Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 819 Future Cooperation

The place where Matskitang is ready to dine, is a chamber-style restaurant.

Outside the door is a small pond, and there is water.

Meal here, as if there is a kind of feeling in the garden.

Eating in this place, it is definitely not an ordinary person.

However, for Matsuka Gong, as long as he enrolls Lin Daoqiu, the reward will be thousands of times.

"Mr. Lin, I am sorry, I don't know much, please also forgive me."

Taking Ji Yong Xiaoxi today's identity and status, she can accompany to eat together, it is already a matter of nothing.

Lindao Qiu did not plan to force the other wine, so he smiled and nodded.

"Miss Ji Yong doesn't have to be polite, you can get it today, I am very happy."

For the autumn of Lin Dao, please ask Ji Yong Xiaoyi inside "Fuxing Gaozhao", a role of guests, but he is temporarily.

If it is replaced with other neon director, I don't want to think about it.

Because in their opinion, you can ask Jiyong Xiaoli, which is already a very lucky thing.

You know in most people's eyes, she is a well-deserved heroine, which does not have to be considered.

"You asked me to" Fuxing Gaozhao "in a role, I am very grateful to this, and I feel very honored."

Ji Yong Xiaoyi looks very polite, I don't know what I thought about Lin Daqiu, I came to play the old lead.

Lin Daoqiu is somewhat not very embarrassed to this, not to say that this drama is the comedy moving film that Ying Yong Xiaoli has not played, even if it is very small in the drama.

But she didn't seem to be unhappy, but it was very grateful to look, which made Lin Daoqiu feel sorry.

"Miss Ji Yong is too polite, this time suddenly, let you take the time in your busy schedule, let me really don't go."

"No, no ... I can help Mr. Shang Lin is busy. It is my honor, you don't say this ..."

I don't know if I have been influenced by Ji Yong Xiaoli, when Lin Daoqiu said, it has become a good start.

If you go on this, I am afraid that they can't talk all night, and the light is always polite.

"Miss Ji Yong, you don't have to thank him, you promised to be a big busy, he thanked you is normal."

Lin Qingxia quickly opened, stoping Ji Yong Xiao Lily will continue to thank.

Listening to Lin Qingxia said that, Ji Yong Xiaoxi did not continue to thank.

"In fact, this cooperation is just a beginning. I hope that there will be a chance to have more cooperation with Miss Ji."

At this time, Lin Daoqiu suddenly throwing a sentence, let three three in the field feel unexpected.

Mats Cangguang is the most happy one.

Because Lin Daoqiu said this sentence is obviously planning, take a movie, let Jiyong small lily as a heroine.

And he is very certain is that this drama said by Lin Daoqiu is absolutely not to be released in Xiangjiang and Neon, saying that a movie of Hollywood specifications.

"Then I have to participate."

After Lin Qingxia heard the words of Lin Dao, she also quickly added.

When Songgan Gang was originally very happy.

But when he heard Lin Qingxia, he couldn't help but worry.

If there is only one Ji Yong Xiaoxie, then she is naturally a well-deserved heroine.

But if Lin Qingxia has also added it, who is the heroine?

Obviously in the Hollywood influence, Lin Qingxia than Ji Yong Xiaomi is not a star half.

"Do you have time to say."

For this request of Lin Qingxia, Lin Daoqiu has never thought about it.

Because if she is also added, then the heroine of this play should give it a big problem.

Lin Qingxia did not think so much. She just thought about it, she could really cooperate with Ji Yong Xiaoli really correctly. It is not because I want to grab the opponent's actor.

"In fact, if you can work with Miss Lin, it is also what I dreamed of."

Ji Yong Xiaoxi is next to Lin Qingxia to say good words.

But it is clear that Lin Daoqiu and Matsuka Gang will not pick up this.

This meal is eaten, Lin Qingxia and Jiyong small lily are getting better and better.

If you don't have a movie to take a movie tomorrow, it is estimated that Lin Qingxia will take her a long time.

On the way back, Lin Qingxia looks still in a look.

"Aqiu, what is the name of the movie that Ji Yong played? What type?"

Lin Qingxia is very curious about this. She now wants to know, Lin Daoqiu prepares the movie of Ji Yong Xiaoli, what kind of play is.

"I don't want you to say, I am just talking about it."

I heard Lin Daoqiu said that Lin Qingxia thought that the other party was perfunctory.

She is awkward and then turned to another side.

"Don't say it, I don't want to know."

Lin Qingxia thought that Lin Daoqiu did not want to tell himself that I was worried that she told this matter.

But she didn't know, Lin Daoqiu said to her is the truth. He didn't think about it, and when he took the type of theme.

"Miss, I am telling the truth, I really didn't lie to you."

Lin Daoqiu put on the shoulders of Lin Qingxia and gently turned over, and said with her face seriously.

Seeing Lin Daoqiu's serious expression, Lin Qingxia realized this time, he said is the truth.

"You didn't think so, I will talk to others directly, this will not be very good."

Lin Qingxia looked a little worried. She was afraid of Lin Daoqiu, saying that there was nothing to do when they arrived. Isn't it to let Zirong Xiaoli feel disappointed?

But Lin Qingxia's concern about Lin Daoqiu, it is impossible to happen at all.

How do you say that he still has a lot of movies, it is impossible to find the case where the script cannot be found.

"You can rest assured this, your man will not speak without counting."

Li Qingxia into his arms, Lin Daoqiu seems to be a very confident expression.

"Hey ... Who knows that you are not true, if you haven't done it, then you will lose your face, you can lose your face, you can don't let me apologize. "

Although Lin Qingxia said like this, but if she really needs her to help, I will definitely not refuse.

"You are relieved, that day is absolutely won't appear."

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