Chapter 2002 Buy Buy Buy

   "No, I haven't finished eating the things I brought back from Beijing, and I like to eat fresh meat. I will buy it after the things at home are finished."

   "Okay, call me next time you come, this time you come to the black market with me, next time I will accompany you to the black market."


   "Let's go shopping again. It's rare to come to the black market and see what good things are there."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing what Liu Ermei said, and then went to the black market with Liu Ermei.

   More than half an hour later, Second Sister Liu dragged Lu Xiaoxiao out of the black market contentedly. Today, she understood why so many people took risks to come to the black market, because many good things can be found in the black market.

  She bought a lot of good things in the black market today. Although the price is more expensive than the supply and marketing cooperatives, the things in the black market do not require tickets, and the quality is better than the supply and marketing cooperatives.

  She decided that she would go to the black market to buy things in the future. Although she took a certain risk, it was worth it.

   "Do you still want to buy something?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Second Sister Liu.

   "No need, I've bought everything I want."

   "Then let's go back to the ox cart, I brought pancakes today, and we'll eat together later."

   "I bring steamed buns and pickled melons, and we eat them in exchange."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei came to the place where the ox cart was parked, they saw Liu Jianguo sitting on the ox cart smoking a good cigarette, so she stepped forward and said hello, "Uncle Liu."

   Liu Jianguo looked at Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's voice, and when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao's hair, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, why did you cut your hair like this?"

   " it ugly?"

   "Ugly is not ugly, but the cut is too short."

   "There was an accident when I cut my hair, so the hair became so short."

   "When you go out in winter, remember to wrap a piece of cloth around your neck, otherwise your neck will be hurt by the wind."

   "I see, thank you Uncle Liu for reminding me."

  After Liu Ermei put the basket on the ox cart, she took out the corn bread and pickled melon from the basket.

She brought three steamed buns and three pickled melons today, so she handed one steamed bun and one pickled melon to Uncle Liu, and then said to Uncle Liu, "Uncle Liu, I brought the steamed buns and pickled melons. Here you go."

   "No, you can keep it for yourself."

   "I brought three copies, one for you, one for Xiaoxiao, and one for myself.

  So, Uncle Liu, take it quickly, if someone sees it, I have nothing to give to others. "

   After hearing what Liu Ermei said, Uncle Liu thanked Liu Ermei, and took Liu Ermei's cornbread and pickled melon.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Second Sister Liu took out three servings of food, so she used the cover of her bag to take out three pieces of bread from the space, and handed two of them to Liu Jianguo and Second Sister Liu respectively.

   "Did you two agree, otherwise why would you bring an extra meal to the county?" Liu Jianguo asked Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei.

   "How is it possible, I only have three pancakes left at home, so I brought them all, so Uncle Liu, you think too much."

   "Xiaoxiao is right, Uncle Liu, you think too much."

  Liu Jianguo was not angry at all when he heard what Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei said. He knew that Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei said these words for his good.

   "Hurry up, people will come back later, it's not good to eat in front of them." Liu Jianguo reminded Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei.


  (end of this chapter)

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