Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 169 Human Skin Lantern

Lawyers Ah Hui and Xiao Rong looked at the lady's body in horror.

The rapidly rotating fan blades cut off the back of her neck, and blood gurgled out from the finger-length wound, staining most of the table red in the blink of an eye.

"How to do how to do?"

Ah Hui looked at the dead body on the table and said to himself: "We can call the police!"

"No, you can't call the police! Why don't we chop her into pieces, wrap her up and throw her away, that's it, that's it! Bury her under the stove." Xiao Rong was already incoherent because of fear.

"No, Xiaorong, if you want to call the police, you can't bury it under the stove! Let's go to the police together!"

"You can't call the police!"

"Don't shout out." Ah Hui hugged Xiao Rong tightly, forcefully pulled her head and put it on his shoulder.

"I, I'm so scared, Ah Fai"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here..."

Xiao Rong leaned on Ah Hui's shoulder, and her mood gradually stabilized.

"Don't be afraid. We can call the police. There is a law and Su Xiong can't harm us."

After stabilizing Xiao Rong's mood, Ah Hui carried his wife's body and prepared to hide it.

The blood on the table was wiped scrawled by the opera robe, and dried blood was splashed on the slowly rotating blades of the electric fan.

Ah Hui, who had just made a phone call, was sitting on the sofa, wiping the sweat on his forehead in great discomfort.

When I opened my hand, I saw bright red blood!

Ten minutes later, a man wearing glasses and a suit came.

"Professor Fan, you are my teacher, and you know so many people in the legal field, please give me some advice. All the fake account books and documents can be used to correct him, and he has also been involved in several murders. case!"

Professor Fan silently looked through all the evidence, raised his head and asked, "Are you really going to use this evidence to correct Mr. Xiong?"

"Yes, is the evidence enough?"

"Enough is enough, but if you do this, aren't you afraid that you won't have a backer?"

Ah Hui shook his head: "I don't want any support, I just want to be free. I want to be with Xiao Rong, and if something like this happens, Master Xiong will not let me go. Please, help me."

Professor Fan said something intriguing: "If I help you, won't I lose my support?"

"What do you mean by this?" Ah Hui heard something was wrong.


The door was kicked open, and Su Xiong walked in with a group of subordinates, hands behind his back.

Ah Hui and Xiao Rong stood up in fright.

"The money I gave him is enough for him to live for the rest of his life. Want to betray me? It's not that easy!" Su Xiong was proud. As for the blood stains in the room, he didn't care. If the clothes are damaged, he will buy new ones, let alone wearing them. It's been a long time, and I don't know how many people have worn these tattered clothes in private.

"Professor, why exactly?"

The professor said with a sad face: "I have been poor for most of my life before I realized that you can't eat your bones. When you reach my age..."

"Hey!" Su Xiong raised his hand to stop what the professor was going to say next.

"He won't be your age. It's none of your business. You can get out."

Professor Fan walked out dejectedly.

"Su Xiong, what do you want?"

Ah Hui wanted to threaten the other party, and his biggest reliance was that he had just admitted to being Su Xiong's dog. Having followed Su Xiong for several years, he had a deep understanding of Su Xiong's methods.

His attitude changed quickly: "Please let Xiao Rong go, Xiao Rong doesn't know anything about these things."

Looking at Ah Hui and Xiao Rong, who were still caring about each other during life and death, Su Xiong suddenly smiled.

"Xiao Rong, do you like him very much?"

"Yes!" Xiao Rong seemed to see hope on Su Xiong's face.

Ah Hui shook his head at the side, but unfortunately Xiao Rong didn't see it.

"Okay!" Su Xiong's smile faded: "Chop him down and throw him into the sea to feed the sharks!"

How can a weak lawyer defeat a thug with a knife tip that licks blood? Ah Hui was trapped almost in one move, pinned to the ground and beaten severely.

"As a person, I hate the most in my life when others eat the inside out."

"Eating everything? Haha, Su Xiong, don't think I don't know how you got here. Today, if you want to eat everything... ah!" He punched Ah Hui in the face, knocking out a few teeth, and interrupted What he said.

"Hurry up!" This is the last thing Su Xiong wants to be mentioned in his life.

"Master Xiong! I beg you, let Ah Hui go, I can be your ox or horse!" Xiao Rong knelt on the ground and begged.

"Hey~, being a cow or a horse? Many people can be a cow or a horse for me, but you are different. With your kind of beauty, you are very suitable to be my mistress~"

"No, I don't want to feel sorry for Ah Hui!"

"Come here, haha!" Su Xiong raised his hand and swept away the documents and pens on the desk, and pressed Xiao Rong, who had no strength to fight, onto the table.

Ah Hui's shouts were getting weaker and weaker, and Xiao Rong struggled hard, only to see Ah Hui being chopped and hacked downwards with a knife, and blood spattered onto the ceiling.

"Brother Hui!"

While struggling, Xiao Rong grabbed the lamp on the corner of the table and hit Su Xiong on the head.

He took the opportunity to escape, smashed the bookcase, and grabbed the broken glass to drive back several thugs.

It's not that the thugs can't beat her, it's that they don't dare to do it.

"Broken glass, is that thing useful? Can you kill me?" Su Xiong walked forward nonchalantly and said as he walked: "I will rape you in front of him and let him die in peace!"

Ah Hui had already expired and his eyes were staring.

Xiao Rong no longer had the thought of living in her heart, and stabbed the broken glass into her belly with her backhand.


Rainy days, thundery nights.

A group of people walked into the wilderness carrying a hemp bag.

"Hurry up, dig in quickly!"

A few people dug holes in the strong wind and lightning.

"Master Xiong, why do we bury this kid here? Wouldn't it be better to just throw it into the sea and feed it to the sharks?"

Su Xiong glanced at the compass and smiled proudly: "In Feng Shui, this place is called the Three Failures and Seven Failures Point. If he is buried here, he will be unlucky for ten lifetimes! Even if he dies, he will not be able to live in peace!"

The sack was thrown into the pit, and the head exposed was that of Ah Hui, who was still staring at death.

"What should I do with that bitch?"

"Take her back, I will peel off the layer of skin on her back and make a human skin lantern."

"The man is reincarnated and has been unlucky for ten lifetimes, and the woman is made into a human skin lantern. As long as the lantern stays on, she will never be reincarnated! I will prevent them from seeing each other for generations to come!"


Indigo thunder flashed, and the electric light spread on Su Xiong's face, which was very scary.


A tourist bus was driving slowly on a small road in the suburbs.

"Isn't it so good to travel at public expense?"

A woman, carrying a red and blue travel bag, chose a seat in the car.

The people in the car didn't speak to each other for a long time. The woman, a little bored, moved to the seat of a man who was leaning against the window and covering his mouth, and said, "My name is Li Jialing. Can I ask you why you keep covering your mouth?"

"Because of me, my mouth always smells bad." When the man spoke, he also put his mouth close to the window.

"We are in a tour group. We will play together in the future. Don't worry, I don't mind the smell. Besides, no matter how smelly you are, can you stink worse than my armpits?" Li Jialing smiled proudly. She still smelled bad. Somewhat confident.

"I'm very happy to hear you say that."

The man put down his hand, turned to Li Jialing and said, "Hello, my name is..."


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