Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 940, Micro-Kung Fu Comedy

"Mr. Lin said, there is no mistake, Li Yuanba's physical fitness is simply to make people."

Li Neng has been able to praise the body quality of each other after I have seen it with Li Yuanba.

"For us, the time is still abundant, at least five months of shooting time."

Although this is said, Chen Xunqi has never thought of a good scrip.

But now it is, this is, this time they have to shoot must be a movie movie.

After all, Li Yuanba and Chen Xunqi have two people with martial arts. If you don't shoot a moving film, it will be too wasteful.

And now the most sale is the action comedy, don't shoot this seems to be tiled.

However, it is, last year, Li Yuanba took a "Dragon Ninja" and also sold a lot of seats, which was given Chen Xunqi.

"Do you want us to shoot a happy journey?"

Li North suddenly proposed to take a successful film, let Chen Xunqi look at each other, he wants to know how Li Neng is thinking.

"This time we simply took a movie about Wing Chun boxing?"

Speaking of Wing Chun, Li North is very saying in this regard, because his master is a recruited, and it is also a pro-disciple of Ye.

When I first recruited, when I was founded to "recruited Wing Chun Sports Club", Ye Qi also mentioned a "Yun Chun Zhengli" with "leaf problem" plaque.

To know that this is a blessing, the only kids are prior to their students, and what is precious.

As a recruiting pro-disciples, Li North has always had the opportunity to meet Ye and talk to each other.

So if you want to shoot a movie related to the spring, it is definitely very good at Larch.

"Do you want to shoot Wing Chun?"

Chen Xunqi naturally knew Li North and the relationship between Wing Chun, so I was strange to the movie that he was aunt. Chen Xunqi did not feel strange.

"Mr. Lin has taken a TV series of Wing Chun, and the movie in the theme of Wing Chun is also a few, but it is not very good."

Li North thought, since this time I have a chance to open, and the two protagonists have martial arts, why not simply shoot one, the movie of Wing Chun's theme.

"But only five months, when I let me go to practice with Li Yuanba, I am afraid that I have been too late."

Chen Shengqi worried about this, because he and Li Yuanba did not have a Wing Chun's experience, and ran to take it, the effect of it will definitely.

When Lin Zhengying was to shoot TV drama "Ye Q", it was also Lin Daqiu asked Ye Zhu to help special training him for a month, then there was a good effect on the screen.

Chen Xunqi worried that if there is no sufficient time to practice fist, the effect they took out will not be good.

"Ai, in fact, your worry is extra, after all, this time you have to play, it is not a hunting master, and you can do it like you can."

Li North didn't think about it, let Chen Xunqi and Li Yuanba have become a hompring master in such a short period of time.

As long as they arrive in the movie, they can be like a model, he is already very satisfied.

If you really want to take a movie about Wing Chun, Li North will never choose this type of Kung Fu Comedy, but it will be seriously prepared.

It is best to cooperate with Lin Daoqiu. In this case, he is very confident that a wing spring movie called a seat is also called.

"Since you have said this, then follow you say, I really can't think of a good idea."

Chen Xunqi is a temporary point of Lin Daoqiu. He before, he did not have a little ready, so he promised Li North, and took a Wing Chun's Kung Fu comedy movie.

A few days later, when Lin Daoqiu learned about this news, he didn't know what to say in a moment.

Because the Kung Fu Comedy has begun to gradually be microphone, now everyone likes the moving film, which is a modern type of action comedy.

Even if you have not continued to take his most hands-on Kung Fu comedy, I didn't expect Li North and Chen Xunqi still planned to go.

But think about it, I am too short to give Chen Xunqi, he will not be prepared at all.

Not to mention this time, I still have a Li Yuanba to him, and it is no wonder that Chen Xunqi and Li should think of a Job Comedy.

Lin Daoqiu guessed that they were probably a little similar to Li Yuanba and Jackie Chan, and the big sale of "Dragon Ninja" last year, let them feel that Kung Fu comedy should have a head, so I decided to do this.

"Li North is the recruiting disciple, Ye as a grandchildren, by him to shoot a movie, Mr. Lin can rest assured."

Yuan Heping is a relationship between Li North and Wing Chun, so he quickly explained to Lin Daoqiu.

Lindao is nodded, but in fact, he cares about it. Can they take this movie of this Wing Chun boxing, but now the audience's movie type, has changed.

"In fact, the old Kung Fu comedy has begun micro, and the audience now likes the action movie has changed."

Lin Daoqiu couldn't help but told himself.

If others say this, Yuan Peace may not be too serious. After all, the film market of Xiangjiang, no one can say that you can read the wind direction of the audience.

However, in the front of him, the autumn is absolutely qualified, Yuan Heping even doubtful.

"Mr. Lin does not have a market in the future?"

Yuan Heping looks a little nervous, after all, he is martial arts guidance, and it is Wu Xi's bowl of rice.

If the kung fare is unpopular, this will definitely affect the work of Wu Xi, Yuan Peace is not worried.

Lindao swayed his head, and also said one, let Yuan Peace shocked things.

"It's not what I think, but the choice of the audience, this year's new Oriental Releases, the old-fledged comedy, has been greatly reduced."

Lincaoqiu did not have such an order to have a command with Li Maowen, saying to reduce the release of Kung Fu Comedys.

But now everyone has found that the film is not making money, there are other more profitable movies to shoot, they will naturally choose a more promising action comedy.

In the first 83 years of Xiangjiang Movie Annual Box Office, Kung Fu Comedy only has Hong Jinbao "people scary" on the list, ranking 8th.

In this world, because Lin Daoqiu's butterfly effect is not in this year.

But even so, Lin Daoqiu is still comforting Yuan Peace.

"In fact, I don't need to worry about the strength of Yuanjiaban, absolutely cope with the modern type of action movie."

I heard Lin Daoqiu said so, Yuan Heping's heart is still stable.

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