Chapter 2003 does not block

   When Ermei Liu returned home, she saw that her parents were at home, so she closed the door of the main room, and then began to take things out of the back basket.

   "Second sister, didn't you tell me that you went to get your hair cut today? Where did you get these things?" Mrs. Liu asked after seeing the pile of things Liu Ermei took out.

   "I bought these things. Didn't you say that it's going to snow, so I bought some things and put them at home."

   "Where did you get the money? Where did you get the tickets? You can't buy these things without ten dollars."

  After hearing Liu's words, Ermei Liu thought that these things cost more than ten yuan, and she spent almost twenty yuan to buy them back.

   "Mom, some time ago, Liu Biao and I went to the mountains to look for mountain products, and found some medicinal materials. We dug them up and sold them in the county town, so we made a little money."

   "Oh, now that the money comes from, how did you get your ticket?"

   "There is no ticket for buying things."

   "How is it possible, you don't need a ticket for anything you bought back."

   "Second sister, have you gone to the black market?" Liu Pingjiang asked Liu Ermei.

"What? You went to the black market? Don't you know how dangerous that place is? Did I miss you to eat or drink? I'll kill you because of your stuttering." As soon as Liu Shi heard that Liu Ermei was going to Black market, she scolded Second Sister Liu.

   "Mother, don't scold the second sister in a hurry, she is not a reckless person, it's not too late to scold after you listen to her explanation."

   After hearing Liu Pingjiang's words, Mrs. Liu's anger dropped a lot. She also knew that Ermei Liu is not the kind of person who does not know how to do things, so she is willing to give Ermei Liu a chance to explain.

   "Second sister, tell me why you went to the black market." Liu said to Liu Ermei.

   "Mom, I went to the black market to buy meat. You also know that you need a ticket to buy meat in a supply and marketing cooperative, but our family doesn't have a meat ticket at all. It is impossible to buy meat, so I choose to buy meat in the black market.

  But I didn't enter the black market recklessly, the black market I went to was very safe, and Xiaoxiao bought things in that black market.

  And I heard from Xiaoxiao that the black market is covered by people, so as long as you pay the entry fee of 50 cents, the people in the black market will protect those who have paid. "

Mrs. Liu didn't know what to say after hearing Liu Ermei's words. She knew that Liu Ermei was doing it for the good of the family, so she went to the black market. Grasp.

   "Second sister, you don't need to stop you from going to the black market, but you have to promise me one thing." Liu Pingjiang said to Liu Ermei.

   "Boss, how can you let the second sister go to the black market, what if something happens?"

   "Don't worry, just listen to me."

   "Dad, what do you want me to promise?" Second Sister Liu asked Liu Pingjiang.

   "In the future, if you go to the black market, you can only follow Lu Xiaoxiao. If Lu Xiaoxiao didn't go to the black market, you can't go to the black market."

  After Liu Ermei heard Liu Pingjiang's words, she agreed without thinking about it, and she didn't dare to go to the black market alone.

  She originally thought that Lu Xiaoxiao would follow Lu Xiaoxiao when she went to the black market, so that she could keep Lu Xiaoxiao company.

   After hearing Liu Pingjiang's words, Mrs. Liu understood why Liu Pingjiang agreed with Liu Ermei to go to the black market. With Lu Xiaoxiao around, nothing would happen to Liu Ermei going to the black market, because Lu Xiaoxiao is a very capable person.

  (end of this chapter)

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