Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 824 is to shoot

"Wow ... , this place is so beautiful."

"I do not know either……"

"What? You don't know anything, take us from Xiangjiang? Do you play us? No, I have to go back to Xiangjiang."

Other four people looked at the vegetables, and the face was unhappy.

Even they have begun to start, they have to leave this place.

"Do you want to go in first, maybe there is something surprised to wait for us."

After the roll is just finished, I have been taken by the other three.

"Oh, who is playing me ..."

Standing in the door, the dishes were shook their heads helplessly, and then he opened the key to open the door.

"... ok."

At this time, Lin Daoqiu suddenly shouted.

Next to standby Jiyong little lily and stroke, seeing a look.

Such a long lens, they have passed over and over again, which is too incredible.

Lin Qingxia next to see Ji Yong Xiaoxi and the foundation of the purezo, she smiled and explained.

"Don't feel weird, because this drama we expect to take over a month."

Lin Qingxia did not explain, she finished, Ji Yong Xiaoxi and the purezo were more shocked.

After a month, I took a drama, which in their eyes were simply a mess.

If you put in the neon crew, I may only use it as a preparation period for a month.

"Miss Lin, will this play will be too rush?"

Sprin looks a little worried, in her opinion, the longer the movie production, the work like this will look good.

For the concerns of purers, Lin Qingxia is a pair that is not intentional.

"In fact, such a thing, in Xiangjiang is a very common situation, ,,.

After listening to Lin Qingxia's introduction, Ji Yong Xiaoxi and the purezer realized that they had a good understanding of Xiangjiang movies before, it is possible to say less.

Just in Lin Qingxia and Jiyong Xiaoli and the foundation of "Fuxing Gaozhao", Lin Daoqiu has gone to them.

"Next, you will appear, are you ready?"

Three women were almost nodded at the same time.

For Lin Qingxia and Ji Yong Xiaoxi, Lin Daoqiu is not very worried.

After all, their acting experience has been very rich, and this comedy is not a problem for them, and Lin Daoqiu is actually a stroke.

However, when he saw a very calm expression on the purezo, the worried of Lin Daoqiu, how many relieves were obtained.

Then he turned to the villa to leave the past and arranged the next thing.

Don't look at all in the camera, in fact, in a place where the audience is invisible, it is already filled with a variety of equipment and wires.

After planning the position and the lens, Lin Daoqiu returned to the camera.

"Well, I am ready to start the next game, start shooting from the door."

Hong Jinbao and other five people stand in place at the door.

After they were ready, Lin Daoqiu shouted directly.


Wufu Xing directly pushed the door.

From the outside, this villa is very luxurious, and the extension is also very fashionable.

But weird, there is no one in this, empty shink.

After five people sat down on the sofa, everyone almost simultaneously took the feet.

"Hey ... , there is no one here, will you be played?"

"I am very likely that I judge our years of experience, we are definitely played, and it is not easy to play."

Several people talked for a while in the living room.

I can't help it, he stood directly from the sofa.

"I can't stand it, I have to go back to Xiangjiang, even if I am sitting, I don't know anything here, goodbye."

After he finished, he walked directly to the door.

Three other people also got up, then they said to the cuisine.

"Not we don't help you, but I don't like the feeling of being played."

"If you have time, return to Xiangjiang to see me, you know my address."

Just when the triple is in the same way.

I have already walked to the door of the gantry, and suddenly I retired back.

When everyone turned around, Lin Qingxia has gone in the outside from the outside.

"... ok"

This group of long lenses took it, and the feeling of stuckton is not, and Lin Daoqiu can be said to be very satisfied.

I have to say that in addition to Ren Dahua and Tang Jianxun, Wufu Xing has been very rich.

Moreover, everyone has worked together to have two five Fuxing, so their tacit degree is naturally not here.

After five minutes of rest, I will take the next to Lin Qingxia's plot.

"ready, go……"

Wufu Xing can't help but open his eyes after seeing Lin Qingxia.

"Wow ... I am really beautiful."

"Who is these? How can I have the same as the female star?"

"Don't stop me, I want to marry her ..."

After pushing some, Ren Dahua grabbed the first body, then he said to the three in front of his deep feelings.

"I am very glad to meet you, my surname Lin, you can call Vaseline ..."

Wearing a casual Lin Qingxia, she has been smiling at Vaseline.

"Hey, how can there be so many beautiful women? Can you tell us before?"

Rhino skin and curls, pulling the arms.

It seems that you don't know what is going on.

"Barcuffs, rhino skin, Vaseline, roll, big, I didn't admit it."

I heard Lin Qingxia called their outer number, Wu Fu Xing didn't seem to understand what was going on.

"I am an international criminal police, you can call me Lin police officer, this time I am entrusted by Xiangjiang Police Forces, responsible to train you, these two are neon police dispatched to help train your police officers, Miss Palace and Miss Miss Palace "

"Hello, I am a palace (Meihua), please take care."

After they finished the warrior, Lin Daoqiu shouted directly.

Shooting from the plot of the door, just spend less than an hour, it can be said that the abnormality is smooth.

I was still worried when I was at the beginning, but after I was shouting after Lincao, she was slightly relieved.

The pressure of acting with Ji Yong Xiaoxi is too big, but so far, she feels that she can perform it.

In the next two days, Lin Daoqiu has to take the plot here, so it can be said a little in time.

But today, Today, Lin Daoqiu feels that as long as everything goes well, it should be enough for two days.

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: ( Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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