Chapter 2008 found clues

  After hearing Liu Cheng's words, the captain stood at the door and told Liu Cheng everything he knew, and expressed his attitude towards this matter. He would never tolerate the thief who stole things.

   After Liu Cheng learned about the situation from the captain, he left without revealing the target of Lu Xiaoxiao's suspicion. This was the first time he came to understand the situation, and it was not suitable for someone to reveal Lu Xiaoxiao's suspicion.

   What's more, one of them is the captain's daughter-in-law.

   When Wang returned home, she happened to see Liu Cheng and the others leaving, so she asked the captain, "Father, who are those people who left just now?"

   "County Public Security."

   "What are they doing in our house?"

   "For Xiaoxiao's business."

   "Did Lu Xiaoxiao really go to report the crime?"

   "What if you don't report the case, and let the thief who stole go unpunished?"

   "I don't mean that, I just think it's bad for the village's reputation."

   "If the thief is not caught, it will be even worse for the village."

   "Second daughter-in-law, why are you talking so much today? You seem to be very concerned about this matter." Aunt Caihua glanced at Mrs. Wang and said.

  After hearing what Aunt Caihua said, the captain also noticed that the second daughter-in-law seemed to be particularly concerned about this matter, so he also looked at Wang.

   Wang's body trembled slightly when she was stared at by her parents-in-law. After a while, she said: "I am talking too much."

   "Second daughter-in-law, you have something to hide from us." The captain said to Wang Shi.

   "No, how could I hide something from you."

"Really do not have?"


   "Remember what you said today, if I know that you have done something wrong to the Liu family, don't blame me for letting Baoguo divorce you and go home."


  After Liu Biao came back from the county seat, he immediately ran towards Lu Xiaoxiao's house, and then he knocked on the door and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, open the door quickly, I have something urgent to see you."

  After hearing Liu Biao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao quickly went to the yard to open them, and then asked Liu Biao, "What's the matter?"

   "I saw Wang and Liu Jinbao meet at school this morning, and then Liu Jinbao took a bunch of things to the black market to sell. I recognized one or two of the things he sold as yours."

   "Look, Mrs. Wang went to report to Liu Jinbao today."

   "What's next?"

   "Continue to help me stand up against Wang Shi and Liu Jinbao."

"no problem."

   After Liu Biao left, Lu Xiaoxiao checked the time and planned to go to the county seat. He wanted Chen Guang to buy what Wang Jinbao sold, so that there would be evidence.

   An hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the black market. She came to the room where Chen Guang was resting through Manager Xie, and saw Chen Guang sitting on a stool and eating melon seeds.

   "Master Xiao, when did you come back?" Chen Guang asked Lu Xiaoxiao after seeing Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "A few days ago, how about you, when did you come back?"

   "I've been here for over a month."

   "Why don't you stay in Beijing for a few more days?"

   "I also want to stay in Beijing for a few more days, but it's a pity that I can't live without me, so I'm coming back."

  Lu Xiaoxiao expressed doubts when she heard Chen Guang's words. Every time she came to the black market, she saw Chen Guang sitting in the room doing nothing. She couldn't see that the black market could not be separated from Chen Guang.

   Instead, she felt that Chen Guang couldn't do without the black market.

   "Why did you come to see me today?" Chen Guang asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I want you to do me a favor."

   "I knew it, I knew it, you came to me to ask me to help you, can't you just come and see me once?"


  (end of this chapter)

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