Let Hong Jinbao came to be directed, before Lin Daoqiu did not think about this possibility.

He is intended to let Lin Zheng Ying serve the director of this drama.

This way Hong Jinbao can concentrate on acting and responsible for the arrangement of martial arts.

But let's think about it, so many stars on the scene, if you want to build them, it is not an easy thing.

Lin Daoqiu is also impossible to participate in the shooting of every play. If Hong Jinbao is coming to this director, the stars naturally do not dare to make.

And "Qi Premium Word Wufu Star", Hong Jinbao is the most intimate role, let him play, maybe it will get a very good effect.

"Do you really have no problem?"

Lindong autumn pretended to look at Hong Jinbao very suspiciously, as if not believe that the other party can do.

Hong Jinbao first stunned, then he suddenly got up, then said a chest.

"Mr. Lin, if you don't feel relieved, we can set up a contract, and the box office of this drama is only 20 million, and I don't want to pay for this play."

Hong Jinbao is in a hurry, he thinks that Lin Daoqiu just said, it is a little small to see him.

The Yuan Yu and Lin Zhengying next to him also quickly stood up.

"Mr. Lin, Hong Big Brother is absolutely no problem, this is absolutely dare to pack."

"Mr. Lin, Master Master is definitely said, if you don't believe, I can also agree."

After Lin Zhengying and Yuan Huan and others, Lin Da is low, it looks like a look.

In fact, he is not a matter of remuneration of the other party, but is intended to make an exclusive method.

After all, the time of this movie, add up less than a month, but also reserved a week of time to do.

In a short time here, you have to shoot a multinational movie, and you have to shoot it, it is definitely not a thing that can do.

So Lin Daoqiu has to take care of the count, so that they can give them a greater potential.

"Okay, there is no need to make a contract, I believe that three hair said, but if you can't do it, don't blame my ugly words."

Hong Jinbao smiled confidently.

"Mr. Lin please feel relieved, if the box office of this drama has been 20 million, you will trouble yourself in the celebration banquet."

For Hong Jinbao's requirements, Lin Daoqiu naturally does not refuse.

It is nothing to do with three cups.

If "Fuxing Gaozhao" can be released as scheduled, these three cups of wine forest road will definitely be very happy to drink.

"Well, then let's make a word ..."

Just as Lin Daoqiu and San Mao, when I just talked about the topic of the director, I suddenly walked into a group of people outside the 3rd photography.

Lincao autumn turned, he found that Ji Yong Xiaoxi and the foundation, under the leadership of Matsuka, is gone to them.

"Mr. Lin, Miss Ji Yong, just played in other studios today, she knew that you were prepared here, so I told it to say hello."

Ji Yong Xiaoxi has played a play today, so it is a special trip to ask.

Lincao Qiu smiled nodded, and then introduced the people around him.

"This is Hong Jinbao, Yuan Yu, Lin Zhengying ..."

Every time you introduce one, Ji Yong Xiaoxie asked to the other side.

Hong Jinbao, they are obviously not to adapt to this kind of festival, but for Ji Yong Xiaoxi, this is just a very ordinary thing.

"Mr. Lin, I hope not to bother you."

After Ji Yong Xiaoxie appeared, there was a messful voice before the scene, and it was calm down.

"Of course, we don't speak out, here is messy."

At this point, there are a lot of materials and props in the third studio, and the work inside is still continuing, obviously not a place for chatting.

Springs did not say from beginning to end, and it seems that she seems to be a bit nervous.

In fact, she knew today, people with their own partners, actually the goddess of her dreams, Ji Yong small lily.

You must know that you can work with Jiyong Xiaoye, in the neon film circle, almost a lot of people can't refuse, and it is a thing that is dreaming.

Sprini is always nervous from knowing this news.

And after she saw Ji Yong Xiao Lily, her brain had already blank, and she didn't know how to say it.

That is, after seeing the autumn of Lin Dao, the foundation is slightly coming.

Otherwise, she is still afraid my head is still a chaotic look.

"What happened today?"

Lin Daoqiu found that the purity was not awkward, I thought she was sick.

After listening to Lincaoqiu, the foundation is like being scared, she directly in front of everyone.

"What's wrong? Is it sick?"

Ji Yong Xiaoyi heard the Qindao autumn such as a question, and also turned his head and looked at the purity.

Sprin is desperately shaking his head and shakes.

"No, I just was too nervous because I saw Ji Yong, so I would like this, I have not sick, my body is very healthy."

If Lin Daoqiu told the foundation in advance, he said that her drama and Jiyong small lily.

I am afraid that the foundation is not promised at that time, and it will refuse this matter very firmly.

But now she is going to refuse, because Ji Yong Xiaoli has standing in front of her, and they have seen it.

At this time, even if it is a knife mountain, the purity has had to hill the scalp.

"Miss, lady is too polite, I am just an ordinary actor, don't need to be so nervous."

Ji Yong Xiaoli's smile looks very cured.

The foundation is watching between the time, and I can't say a word for a while.

For this person from a small to big, by her perspective, the foundation has never thought about it, and it can play with her one day.

"You can play with Miss Ji Yong, such a good chance, you must have to grasp, this other people can seek it."

Lin Daoqiu looked at the purity.

After all, this surprise I prepared to prepare, I am afraid it will become an experience of unforgettable for forgetting.

Usually gentle and honest, after listening to this sentence of Lindao, she looked at the autumn.

Because it is her horrible autumn, it is back to Ji Yong Xiaoxiao and Matsuka, so they don't know.

"Mr. Xie Lin's advice, I will definitely grasp this opportunity."

At this time, the purity can only choose from.

Although it is very fearful, in a panic, it is still very happy to get this, and the opportunity to get along with Ji Yong Xiaoli.

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: (bxwxorg.com) Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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