Chapter 2007 report

  When the ox cart arrived at the county seat, Lu Xiaoxiao got off the car and walked towards the county police. When she came to the county police, she went directly to Liu Cheng, because Liu Cheng belonged to Zhang Xu.

   "Go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, why did you come to see me today?" Liu Cheng asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the office.

   "My house was stolen, and I will not be caught. I want you to help me investigate this matter."

   "Do you have a goal?"


   "You tell me the goal, and I will take someone to Tianshui Village to understand the situation in a while."


  After Mrs. Wang came to the county seat, she immediately went to the school in the county seat to find Wang Jinbao.

   "Sister, didn't you tell me not to come to school to look for me? Why are you here again?" Wang Jinbao said to Wang when he came to the school gate.

   "You think I'm willing to come, if it wasn't for your own good, I would be lazy to come to the county."

   "Why did you come to me?"

   "Lu Xiaoxiao reported to the county seat today, what do you think you should do?"

  Wang Jinbao was taken aback when he heard Wang's words, but he quickly stabilized his mind, and then turned to Wang: "Report the crime as soon as it is reported, and she has no evidence, so she can't find me."

   "Don't be too confident, Lu Xiaoxiao is very powerful, you'd better be careful."

   "Understood, I will be careful."

   Seeing Wang Jinbao's nonchalant expression, Mrs. Wang sighed weakly, then turned and left.

  Wang Jinbao immediately went to the head teacher to ask for leave after Mrs. Wang left, because he still had things stolen from Lu Xiaoxiao's house, so he had to deal with those things now.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao told Liu Cheng everything she knew, she took a ride back to the village with Liu Cheng.

  When she arrived at the entrance of the village, Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the car and did not go to the captain with Liu Cheng, because this was not the time for her to come out.


   "Come, come, stop knocking."

  After Liu Cheng heard the words from the yard, he stopped knocking on the door, and then stood at the gate of the yard waiting for someone to open the door.

   "Who are you?" Aunt Caihua opened the door of the yard and asked Liu Cheng and the others.

   "We are the county police. We came to find the head of Tianshui Village. I don't know if he is at home."

   "Yes, wait a minute, I'll call someone." Aunt Cauliflower turned around and walked towards the main room after she finished speaking.

   "The head of the house, a few people I don't know came outside. They said they were the county police. Go out and have a look."

  After hearing what Aunt Caihua said, the captain immediately got off the kang and walked out of the house. This morning Lu Xiaoxiao went to the county to report the crime. Counting the time, the county police should indeed arrive at this time.

   "Hello, I am the captain of Tianshui Village." When the captain came to Liu Cheng, he said to Liu Cheng.

   "Hello, I'm Liu Cheng, I think you should know me."

   "I know, I know, thanks to your help last time, I was able to rescue people so quickly."

   "That's what we should do. We came to the captain today because we received a report and wanted to find out about the situation."

   "Oh, the person who reported the crime was Xiaoxiao, right?"


   "Go into the room and talk."

   "No, just say it here. We will go back to the county after we understand the situation."

  (end of this chapter)

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