Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 595 The Invincible Orangutan King

"Supreme, what is the world here?"

"In the world of gods, there are gods who can raise their hands to hold the sun and moon, and their palms can fall like landslides. They all have great magical powers."

He Cheng took a deep breath. Returning from the auraless world of martial arts to the world of gods, the smell of the air was different.

"Sovereign, how do you compare?"

Another flying zombie asked. He was a flying zombie in North America. He was an admirer of the Holy See. He believed that zombies were noble gods and volunteered to help the zombies invade and transform the Native Americans. His tall figure stood out among the entire flock of flying zombies.

"Not an opponent," He Cheng said nonchalantly as he looked at the surrounding woods.

There was a slight commotion in the Feizheng group. In their eyes, He Cheng was an invincible existence and the only synonym for true God.

Whether it is leading the zombies to dominate the world and letting the entire planet be shrouded in dark clouds, or flying into the sky and escaping to the ground, they can kill the zombie world at will, which is the highest level of flying zombies.

One word, absolute suppression by force, and now He Cheng actually admits that there are gods he cannot defeat. Is this world too powerful?

"If I didn't have the confidence to win, how could I come back? Well, let's find a place to stay while it's still daylight."

"Yes!" everyone said in unison.

"There is an earth god here. Be careful what you say. If anyone dares to be exposed, I will crush him to ashes! And... no blood sucking is allowed!"

He knew that these zombies had been in the zombie world for too long and would go crazy when they saw a living person. However, in order to realize his plan, all actions that might be exposed were not allowed to occur.

The crowd bowed their heads again, clasping their fists and saying "yes"

He Cheng, wearing a big red robe, walked in front, followed by fifty soldiers in golden armor. He walked on the road with great majesty. Ordinary people would only think that they were meeting high officials and did not dare to block the way.

They walked all the way, He Cheng leading the way, and soon came to a small town. The town was not big, but the road was very wide, so four horses could walk side by side.

Very familiar.

It reminded He Cheng that on the first day he came to the world of Journey to the West, he went to the Liusha River to fight with Sha Monk. Later, he met Li Jing and Nezha, the kings of pagodas, and was imprisoned in the pagoda.

After that, he experienced a series of mistakes.

He traveled five hundred years before and after, using all possible resources and opportunities to improve himself crazily.

Although he temporarily suffered some minor blows due to his misestimation of Tathagata's strength, it is not a big problem. He is now making a comeback, and he is sure of victory.

There are high-walled houses built around the town. Most of the people walking on the street have red faces and a slight smile on their lips.

The rule of Zhenguan in the mythical world still benefits many people.

People can still be heard praising Li Shimin on the street.

"As long as the four masters and disciples of Monk Tang have not obtained the scriptures, it will be fine, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble."

As a group of people approached, the passersby dispersed and hurriedly made way for the golden-armored generals, but they also whispered behind their backs about where this team came from.

He Cheng turned a deaf ear to this and stopped in front of a restaurant.

Facing south, there is a three-story building.

The aroma of wine and tea floats into the alley.

Yuntun Tower,

There are also couplets on the left and right sides of the restaurant.

Written on the right: Guests come like clouds

Written on the left: Yuntun Wuji

"Is this really here?" He Cheng smiled.

Bai Min'er was taken away here and went to Sanxingguan to learn the seventy-two transformations. The green snake fled for his life and disappeared without a trace. He Cheng was taken into the Linglong Pagoda. Yuntun Tower was the starting point for his destiny to change.

"Hey! Hey! This young master, and all the generals, please come inside, please come inside quickly! Stop standing outside the door, how tired you are~"

He Cheng and others were quite powerful. Each of Fei Zong's men had no less than ten million lives. Fifty people stood in front of the store. The billowing murderous aura was almost like black smoke rising into the sky. They stood at the door, which caused a lot of delays. Business.

But the hotel owner didn't dare to say anything.

So the waiter hunched over and trotted out, quickly inviting everyone upstairs so as not to delay the business and block the way of making money.

The waiter wears gray linen clothes, with white and yellow oiled socks wrapped around his calves. He wears a felt hat on his head and a rag on his shoulders. He has a face of 14 or 15 years old, but his speech is smooth. He has a few good words and is easy to listen to. He Cheng was also embarrassed.

"Yeah" He Cheng nodded, rolled his sleeves, and followed the waiter up to the second floor with his hands behind his back.

"Generals, sit down, we have enough tables on the second floor!"

The waiter went upstairs and saw only the red-robed young man sitting on a table in front of the window. Generals in golden armor, forty or fifty, stood around like statues without moving. He felt strange.

"They don't have to sit down, just serve me a few dishes."

"Hey, that's good!" The waiter finally understood that these golden-armored generals were all bodyguards, and he knew that the visitor had an extraordinary identity.

The dishes are served quickly. He Cheng has not eaten human food in several years. All living things in the zombie world are dead and there is no grass growing, let alone food.

"The human world is still good. It's not worth destroying it. Let's just destroy the gods."

"Xiaoer, let me ask you, has anything big happened recently?"

He Cheng took two chopsticks and put them down. Although the Hanbao can eat human food, its favorite food is dragons.

"There are great things and strange things. What do you want to hear?"

"Tell me everything"

He Cheng raised his hand casually, and without seeing his hand reaching into his arms, he threw out a palm-sized gold ingot.


The waiter jumped up on tiptoes, caught the gold ingot, rubbed it with his sleeve, and looked around furtively to make sure no one else on the second floor saw it before putting it away.

You can't earn such a piece of money in a lifetime.

"Actually, these two things are the same thing."

"Elaborate" He Cheng poured himself a cup of wine.

"The big thing is: outside Chang'an City, an invincible orangutan king suddenly came. This orangutan is not ordinary. It is said to be forty feet tall. It is one foot taller during the day and one foot taller at night. We are the magic soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. , I met this invincible gorilla and was beaten to a pulp, and I have already defeated two cities in a row!"

The waiter didn't need anyone to urge him, and immediately said: "The strange thing is that the emperor has put it on the imperial list. As long as anyone can capture this invincible gorilla king, there will be a lot of rewards. The strange thing is that it is on this list."

"There are really capable people and strangers who went to capture the invincible orangutan king. None of these four looked like humans. One of them had a bird's beak, another one looked like an elephant, one looked like a lion, and one had a beak. Pig nose and pig ears.”

"The Three Demons of Shituo City, Zhu Bajie, and the Invincible Orangutan King appear to be six-eared macaques... The plot ends here."

In this world, the most powerful person is not the Tathagata, but the disappeared Empress Nuwa. After patching up the sky, she left behind two stones. One is Sun Wukong. After practicing the seventy-two transformations, his abilities reach the sky and the earth.

The other is the six-eared macaque. Although the six-eared macaque has not practiced any magical powers, his strength is not weaker than that of Sun Wukong, because his ferocity and wildness are still there, and he will never stop growing taller by one foot by day, and he will be taller by one foot by night. The water-turned flying dragon, with its physical body alone, is enough to compete with Sun Wukong.

But there is no need to say more about the magical power of six ears that eavesdrops on the world.

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