Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 1067, Take Frequitment

"Queen Kung Fu! "

"Lin, the best movement female star!"

The news that the "Tomb Raidth" is about to be released throughout the North America, and the heroine Lin Qingxia, the heroine of this drama is naturally the focus of attention, and even the wind of the autumn is more prosperous.

Since the "Mummy" filmed by Lin Daoqiu in 1982, Lin Qingxia has not been present in the Hollywood movie for more than a year.

However, even in "impossible tasks" and "mummies", she still has made many people remember the beauty of this Oriental face.

With the continuous expansion of advertising offensive, "The Tomb Raidth" is more known.

The global model is the same as the last, and the "Tomb Raidth" has prepared three thousand pieces of screen.

As long as you can take a good box office, you will easily convince partners to provide more screens for the "Tomb Raidth".

However, Langmeye believes in the name of Lin Daoqiu and Lin Qingxia, plus the "Tomb Raider", this play in the box office of North America at least 200 million US dollars.

In addition to the world's mainstream movie market, this drama will be released in the world's movie market, plus the surrounding revenue around the tape, Langmey is very optimistic about the "Tomb Raidth" this play to bring the income .

On this day of "Ancient Tomb Raidth", the Global Studio gave this movie a very simple premiere.

From the long Lincoln Car, there is a suit of the Lindao autumn standing next to, next moment, Lin Qingxia, who is wearing a white noble evening dress, from the car.

She took a bus and immediately became the focus of the on-site reporter and fans.

"Lin ... Lin ..."

When I saw Lin Qingxia got off, the fans next to him shouted her name.

Lin Qingxia turned Lin Daoqiu's arm, smiling and kisited and waved his hand.

"It seems that you are really popular in Hollywood."

Lindao is coming to the autumn and Lin Qingxia.

"Of course, I have a lot of bitterness, I have a little famous, don't you accept it?"

"Service, of course, these are all you should, who dares to accept me the first one, I will not agree."

Lin Daoqiu is not a joke, from "impossible task" to "Mu Nai" to the "Tomb Raidth", the three plays, only "Mummy" Lin Qingxia is slightly relaxed.

But "impossible tasks" and "Tomb Raidth", these two plays are her protagonist.

In addition to accepting high-intensity training before the shooting, Lin Qingxia's bitterness is also the most, so she can have today's achievements, except for the opportunity to provide her, because Lin Qingxia is suffering. .

If you change to a female star of other playing art film, let her eat such bitterness, may have some points to choose to exit.

If it is transformed into a Guan Zhilin, I am afraid that there is no way to support the past, and I will not do it directly.

"You have a conscience."

Listening to the answer of Lin Daoqiu, Lin Qingxia's smile became more.

In fact, she doesn't know how she will promise Lin Daoqiu, maybe because the other party is too embarrassing.

If you are here, Lin Qingxia feels that he may not be so simply like the first time.

After entering the cinema, Langmeye and Coro have been waiting for a long time.

When I saw Lin Daoqiu and Lin Qingxia, the two immediately stepped forward to meet them.

"Miss Lin, you are so beautiful tonight, I bet you are the most beautiful woman I have seen."

Langmeye saw Lin Qingxia, it took her hit.

However, the road next to the forest is smile and returned to him.

"I am worried that the lady will be jealous, so I will look at one of the most beautiful women."

Langmeier launched, in fact, he is just talking about the guest's words. I didn't expect Lin Daiqiu guys even gave him corrective.

"Mr. Lin is really love to kid, I believe that my lady is present, she should agree with me."

Left and right is just a guest's words, Langmeye and Lin Daoqiu have not continued to extend this topic.

"Three thousand five hundred blocks, as long as there is a nice momentum, the number of screens will definitely double."

At this time, the number of photos in Hollywood is approximately 20,000 pieces, while the global model can be mobilized to the maximum number of screens in more than 6,000 pieces.

If the "Tomb Raise" is good, the Global Film will give all the screens to the "Tomb Raidth", but the premise is that "the ancient tombs" has one good performance.

"I am looking forward to this day as soon as possible."

Lin Daoqiu did not say anything, but it was possible to pull the screens earlier, "The Tomb Raidth" will also become more in the box office income.

Accompanying Lin Daoqiu and Lin Qingxia came to the position, and other audiences were also entered.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the premiere of "The Tomb Raidth" officially started, and the lights in the theater slowly darken, and the big screen has begun to have a picture.

For this drama, no matter what Langmeye and Colero have a high evaluation, after all, the movement scene in it, mysterious college entrance, there is a dazzling special effect, none is not today's highest level.

If such a movie is not selling, then Langmeye and Coro are afraid to doubt their eyes.

Didn't read the audience of "The Tomb Raidth", all of which were rushing to Lin Daoqiu and Lin Qingxia.

In addition to some "The Tomb Raise" fragment in the TV, everyone didn't know what the drama of "The Tomb Raidth" was.

As the plot slows slowly, everyone slowly realized that the original heroine pherosion actually related to her parents.

Then the wonderful action scene, as well as the shot of the gun, seeing dazzling.

Finally, when the plot came to the palace, most of the audiences at the scene were the same as that of Langmeye and Corro's ideas.

It is difficult to do "Tomb Raidth" is to take a picture of the underground Huangling running to people in Thailand, otherwise how can this land like this?

"My God, is this the underground Huangling in Thailand?"

Some spectators have couldn't help but send such a speech.

And when he finished, the audience next to him also expressed his identity.

"If this place really exists, I want to buy a ticket to go there tomorrow, take a look at this mysterious land."

Compared with the plot, it is clear that this is more likely to attract the attention of these viewers.

I heard that some people were discussing these, Lin Daoqiu looked very happy, because this represents Daixra and Shaw's designer's efforts have nothing to do.

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