Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 820 I am coming

"Hong Big Brother, Mr. Lin is already waiting at the hotel."

"Beng live, we have passed."

Fang Jianheng came to pick up the plane on behalf of Lin Daoqiu.

Hong Jinbao and Yuan Huan and others, the things in the hand have fly to neon.

This time, because of the needs of the play, Lindao Qiu arranged them and lived in the same hotel.

After putting down the ceremony, Fang Ji students took Hong Jinbao and others and came to the room of Lin Daoqiu.

Although Lin Qingxia and Lin Daoqiu relations, Hong Jinbao and others are already a good thing.

But in order to avoid the suspicion, Lin Daoqiu is still next door to himself, and opened a room to Lin Qingxia.

"Everyone is working hard, sitting."

After holding hands with a group of people, Lin Daoqiu asked them to sit down on the sofa.

In addition to Hong Jinbao and Yuan Biao, there is also Lin Zhengying and Zhongfa.

This time, "Fuxing Hoight" is a group of star.

Hong Jinbao, Yuan Zhen, Fu Sheng, Lin Zhengying and Zhongfa.

In addition to several major actors, most people will stay in the side of Xiangjiang, and it is possible to make some shots.

But even so, this time I still have more than 30 players, flying from Xiangjiang.

"Mr. Lin, don't wait for people, if you don't have to say, we can first look at the environment before you go to the studio."

Hong Jinbao is now in a hurry, he has been worried, a month is not enough to finish this drama.

Although he just gave a plane, it was ready, and the three-year-old studio prepared to Dongbao will check the environment.

"Mr. Lin, anyway, now time is still early, and we are not tired, let us take a look."

The people next to also agree with Hong Jinbao said.

Lin Dao Qiu was still thinking, let them take a break, and then go to the third studio tomorrow.

But now it seems that these guys are energetic, let them rest, I am afraid they can't sit still.

"Okay, then we have passed now, the President of Matsuka has said with me, the right to use the 3rd studio has already handed it to my hand, you can use it at any time."

Hong Jinbao listened, immediately stood up from the sofa.

Looking at his wind and fire, you know that this guy is now sitting at all.

"A Sheng, you bring them in the past, I and Wang Jing chatted to talk about it."

If you survey the scene, you will be handed over to Hong Jinbao to deal with it. Lin Daoqiu is now the most concerned about the script.

This time Wang Jing and Wen Hao and Zheng Dan Rui have also reached neon.

Hong Jinbao didn't just left, Wang Jing took a written script and came to Lin Daoqiu's room.

"Autumn Brother (Mr. Lin) ..."

"Come here, do you write a script? I will see it."

Lin Daoqiu lazy and these guys.

Before I sat down, I handered the script that had been written to the hands of Lincao Autumn.

Before coming neon, Lin Daoqiu has written the "Fuxing Gaozhao" outline, and some brief plots have been written.

In some places, he is handed over to Wang Jing and others to be responsible.

Although the time is very short, Wang Jing is still completed as scheduled.

"Fuxing Gaozhao" plot and before, there is no great entry, the international criminal police Dawei Pills and Viqi are responsible for the pursuit of two, robbery than 100 million yuan of jewelry, escaping from Xiangjiang to neon fugitives.

As a result, they were destroyed by a criminal organization in neon local, and Viqi was also gave away by the other party.

In the neon big pill, I can only call the Xiangjiang to ask Cao Police.

But because of this criminal group, the bottom of Xiangjiang and Neon Police has been found, so this time I can't send the police.

Therefore, Cao Police has only to find five bisers, I hope to take the two fugitives back to the neon to help.

But before, Cao Police hopes that they will be trained first, so they sent a female police officer and two neon police officers to told them.

Different before, this time there is no overlord flower, replaced by Lin Qingxia.

Lin Daoqiu is still not planning yet, letting the tyrant of the tyrants birth at this time, he thinks about it.

And responsible for tutoring their police officers, naturally, will also play by Jiyong small lily and purezin.

The last World Five is a training in Xiangjiang, but this time Lin Dao has changed its place to neon.

After the end of Wufu star training, I found great Pill under the opportunity, and then traveled by Neon Criminal Group to their location.

Because of the simple relationship of the plot, most of this play is a plot of some insertion, the main line can be said to be simple.

Even most of the dramas are concentrated on five blessings, other roles, only part of the drama.

But good, this play is because the plot is simple, so the time to shoot is not required.

Plus a few relationships have been taken before, so the cooperation between Wufu Star has been very skilled, and the progress will be much more faster than before.

"Yes, I am very satisfied with the script you wrote."

Lin Daoqiu is actually not too high for "Fu Xing Yaozhao".

After all, this drama is so waiting, the kung fu on the flower creation script can be said to be less pitiful.

However, Wang Jing and Wen Hao and Zheng Dan Rui have carried out two creations on the scripts given by Lindao Qiu.

"Mr. Lin is satisfied ..."

Wang Jing has been worried before, such a short time, I am afraid that the script written has no way to let Lindao autumn satisfaction.

However, when he saw the other person nodded, Wang Jing was relieved.

The preparation of "Fu Xing Gaozhao", after Hong Jinbao arrived, started to express it in full swing.

Then they spent three days, and commissioned the preparations of the third studio.

With the help of Matsuko, the application for playgrounds and subway stations quickly approved.

Everything is ready, "Fuxing Gaozhao" shooting will begin immediately.

But at this time, Lin Daoqiu suddenly found that the director of this play, he didn't set it out.

"Mr. Lin, the director of this drama let me come."

Hong Jinbao suddenly stopped at this time, he intended to pick up the director of this play.

"Are you busy?"

Lin Daoqiu is not doubtingly doubting Hong Jinbao's ability.

But he is now the protagonist, and it is the martial arts guidance of this play. Now it is still too busy to serve and count the time and number of people.

And the concerns of Lin Daoqiu, Hong Jinbao is expressing a pair.

"Mr. Lin is relieved, I have been doing so before, all are used to it, you can rest assured."

For Hong Jinbao, a movie is already a matter of life and a few posts.

In this case, in the film circle of Xiangjiang at this time, it is not a small number.

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