Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 817 Everything has me

"No, no ... I can't do it."

Sprin quickly shakes his head, she didn't think about it, and she can play a role in the movie of Lindao.

You must know that she is still a student at Dongbaoyi School.

For your own acting, the pure son can be said to be extremely unconfident.

She is even worried, because she is born, and the drama of Lin Daoqiu.

If so, then she is just a death.

"Reassured, everything has me."

Lin Daoqiu gave the son a comforted eyes.

But even so, she still can't help the security to accept this arrangement of Lin Daoqiu.

In view of the scene, there are still many people, the foundation If you are in front of them, you will continue to reject this, I am afraid that Lin Dao is not going.

So she can only temporarily do not make a sound, and I will wait for the time to get along with Lin Daoqiu, I will refuse to him.

After a circle on the 3rd studio, Lin Daoqiu left the scene with a purity.

The decoration and commissioning of the equipment here also take a while, and Lin Daoqiu will not do too much here.

Moreover, Hong Jinbao can get to neon, specific details tomorrow, and will wait for them to decide.

"Mr. Lin, since this, let's see it at night."

I know that when I am not bothering Lin Daoqiu, Matsuka Canggui is not anxious. Anyway, the other party will stay in neon, and they have time to get along with time.

"Then don't bother Songgang president work, see you at night."

Lin Daoqi originally wanted to ask if there is a matter of Songgang Gong, Ji Yong Xiaoli's things.

However, Lin Daoqiu worried that the purity was informed that she would perform together with Ji Yong Xiao Lily, and the pressure in the heart will be even greater.

So now, Lin Daoqiu is still intended to be temporarily hitting her, waiting for the time.

After the car, the foundation silently sat next to the autumn of Lin Dao.

Originally with Lin Daoqiu, it is her biggest wish, but now, the heart of the purezo is plagued by another thing.

"The autumn brother, I really can't do it, please also ask you the previous decision."

Purezi looked at Lin Daoqiu seriously, she didn't want the other party's rush to make a stains in the whole drama.

For the ragizes so firmly refused, Lin Daoqiu did not think about her will have this idea.

After all, you can play a role in your own movie. For an actor, it is definitely a extra points.

"If you want me to pay back, you have to give me a reason."

Lin Daoqiu asked with a laugh and smiling: "Do you think that I am a person who makes decisions with a chaotic?"

The foundation of the purezi quickly shook his head.

If she said, she didn't understand Lin Daoqiu.

When she entered Dongbaoyi, she slowly came into contact with the film circle. She learned that her own man is actually such a good movie.

Those movies he took, the foundation can say that every part is seen, and some have seen more than ten times.

As the performance of the movie is getting more and more, the foundation is also aware that it is very difficult to say that it is very difficult.

"Autumn brother, I am just a student now. If you are looking for an actor, there are many excellent actresses in Dongbao, I can help you recommend several."

In the view of the foundation, it is not only in Dongbao, even if it is in the school, it can be said that it is much more than her excellent actress.

She felt that she would pick up one from it, they can play better than her.

"You are quite big, such a good chance, you don't want, but also let others."

Lindao swayed his head smile, he felt that the girl of this girl, it is still stupid and cute.

However, it is because she is so kind, she can like her so much.

"In fact, I still have a self-knowledge, since I am not suitable, I should not force myself, no matter who is not good."

The idea of ​​purezers is very simple. She is not my own interests first, but standing in the angle of Lin Daoqiu.

If you change to someone else, I am afraid I will be very happy to accept this invitation of Lin Daoqiu.

As for it, it can not be able to perform well, or it is suitable for this role, and those are after.

"You have never seen the script, you know that you are not suitable? You can not be very good."

The more of the purisons refuse, the more you want to let her play.

In addition to giving her some guidance on acting, Lin Daoqiu wants to use this opportunity, and she is more along with her.

Otherwise, the movie is open, two people have to see it for a long time, this is what Lin Daoqiu does not want to see.


The foundation of the rumor was, and I didn't know what to say between the words of the forest.

She wants to refute, but I don't know what to say.

"Please believe in yourself, please believe me, since you have been so long actors, I should know how much I got in the movie circle."

Lin Daoqiu will not mention these things, but today, in order to convince the strict, he has to put out his own achievements.

Sprin quickly nodded, she certainly knows how dazzling the status of Lin Daoqiu in the world film circle.

Not only in Xiangjiang, even if it is in Hollywood, the name of Lin Daoqiu is also very big.

"I ... can I really?"

It seems that the foundation is like being persuaded, before she is still intended to reject the invitation of Lin Daoqiu.

But now she talks, the tone has been able to be shaken.

"Little fool, if you won't be, I will teach you, and there are so many experienced actors and director on the scene, they are all very good teachers."

In fact, it is not necessary to have this opportunity.

It's just that she is worried that the relationship between myself and the forest will make the other party to make a mistake.

However, under Lindao Qiuqiu patients, the foundation has begun to realize that those worry before, it seems to be more extra.

Looking for a nearby hotel, after opening a room, Lin Daoqiu took a pure land to go upstairs.

As for the party, it was directly holiday by Lin Daoqiu, let him go out with the translation.

Before the evening and the Songkokang meal, Lin Daoqiu will always stay here.

Open the hotel's door, after walking, low-headed striking, the face is already red.

She is aware that what will happen, and my heart is expecting and shy.

After all, two people haven't seen you for a long time, and you will definitely be inevitable.

When a speech is sounded, the room will start, and there are many strange sounds.

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