Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1062, Yunjianjiang

"Nine uncles is really enough, say no shot."

"Zombie" did not expect, to win a super high box office, which is definitely a big happiness on the Bao Chengyuan.

According to the latest news they received, "the best partner" until now, there is no boot now, Mai Jia is now shooting a urban comedy.

Originally, they were afraid of "Zombies" and "Best Components", and the two plays did not take it, and they were happy to celebrate the firecrackers to hang up all day.

But compared to the joy of Jianxun, there is no hierarchy of two people on the meeting room in the conference room.

Hong Jinbao does not think that Lin Daoqiu will be so stupid, whiten is put two such a profitable movie, and he is definitely behind.

And Xu Ke worried that Lin Daoqiu was to start to enhance, is it true to be released?

Too many questions surrounded by the hearts of the two, but Lin Daoqiu did not show up one day, they couldn't get a real answer.

In early September, the Magic Studio welcomed a group of very special guests.

The president of global film and television, Langmei, Dongbao's socialist Songgang Ganggang, Changhong Company Wu Zhen, and the most powerful film from the cold and Southeast Asia.

Lin Daoqiu personally invited these people from all over the world, if they changed to others, there is absolutely no such a big face, and in the Xiangjiang, there is only Lin Daoqi and Shao Yifu to do.

The reason why they have to ask them to Xiangjiang, and Lin Daoqiu is very simple, that is, he took a good film, so I would like to ask them to take a look.

For this drama, Matsuka Congkang is clearly aware of the people. When the ceremony of the Great Valley, Matsuka Gong was also present, so he learned the news from the mouth of the Great Valley.

Langmeye, I have long heard that Lin Daofeng's more than 100 million dollar bills, but because he is far from the Hollywood, there is not much understanding of this drama, only from Lin Daoqiu I know some messages in the mouth.

I didn't expect that this play is really finished. Langmeye and Matsuchang work can't wait to see the legendary film.

In the magic studio, Daxterra has done all preparations.

A drama after making a faster two years, this is definitely a unprecedented challenge for Daxtra.

Every day is burning, and the burning is a real gold and silver. If it is changed to another boss, I am afraid that this drama has already died, or I am going to take it out.

However, Lin Daoqiu is different. He did not reduce the requirements of "Cosla" from his head to the end, which was able to make Daxtra played all their imagination to this play.

Previously, Lin Daoqiu had already spend a screening hall in the magic studio, using the most advanced screening equipment from abroad, the decoration is very luxurious, and even the chair is a leather seat customized from Italy. .

After all, it is not only a "Cosla" drama, but will have more excellent special effects in the future will be the first round of demo.

"Mr. Lin," Costla "voted so much money, can you really come back?"

On the way in front of the showroom, Song Caoyang is curious to look at Lin Daoqiu.

A play of more than 100 million dollars, this is what he didn't even want to think.

However, for the autumn of Lindao, more than 100 million US dollars can take "Cosla" movie, which is very cost-effective at this time.

"If you just just return to this, why should I waste so much strength, like this year I am going to be released in Hollywood, the spending cost is not as exaggerated as" Cosla "."

If Lin Daoqi is really worried about "Cosla" will lose money, how can he take so much money, take so much time to shoot a drama.

He can make money like "Ancient Tomb Raise" or "Mummy" like "Ancient Tomb Raise".

"Your idea, I really can't understand. If it is my words, don't say it is 100 million US dollars, it is a $ 50 million, I can't get it."

Matsuka Gong managed Dongbao, which is already a strong movie company in neon.

But even this kind of movie company in neon is in a huge-level, Matsuka Congkang will not take out $ 50 million to take a movie, which is too extravagant to them.

Perhaps because of "Cosla", I have been released in neon. For this play Songguang, I can't shoot any new tricks. However, he will never say it in the autumn of Lin Dao. of.

"When you read" Costla ", you will not have this idea."

Lin Daoqiu smiled and looked very confident.

At the same time as he and the Song Caoyang, Li Mao Wen and Fang Jian have already entered the philosophy of the magic studio.

Langmeye came late, he came directly to the autumn of Lin Dao.

The president of Global Film is the most respectful place in the scene. He is sitting next to the autumn of Lin Dao, and there will be no more saying half.

"Fortunately, you remember to invite me, otherwise I didn't catch the premiere of this play, I will hate you hate."

Compared with the worry of Matsuoka, Langmey looks more about the autumn of Lindao.

For investment of more than 100 million US dollars, such a thing is definitely a party in other places, even if it is in Hollywood, it is also a big news that can cause huge sensation.

As the president of the Global Film, Langmeye and Lindao Qiu Qiu Qiu Qiu Qi's good relationship, let him see this "Costla" more step more than others.

"I plan to release Christmas this drama."

Lin Daoqiu turned his head and Langmeya tied to the "Cosla" release time.

In fact, this year's schedule, Langmey has pre-left to Lin Daoqiu's "Cosla".

Only, this drama is a level of movie, Langmey, to come to the conclusion.

If you really shoot very well, after returning to the company, you must have more screens to "Cosla".

Even Langmeye has begun in fantasy, waiting until the "Cosla" release, maybe it can also set off a wind wave like the "Star Wars".

"No problem, the schedule has been reserved for you, now I just want to take a look, this" Costla "is so powerful."

Langmeye is very clear about the strength of Lin Daoqiu, but as for this "Cosla", I have seen it later.

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