Hui's provocation, ate the longan in his mouth that he had been reluctant to eat, spit out the core, and put the longan he peeled under the coffee table, he promised Yu Haitian is gone, so if you don’t want to eat it, you won’t eat it, “I can save it and eat it tomorrow.”

    Yu Lang used his actions to explain that Kang Hui was a dog and a rat to meddle in his business, Kang Hui's face was not very good-looking, Rong Yueze casually touched Kang Hui with his elbow, He didn't know what was going on with Kang Hui. How could outsiders care about how to educate his son? He didn't look. This is his uncle, he didn't speak. Besides, this was the first time Kang Hui met them.

    Yu Haitian pretended not to see the little movements between them. After listening to Yu Lang, he was not sure whether Rong Yueze and Kang Hui had that kind of relationship. , it will naturally be over by then, as long as it is not Yu Lang who is messing around, even if one of the people who is messing up is his nephew, he is not ready to take care of it, and he asks Kang Hui: "Your mother and I are old acquaintances, we haven't seen each other in all these years. , is your mother okay?"

    This is how he knew that Kang Hui was Kang Ning's son. He was young and frivolous. He had been with Kang Ning for a while, but since Kang Ning left City T, he seldom knew about Kang Ning. All I know is that Kang Ning is married to her adopted brother, the adopted son of the Kang family, and has two children. I didn't expect Kang Ning's children to be so old, and they moved back to T City again.

      He said, "I also heard from my mother, and I didn't know it was your child who hit me. Otherwise, if he hit me, I wouldn't fight back."

    Well, Yu Lang knows the gap between himself and Kang Hui, how sincere he treats people, and he will live a lifetime, he will not have the thick skin to open his eyes and talk nonsense, he thinks he must learn, he He pushed the longan peeled by Rong Yueze to Kang Hui again, "I didn't expect your mother and my father to have such a good relationship, so we are still brothers, but it doesn't matter, even if you beat me, we are still brothers. My family doesn't admit to being born, come, you're welcome, eat!"

    Yu Lang's sentence poked into Kang Hui's heart, Kang Hui grabbed with one hand on the armrest, and his strength turned a little white.

    "Dad, can I invite Kang Hui to play at home in the future?" Yu Lang asked Yu Haitian. As for Yu Haitian's agreement, whether he invited Kang Hui to come is another matter. He had to tell Kang Hui that this was his home.

    Yu Haitian nodded, he didn't like Kang Hui, but it was rare for Yu Lang to like him, except for some necessary things that he felt would hurt Yu Lang, and other little things, he always followed Yu Lang, not to mention , This is under his own eyes. Kang Hui has no chance to spoil Yu Lang. He said to Kang Hui, "When you are free, you can come and play. Lang Lang is boring at home alone."

    Yu Haitian feels that Kang Hui is different from Rong Yueze, some of Rong Yueze's bad faults are harmless, and he protects Yu Lang, but Kang Hui is different, he likes men, this kind of People who can't stay by Yu Lang's side will be bad if it affects Yu Lang.

    He doesn't like Yu Lang and Kang Hui making friends, but if Yu Lang seems to be on the rise, seems to like him, he would like to invite him to play at home, Yu Haitian thinks Yu Lang invites Kang Hui to come When he was playing at home, he had to watch by the side. It was best if he had a way to make Yu Lang dislike Kang Hui.

    Kang Hui and the others came a little late, when Aunt Wang came to cook, and before they left, Yu Haitian left Kang Hui and Rong Yueze for dinner, "Don't worry, if time It's late, you can stay in Lang Lang's room."

    As soon as these words came out, Yu Lang knew that Kang Hui and the others would not be able to leave today, and Kang Hui wanted to stay. When An Huilan came back at night, she would try her best to stay with Kang Hui, and Kang Hui wanted to live in his room. !

    He will tell Yu Haitian tomorrow that he doesn't like Kang Hui.

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