Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1063 Real Special Effects Movies

For Xiangjiang Movies, the best effects of the top special effects are " " that belongs to the new Oriental.

Its amazing degree is almost, and it has reached the special effects of the special effects "Mummy" taken before Lin Daoqiu.

It is best to know that the production fee of this drama is only 40 million Hong Kong dollars.

However, it is very satisfied that Lin Daoqiu is already very satisfied, and "Xianjian Qixia Chuan" also got a good box office, but also earned a little in the sale.

The representative works of special effects movies in these years, "Star Wars", "Mummy", "Alien E.T", "Silver Wing Killer", "Ghost Dead Team" and so on.

It can be said that so far, the development of special effects movies is still in its infancy, and the core technologies are in the beginning.

In the Asian region, the special effect technology of the magic studio can be described as a diaper, no company can compare with it.

As the "Cosla" created by the magic studio, it will definitely become the most popular representative of this company in the 1980s.

When the lamp in the reflection hall slowed down, the lights on the big screen gradually lit up.

The first appearance is the new Oriental title, a golden sun rises slowly from the water, symbolizing the rise of Oriental movies.

Then, the picture turned, the lens came to a large sea, in the sea of ​​Neon Tokyo, in order to catch back in the port before the typhoon, a solitary ship sailed on the sea.

There is almost no difference in the fragment of people who played to the new Oriental, just some places have made a subtle revision.

After the ship was knocked over, the films in the hall, couldn't help but start, and some people have become O-shaped.

For those who work in movies, watching movies are things that are home to them, and they must see how the quality of the film will be seen when they purchase.

It's not exaggerated, just this small section of "Cosla", I have already shocked them.

"Don't say anything else, this movie atmosphere is very good, I like it very much."

Langmey looked very much like "Costla", even if he only looked at the beginning, he was full of confidence in this play.

"Then I look down, here is the wonderful extent of one percent of" Cosla "this."

Lin Daoqiu looks a very confident look.

If you have seen so many special effects in later generations, this "Costla" that he makes it can only say.

But in this era of 1984, it is not just amazing, it can be true.

And the "Costla" of the Lincao Qiu, and the "Cosla" in the neon side of the neon, can be said to be very different.

One is a model, and how can I find it out, it will not make people feel special shock.

But in the "Cosla" in the autumn of Lincao, when the protagonist Costra came, no one would take it as a model.

After all, the Gossra model, Lin Daoqiu took a few million US dollars to make it, this money can be shot from "Best Partners" and "Zombies".

However, since it spent so much money, the effect of course, of course, the Costra before the neon photographed, is not the same level of creatures.

When the plot came to Costla, it was a sunny day, the sea side of Tokyo, a group of fishermen were fishing.

If you can't see any movement in the calm sea, it is the same, today's good weather has brought them a good mood.

However, at this time, the water pattern on the sea suddenly fluctuated, no one knows what happened, everyone is very curious.

And when they just stood up, I wanted to see what the sea was in the end of the sea, suddenly came out.

Then, a huge sample suddenly slammed from the sea, it was close to 100 meters, and there was a thirty floor of the 30th floor.

Humans are simply a mini in front of it.

And when the Costla appeared, someone else couldn't help but call it.

"My God, what monster is this?"

"God, is this guy really? It is really true? Is it hard to make such a horrible thing?"

Even if this is a movie, some filmmakers have been frightened after seeing Costla.

The advanced screening equipment and three-dimensional surrounding sounds in the semaphore, which makes them feeling the immersive feelings, which is completely uncharged in the movie theater.

"I must let" Cosla "release in the United States this year."

Although it was very confident to Costla, Langmey did not say this.

But when he saw the true body of Cosla, Langmeye is completely scared.

"This is a special effect movie. This is the real Cossra, Mr. Lin, I have served, I was completely broken by you."

Matsuka Gang's eyes are unwilling to move from the screen. He simply loves this Costra, and he realizes that once this drama is released in neon, it will definitely cause huge sensation.

After all, "Costla" is something created by Japan, and combined with such excellent special effects, even if he is not satisfied, it is not more than not to mention that it is a general audience.

For Langmeye and Matsuza, there is such a reaction, and Lin Daoqiu has already expected it, so he did not say anything, but it was a faint smile, it was very installed.

After the end of the "Cosla" screen, all the merchants present in the scene have a strong request, let them see "Costla".

For this drama in the Asian region, Lin Daoqiu does not need to worry about what, now only disclose the problem.

However, this thing does not require Lin Daoqiu, but give Li Mao Wen and Li Guangwei them to deal with it. After all, if so many filmmakers will talk one by one, Lin Daoqiu must not be willing.

When the biggest two market neon and Hollywood forest road have been done, he will do it next, just wait for the money.

Now Lin Daoqiu wants to know, this "Costla" can break the "alien E.t" released in 82 years.

This movie released in 1982, the global box office has won nearly eight billion box office revenue, and the goal of Lin Daoqiu is aiming at this drama.

Once the news of "Cosla" production is announced, it immediately caused a hot discussion in Xiangjiang.

But what kind of movie is this drama, everyone is talking about it.

Because in addition to people within the new Oriental, others have never seen the "Cosla" fragment, this is a movie, everyone is not known.

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