Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 816 Tender Woman

Early the next morning, Lin Duqiu let Lin Qingxia stay in the hotel to rest.

He is a translation and a party, and directly went to Dongbao.

I learned that Lin Daoqiu visited, Matsuka Gang quickly put down all the things, with the secretary and one of the people.

"Mr. Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss it."

Lin Daoqiu got off the car, Matsuka Gang was immediately holding hands with the other party.

For Matsuka Congress, Lin Daoqiu is equal to his big fortune, and the money tree is general.

Although he and Lin Daoqiu, there is not much cooperation.

But when the other party took the movie, when I got neon, I still made Dongbao made a lot of money.

And I have to know that Lin Daoqiu is full of full calculations this year, and it is only 23 years old.

He is so young, and the days later will grow very much. As long as you continue with Lin Daoqiu, it is absolutely only good for Dongbao.

For the things before Lin Daoqiu, Matsuka Gang Gonggang is very strong.

The venues and equipment needed by the other party, he has already prepared, just waiting for the team there, you can start it immediately.

"Thank Xie Songgang president's help, this time is sudden, labor, you are, it is not much."

Lin Daoqiu also knows that he suddenly made a call to the other party, so that Mats Certificate of help do these things, and human feelings can be said to be big.

"Mr. Lin is too polite, everyone is a good friend, helping each other."

The Matsuoka smiled shook his hand and allowed Lin Daoqiu owed his own relationship. Matsuka Gang was still very happy.

After all, Lin Daoqiu wants money to have money. If someone has someone, it is really nothing to seek its place.

I know that Lin Daoqiu is now concerned about the things of the scene, so Matsuka Gang Gong will bring him directly, and come to the Dongbao's photo shed.

"Mr. Lin, this is the three-studio shed, you have previously requested that he has made him overtime to help you get it, it can be decorated after three days."

Matsuoka Meng refers to a group of busy workers, introducing Lindao autumn.

This three studio, Lin Daoqiu is intended to take a part of the plot in neon.

However, since neon, most of you still have to shoot, these require a coordination, apply for tie.

If it is a general person, if you want to apply for these things, it is really not a simple order.

But for Matsuka Gang, this is not difficult for him.

After all, Dongbo will take a lot of movies every year, so apply to take a license, they can say that it is a light car.

After a circle in the 3rd studio, just when the Lindao Autumn and Matsuka Gang Gang Gang Gang Gang Ganggang Dynasty, a girl wearing a dress, quietly gone from the outside.

"Let them make it a little bit width, because it is time ..."

Lin Daoqiu said, suddenly noticed that a familiar figure has come to his face.

Springs standing there, looked at Lin Daoli autumn, and the red face in the white looks, let people feel like a pure cherry blossom.

"How did you come?"

Lindao autumn saw the foundation, first stunned, then immediately went forward.

In fact, these are the arrangements of Matsuoka Gang, when he learned Lin Daoqiu, immediately sent people to Dongbaoyi to school, and put the purers.

"Walk, we go there."

Matsuoka Gang knows that Lavenroecheng and the foundation, there should be a lot of words to talk, so he takes someone else and goes towards the other side.

In the blink of an eye, the other people have been clean and clean, leaving only two people in the rumor and forest road.

"Autumn brother, you are finally here."

When she saw the autumn of Lin Dao, she really want to cry.

But she secretly warned himself, she can't cry, otherwise, I will be unhappy.

But even so, at this time, she still feels the nose, and the eyes are gradually starting to red.

"Sorry, I……"

Lin Daoqi originally wanted to say that there is too much hand, but if you feel the mouth, this is the truth.

The reached out gently into his arms. At this time, Lin Daoqiu felt what he said was not right.

Sprin is sobbed in the arms of the forest road.

It is not that she feels more wronged, but because I can see Lin Daoqiu, I really make her too happy.

After a few minutes, the foundation of the son remembered it, and there were many people near this, so she wanted to break away from the arms of Lindao Autumn.

"Autumn brother, President Matsuoka is still there, not so waiting for too long."

Sprin is still very sensible, knowing that Lindao Qiu also has something to talk to Matsuko, so I don't want to delay him too much time.

For women of this tenderness, Lin Daoqiu feels that she is too much.

"Well, let's go together."

Lin Daoqiu came to neon. In addition to the play, he also intended to bring the foundation of the purity.

Although he may only stay here for a month, Lin Daoqiu is still thinking, trying to get along with the strokes in these days.

So this time, one of the characters in "Fuxing Gaozhao", Lin Daoqiu is ready to make the stroke.

"Mr. Lin, the teachers of the school said that the qualifications of the purezies are very good, she will become a big star in the future."

Seeing Lin Daoqiu and the purezing came over, Song Cao suddenly said, in Lindao autumn, it was compelful.

He hasn't seen the pureuda playing, and he doesn't know how much she has learned in the school.

However, in the autumn of Lincao, there was no performance before the foundation.

Even if I have learned a period of time in Dongbaoyi, I have no good relationship because I have no good relationship, and Lin Daoqiu is probably hard to believe.

So Lin Daoqiu did not say these words truth, he felt that the other party was just polite.

"The President of Matsuka is really a prize, in fact, I am not as good as you say, there is still a lot of things I have to learn."

Sprin was scared by the praise of Matsuka Cang.

She didn't think about it, in the face of so many people, the heart of the heart of Songgang praise.

"Springer, you are too modest, I am not joking, these words are the school teachers, they said that this year is also ready to recommend you to shoot."

Matsuka Gong's work looks very serious look, it seems that he seems to be the same as it is joking.

"I still have not reached the extent to which you can play, I think I still need to learn more for a few years."

Sprin quickly rushed to the hand, it seems that she seems to be scared by Matsuka Gang.

At this time, Lin Daoqiu next to her suddenly said.

"This time I am planning to let you participate in the" Fuxing Gaozhao "shooting, the guests are one of the characters."

Originally, the thinking of the purezo, still stayed in the words that Matsuka Gong just said.

But when Lin Daoqiu said so, the purers turned their head, and then watched the autumn.

It's like just that Lin Daoqiu said, let her feel the same words.

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