Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 939 training in advance

The tropical Chiang Mai, in August, the weather is very hot, often has more than 30 degrees of high temperature, choose this time to the outdoor play, it is really a very hard thing.

In the morning, Xiangjiang crew has been slowly started to meet the climate here.

As the heroine, Lin Qingxia is the most hard one in all actors in the crew.

There are a lot of action play every day, and the physical strength is very powerful, and it is still in this high temperature, it will be slightly inadvertent.

So Lin Daoqiu chooses the place to shoot, try to pick some places a little cool.

Tom Cruz's drama is not much. When he is mostly, it is in a state of rest.

And Anthony Hopkins is the big faith of this drama, and Lin Qingxia's porn father in the movie, his drama is a little bit more than Tom Cruz.

When you don't shoot, Tom Cruis is not idle, but the people who follow Yuanjiaban began to practice hard.

Perhaps because it is too idle, or because it is very envious of Lin Qingxia's skill.

A Tang Ge, who has no martial arts, starts at this time, slowly move towards the direction of action actors, although he thinks it will be like this.

On this day, shooting a champion of chasing the enemy in the jungle, Lin Qingxia, a tight, in the jungle, the movement of the moving cloud, and it is dazzling.

Next to Tom Crew looked at Lin Qingxia, he felt that the other party had such a hand, it was too incredible.

"What's wrong? It seems that you seem to be envious of our heroine?"

When Anthony Hopkins standby, I found that Tom Cruis always came from time to time, and he looked at Lin Qingxia.

"Mr. Anthony, don't you think that Miss Lin is really cool? I have seen" impossible tasks "before, I thought that those playing were all avatars, but now I realize that these are true. "

Tom Cruz shook his head, seeing him, the admire expression, knowing that this guy is really interesting to operate.

Lindaoqiu next to him also heard the dialogue between them, and A soup is one of the most famous action actors in the future of Hollywood.

I didn't expect my own through, and he made him interested in the action play in advance.

Moreover, Lin Daoqiu heard from the population of Yuanjiaban. Tom Cruz's strength is still very good. Don't look at this guy seems to be a decent article, when I practice Warshaw, I still have suffering.

If he is too older, Yuan Heping wants to cultivate him, let him enter Yuanjia class and work hard.

However, Tom Cruis does not need to play like Xiangjiang's military and stars, and those difficult moves, it is difficult to practice for five or six years.

Tom Cruz's congenital conditions are good. After all, he has long enough. After three years of playing "Zhuang Ling", it will become one of the most popular young actors in Hollywood.

Although the action play is very important, Lin Daoqiu's requirements for Tom Cruce will not be as high as the movement of Xiangjiang.

As long as he can reach Lin Qingxia's skills, Lin Daoqiu is already very satisfied.

I believe that as long as Tom Cruz insists on training for more than a year or two, there will be no homing for him.

"Just listening to you, talking about the heroine, don't mind let me participate in this topic."

At this time, Lin Daoliu asked in front of Anthony Hopkins and Tom Cruz.

Tom Cruz is still very respectful for Lin Daoqiu, and when he came over, Tom Cruz stood up from the chair.

"Mr. Lin, our Cruise feels that Miss Lin is very cool, he seems to be very interested in the action play."

Anthony Hopkins have been 46 years old, and he should not consider these things for actions like this.

Lin Daoqiu didn't think about let Anthony go to the action play. He looked at the other's acting. As long as he is in the case, it can add some depths for this movie.

"People who listen to Wu said that you are very positive for this time, is there such a thing?"

Lindao asked Tom Cruz and asked.

Tom Cruz didn't expect Lin Daoqiu to take the initiative to care about him, which made him nervous and happy.

I nodded, Tom Cruz quickly replied.

"Mr. Lin, I think the action is very cool. If I can learn the same skill as Miss Lin, I will definitely be more excited when I am shooting a moving play."

It is the first actions in his first, but it is not that Tom Cruz has begun to plan his future, and the action play is also included in his plan.

"Do you like action movies?"

Lindong autumn pretended to look at Tom Cruis, as if he would have such an idea to be confused.

"I was a faithful action movie fan, and I didn't think of Mr. Lin. In fact, I have always thought that one day I can become a male protagonist in action movies."

Speaking here, Tom Cruz looks a little embarrassing look. After all, he is only 21 years old, and it will be very normal.

Laveni autumn nodded, for him, if you can help Tom Cruz to determine the status of action stars, this may be a good thing for him.

"In Chiang Mai, I still have to stay up for two months. If you really like action, I can let Yuanjia class training you during this period."

Tom Cruz heard the autumn of Lincao, he could not cover an excitement expression, his eyes were immediately large, and his face was all shocked.

It is said that Anthony Hopkins is to keep a smile, how much he has already perceived the intention of Lin Daoqiu, but he did not say.

"Mr. Xie Lin, I will try to study hard during this period, and I will never let your kindness."

Tom Cruz nodded hardfully. He was excited that he couldn't sit in, and ran to find Yuan family training.

After the Tom Cruz left, Anthony Hopkins suddenly opened.

"The stupid child is really a blessing, but I am curious, Mr. Lin is really going to cultivate him into a moving star?"

Anthony Hopkins look curiously looking at Lin Daoqiu.

"Actually, I don't know how he will work in the future, but since he likes to play, and he is still so young, so I will give him a chance, so that I can success, look at himself."

Lincao Autumn This sentence is finished by himself, but Anthony Hopkins is not aware of, and the smile of Lin Daoqiu is for what.

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