Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1066 Kung Fu superstar

In the screening room of the Global Film Company, Lin Daoqiu, Lin Qingxia, Langmei, and the new propaganda manager Colero is sitting inside.

They are gathered here today, to watch the final clip version of "Ancient Tomb Raise".

This drama forest road can be said to participate in the end of the end, and the last clip is mainly his opinion.

Don't say that it is a Hollywood now, even after the future, there is no way to get the editor after the show.

The story of "Tomb Raidth" in Lincao Autumn is to start from the heroine of this play.

The only little girl forest in the air crash is rescued by a group of mysteries, and she is brought to the lives of foreign countries.

Because the father is a very rich boss, she has lived on the rich life from a small child.

And Lin has been interested in martial arts and firearms, so she has become a master from Xiaobu's.

Behind, because the father's sudden disappearance, Lin went to the completion of the father's study, suddenly found that one of the records was related to himself.

The reason why the plane they ride will be wrecked, it looks like a well-arranged layout.

In order to find the truth, Lin took a few companions, with only the trail, embarked on the journey of looking for puzzle and unlocked her own life.

When Lin Daoqiu wrote "Ancient Tomb Raidth", did not set the plot to set the plot, it looked not to slash.

The most exciting place is naturally the movement scene of this drama. After all, Lin Daoqiu is famous for the start of Hollywood.

All the movements of the "Tomb Raidth" are all designed by Yuan Heping and Yuanjiaban.

It has been working with Lin Daoqiu, Yuan Heping is more and more adapt to the style of Lin Daoqiu, simple and efficient, gorgeous, and the action is absolutely unable to drag the water.

And as the action film evolution, the shooting of the gun battle should also be improved.

Just just playing, the audience will inevitably have visual fatigue, so adding gorgeous gun battles is also necessary.

The most exciting place in this "Tomb Raidth", or the final decisive land, in order to make this palace, Daxterla can be said to be a brain juice.

Under the efforts of Shaw's scenes and Daxtra team, a lifelike underground palace, this appears in the movie scene.

Because the "Tomb Raidth" has been taken in Chiang Mai in Thailand, this area is easy to think that Lincaoqiu is not running to the underground Huangling in Thailand.

"Mr. Lin, is this an area really exist?"

Corro looked very curious about this, because he couldn't see it, this place is actually Lin Daoqiu them set up.

"Mr. Colero, do you think I will be bold to get to the royal house running to Thailand to take these things?"

Lincao Qiu smiled and shook his head, he felt that the guy named Colero is too cute.

But let Lindaoqiu did not expect that Corro immediately after hearing his answer, his eyes were immediately large.

"Mr. Lin, you won't really take it to the Thai Gencown Termine to shoot? You are too big."

Listening to Corro said, Lin Dao Qiu suddenly speechless.

Or the Lin Qingxia next to it will help answer.

"Mr. Colero, in fact, this play is taken in Xiangjiang, this area is the magic studio and some of the scenery."

After listening to Lin Qingxia, Corro suddenly realized.

If it is not the other party, Corrob will really think that this area is true because it is too real.

At this point, the female protagonist on the screen is standing in a huge stone and fights those monsters.

Colero is watching the eyes, and Langmey, next to it is also a taste of Jinjin.

Although the special effects of this drama is not much, this is only compared to "Cosla".

Compared with the Hollywood movie, "Tomb Raidth" is definitely a moving movie with a face.

Especially in the movie, when Laura opened a special arms box, all kinds of weapons were installed, from pistols to the RPG rocket tube.

The coolest picture is the heroine holding the RPG rocket tube, and a gun will drill the opponent's enemy, and it can be blinded.

After the "Tomb Raidth" is overcast, the magic studio and Colero can't help but start.

The extent of this play is far from the moving movies they have seen before.

Moreover, "Impossible Mission" that is "impossible task" before Lin Qingxia can say that it has been improved.

"I feel that when I propagated next week, I can use the heroine to pick up the rpg of RPG. I believe that more viewers will be attracted to watch."

Before Lin Qingxia took "mummy", there was no action play in it, so this time "Tomb Raise" can be said to meet the desire of many viewers who want to see Lin Qingxia.

After all, "impossible tasks" At the beginning of Hollywood, it sold a very good box office. Many spectators have passed this drama to know Lin Qingxia.

The so-called three years of grinding swords, this "Tomb Raidth" will definitely let Lin Qingxia's popularity in Hollywood.

And Lin Qingxia is also a role in "Cosla", although the drama is not too much, but Lin Daoqiu wants to let her show a face.

After all, the protagonist of this "Cosla" is Costla, and Lin Daoqiu does not want others to grab its head. Although there is no star in this time, there will be no stars to grab the wind of Cosla.

As the new promotion manager of the Global Film, Corrob is actually still less than a year.

But have to say that his luck is really good. Only one year of the year, I encountered the "Tomb Raidth" and "Cosla" two large pieces.

As long as Colero does not make mistakes, let the propaganda to make the publicity, he is a big work.

When the advertisement of "Ancient Tomb Raidth" began broadcasting in major cities in North America, everyone knows that Lin Qingxia's new film is about to be staged.

When the carefully prepared trailer of Coro is broadcast on the TV, it will have caused a huge response.

The focus of the "Tomb Raidth" is directly to the highest peak in the second week of propaganda.

After the publicity of this week, the "Tomb Raidth" will be officially released in Hollywood.

"The Tomb Raider" and Lin Qingxia also failed to board the cover of many newspaper magazines, and even newspapers also used Kung Fu superstar called the crown on Lin Qingxia.

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