Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 594 Zombie Planet, Return to the West

One day from Shuntianfu to Fujian, my feet were faster than a strong horse and my legs were racing against the wheel.

Thousands of masters trained by the Ming Dynasty have arrived on horseback and dragons!

The top of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

The mountain is bare and there are no zombies to be seen.

The defensive fortress of the Sun Moon God Sect was in dilapidated condition, with dried blood covering the walls and a yin energy that the sun could not burn through.

There was only a handsome young man in a red robe in the meeting hall, sitting lazily on a chair and looking at them.

"Zombie Supreme, come out and die!"

Thirty-three martial arts golden elixirs walked through the air, leaving more than a thousand first-class martial arts masters, jumping like giant grasshoppers to the surrounding houses and treetops, forming a circle.

The silver-armored zombies, which have unparalleled defense among zombies, may not be able to win under this siege.

"A world without immortal cultivators is indeed not conducive to the breeding of advanced zombies."

It seems that if everyone in the world is transformed into zombies, there may not be a few more flying zombies.

He Cheng stood up and rubbed his heels slightly.

"Stop talking nonsense, today we are here to kill the Zombie Supreme under the order of the Emperor! Let the Zombie Supreme come out and die!"

The leading man stood in the air, with his feet on the whirlwind and his hand holding a three-foot green peak. He spoke in a high-pitched voice.

"Zombie Supreme, I am"


Thousands of people unanimously focused their attention on He Cheng.

They have been able to get to where they are today because of their caution and thoughtfulness, and they cannot take lightly even a word that seems like a joke.

"Do not believe?"


Stepping down with his right foot, the entire building collapsed under his foot, and the red figure pointed directly at the leading man like a sword.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

The man was not afraid. He flicked the sword blade in his hand, slashing through the clouds and approaching He Cheng's face. He Cheng opened his mouth, bit down on the sword, closed his upper and lower teeth, and clicked! Click! Click!

The sword was chewed like dry biscuits, and the corpse's claws were smashed down. The man raised his hands from the Dantian position, moved up with his breath, and faced the corpse's claws.



The man slapped hard, like a slapped fly, and hit the ground directly. He was pressed by invisible force and remained motionless on the ground.

"It's like there's a mountain pressing down on me..." The man was breathing heavily, his face was red and covered with veins.

It seemed like he was going to be crushed to death.

"Sorcery?" The remaining more than a thousand people were much more cautious.

"It's not sorcery, it's supernatural power, magical power, haven't you heard of it?"

"No matter who he is, there are more than a thousand of us, why can't we kill him? Go!"

Thousands of masters were like a storm, rolled up into a dragon shape, and rushed towards He Cheng.

With red sleeves fluttering, He Cheng looked up at the charging dragon. The positions of the dragon head, dragon horns, dragon teeth, and dragon claws were occupied by golden elixir warriors. The other positions were occupied by first-rate masters. They formed a defensive and offensive formation, activating the long dragon formation. Ordinary flying If you encounter a zombie, you may be killed within ten moves!

However, He Cheng only shook his body, suddenly expanded to a height of dozens of feet, and slapped the dragon on the body.



Another slap fell.

Bang bang! !

With three slaps, the dragon was scattered and turned into scattered figures falling to the ground. Each one was seriously injured and fell to the ground without getting up.

"Compared to warriors and monks, they are really far behind each other."

He Cheng was slightly disappointed.

He originally thought he would encounter some trouble, but this group of martial arts masters were not strong enough, and none of them could beat Fei Zheng in a duel. Thirty-three warriors are the main business, and the remaining more than a thousand are just supplements. Another ten thousand will not be of any use.

"Okay, let's end it!" He Cheng clapped his hands and opened his mouth.


There were more than a thousand people, but no one could hide. The blood from their eyes, nose and mouth exploded, forming a torrent and flowing into He Cheng's mouth.

Seven days later,

He Cheng was riding a boat, drifting on the sea, with four or five figures covered in black robes standing behind him.

There were no cannons or firearms on the ship, but the draft was extremely heavy. It seemed that there were a lot of heavy things on board. There were constant roars coming from the cabin.

Looking back, six hundred ships were lined up in a formation, riding the wind and waves.

"Hattori, how confident are you in this battle?"

He Cheng took a western telescope and looked. The endless horizon finally passed and islands began to appear.

There were people on the island raising flags to warn them.

He Cheng casually threw away his binoculars and looked at Hattori Qianjun, who was half-kneeling beside him.

"I alone can annihilate all the families in Japan. Now that the Supreme has sent troops to help, we will definitely win!"

"Well, the purpose of our trip is America, so we can do whatever we want here. After all, you are a general, and you still have to fight the war."

He Cheng not only wants the Ming Dynasty, he wants the whole world!


Hattori Qianjun and the man in black robe behind He Cheng all knelt on the ground and responded.


A cannonball smashed into the sea water next to the ship, causing a two-foot-high wave.

The water flowed over the top of the boat. Before jumping down, He Cheng let out a breath.

Whoops! !

The wind turned the water waves back into the sea.

"How dare you fire!" Hattori Chijun snorted coldly, and yelled "Roar!!"

There were roars one after another from other ships, and black-robed figures flew out one after another, flying toward the island in the distance!

When the flying zombies faced an army of ordinary people, just as Hattori Senjun said, one zombie was enough to massacre the island country, but at this moment, dozens of flying zombies flew out!

When the battle begins, it ends.

Before the ship stopped, since Feizheng had already taken action, Hattori Qianjun simply stopped the ship and allowed the ship to continue heading east, while Feizheng quickly slaughtered them.

A month later, North America was captured and zombies were transformed.

Foreign ghosts don't understand Chinese, and they can't learn mysterious and mysterious things like martial arts, so what they transform is only low-level walking zombies, and if they are cultivated, they can only be raised to the level of white-haired zombies.

From North America to South America, the zombies starting from the Ming Dynasty have already walked out of the Ming Dynasty's borders, occupying most of Europe, and then moved to Africa.

The world is becoming a zombie without gods. This is an irreversible and unstoppable process.

Even if He Cheng wanted to stop, it would be difficult.

The air was gradually infected by the corpse breath exhaled by the zombies, and the miasma enveloped the sky.

The entire planet is slowly being replaced by zombies.

As for Ren Yingying, Lan Fenghuang, Linghu Chong and others, He Cheng didn't pay attention. Maybe he could find some familiar faces among the zombies if he looked carefully.

Or maybe they find a paradise to hide in. There are always places where zombies are too lazy to search. If they hide, they can successfully save a life.

There are more and more flying zombies with magical powers. Another year has passed, the sky above the head is covered with dark clouds, the sun is gradually disappearing, and low-level zombies can also come out during the day.

In another five years, the global evil will be rampant, the trees will be dead and clean, the sea water will be dirty and smelly, and all marine life will be dead. Zombie sharks and zombie whales will appear in the sea water.

In another fourteen years, the number of zombies has dropped sharply, to less than 100 million, but the overall quality is improving. The zombies have learned to eat each other's corpse energy to improve themselves.

A zombie civilized planet is gradually taking shape.

As the only king of the zombie planet, He Cheng has opened the door to a new world, and it's time for him to make a comeback.

A huge hole was torn in the sky. He Cheng walked in, and behind him fifty Fei Zong in golden armor stepped to follow.

The evolution of zombies into drought demons may not be the orthodox way, so no zombie can successfully transform from a zombie to a drought demon, but the combination of creating a golden armored zombie and a flying zombie can still meet He Cheng's needs.

They had no magic power at all and returned to the world of Journey to the West without attracting the attention of any gods or Buddhas.

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