Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 823 proves to give me

For the dissatisfaction of the purers, Lin Daoqiu is a look that is unity.

"It's very simple, because after I said, you will definitely refuse to participate."

If you told her in advance, say this time with the guilty little lily of her partner, Lin Daoqiu believes that the purity will definitely not agree.

In this case, it is better to let her agree, and save a lot of trouble.

For the answerex of Lin Daoqiu, the purity is not known to say something.

Although the pureness has been dreaming, there is a day to play with Ji Yong Xiaoxi, but it is never this time.

"In fact, I know that you are worried that your acting is too bad, will it be in front of Miss Ji Yong, right?"

Lin Daoqiu took the purers over and asked in small.

The pure sake is not asking, but it is still gently.

In the perspective of the foundation, at this time, she is hard to work with her acting, and the Ji Yong Xiaolai. It is really difficult for her.

After all, Ji Yong Xiaoxi, but she regards the existence of goddess.

And in neon, Ji Yong Xiaoxi is also the goddess of everyone.

If you are too bad, then she is not confident, can continue to actor this profession.

"In fact, you don't need to worry so much, this drama is a comedy film, the requirements are not very high in the acting ..."

Lindao autumn, I heard it seems to be comfortable, but always feel that he seems to feel that the practical skills of the purezo are not.

So said by Lin Daoqiu, the pure child put on the other's arm and gently took it, but the force almost even a mosquito did not die.

"Autumn brother, is it really so bad?"

Sprinity feels that Lin Dao is a little too bullying, although she feels that her acting has to be improved.

However, the meaning of Lin Dao's autumn dialect is as if it is talking about himself, just in order to make it, there is no high expectation for yourself.

How to say that the purity is also self-esteem, he is looked at the autumn of Lin Dao, she will not be happy.

"The difference is nothing is not what I said. If you feel that you can, then prove to see me, not here worry, this is worried."

Lin Daoqiu does not want the strict in the whole day.

If you go on this, how can her act now improve.

"Learning with Miss Ji Yong acts so rich actor, this is a very rare opportunity, what should you think about grasp, not thinking, will not lose face."

Lin Daoqiu does not want the purity to think about it, because it is afraid that he is in front of Ji Yong Xiaoli, it will be a contract.

If so, this will only make her white and wrong and the opportunity to learn.

In fact, it is also known that these, but she is not able to learn from the other person.

Because Ji Yong Xiaoxi as long as one stops in her, the purity feels that she can't calm down.

Don't say that it is acting, even a normal dialogue is a very difficult thing for her.

"Reassured, when I am next, I will try to help you."

Although Lin Daoqiu said like this, he did not plan to do this.

After all, an actor is in studying the acting skills, most of them have to rely on their own comprehension, only a small part from others.

If you have been protecting her like this, she does not allow her to meet some difficulties and setbacks, she is hard to grow into an excellent actor.

"It's still, when you don't know me, I will learn to play with Miss Ji."

Sprinity does not want to take care of himself because of his relationship with Lin Daoqiu.

If so, it is better to be good as not knowing, so that you will not be too nervous.

"This is what you said, then let's say it."

Lindao Qiu smiled and reached his own index toward the stroke.

After the two people were hooked, the mood of the foundation before the foundation was released, and she was now unfair. Now she is not as angry before.


"Fu Xinghao" shooting, from the beginning, it entered the high-intensity phase.

In order to grab time, Hong Jinbao and Yuan Tao and other starring, almost regardless of his own home.

Even if they don't know where, I still have a few march beds, I plan to stay here in the 3rd studio.

Yes, Dongbao's studio is here, the facility is still complete, and it can be solved nearby.

If you want to take a shower, there is also a hotel where you can live.

So, when Lin Daoqiu saw the military bed, it took directly, then rented several rooms in the nearby hotel, and the members of the crew were rest.

The show is one of the key points of "Qi Ming Wanfu".

Since this drama is a moving comedy, you can't fall in the action in action.

Even compared with the comedy, Hong Jinbao spent more and more.

Originally in the last world, "Fu Xing Yao Zhao" has a Dragon to participate, but this time it is replaced with Fu Sheng.

The Fu Sheng is obviously slightly more than the skill and flexibility of the talents.

But good is that when he was in Shaw, he had always been a moving comedy.

Therefore, Hong Jinbao does not have to worry, and the routine that he has arranged himself can't play.

Conductive and slowly, the neon shooting work has continued to last seven days.

On this day, Lin Daqiu pulled Hong Jinbao and others to a villa.

Because this play to be taken today, Wu Fu Xing was brought here, and he accepted the story of training.

Originally, this part of the drama is going on in the Xiangjiang.

However, Lin Duqiu directly puts this part of the plot, it is in neon, and the way Ji Yong Xiaoli and the foundation are also pulled, and they are training their police officers.

But if only the words they both, they must not work, so the role of the general instructor is still on the head of Lin Qingxia.

"Hello, I am Ji Yong Xiaoxia (foundation) ... Please take care of it later."

Although it is just a guest, Ji Yong Xiaoyi is still a three-day time specifically for Lin Dao autumn.

To know that she usually works very close, it is easy to change their own itinerary.

Although it is only for three days, but just three days, it affects a movie, and even a lot is that Lin Daoqiu is not known.

"Miss Ji Yong, I am very happy that you can come to the guests, I thank you for your representative troupe."

Lindao Autumn "Fuxing Gaozhao" is especially grateful when everyone is facing Ji Yong Xiaoli.

"Mr. Lin is too polite, it should be that I thank you, you can work with Xiangjiang movie colleagues, it is my blessing."

After a pass, Hong Jinbao has begun to direct people from all departments.

After all, the time of this play is very tight, and Lin Daoqiu does not want to waste time in these guest consoles.

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