Chapter 2050 Package (2)

After Zhang Xu read the letter, he knew that the vest wrapped in the oil paper was woven for him by the little girl herself, and it was the first sweater that the little girl knitted. After Zhang Xu touched the vest carefully with his hand, he Went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  After taking a shower, Zhang Xu put on a white shirt and black trousers according to what the little girl said in the letter, and then put the vest over the shirt.

  After getting dressed, Zhang Xu went to the mirror and looked, and found that he looked much younger in this way of dressing. Did the little girl dislike him for being too mature, so she wove him such a youthful vest?

  If Lu Xiaoxiao knew what Zhang Xu was thinking, she would definitely tell Zhang Xu: Young man, you think too much.

   After dressing up, Zhang Xu took the car keys and walked out of the dormitory. The little girl said that she wanted to see him in the vest, so now he was going to the photo studio to take a photo.

  Monkey was about to go to the cafeteria to have breakfast after taking a bath, but when he just walked out of the dormitory, he saw Zhang Xu dressed in fancy clothes, so he shouted loudly: "Boss."

  The three gray cats thought that something had happened to Zhang Xu when they heard the monkey's cry. They ran out of the dormitory before they even had time to put on their coats.

   But Zhang Xu stopped when he heard the monkey's shout, and then turned around to look at the monkey with a dark face.

  The monkey trembled when Zhang Xu saw it carefully, and then he took two steps back, ready to run away.

  But after he took two steps back, he couldn't go back anymore, because he felt blocked by someone behind him, so he turned his head and looked back, and saw the enlarged face of the gray cat.

   "Why are you here?" the monkey asked after taking a step back.

   "I still want to ask you what the ghost's name is."

   "I... I'm because of..." Monkey turned his head and looked back when he was halfway through speaking, but there was no one behind him.

   "Where's the boss?"

   "Gone when you turned and spoke to us."

  Hearing the gray cat's words, the monkey felt rejoiced and regretted at the same time. Fortunately, he escaped, and he regretted not following up with Zhang Xu.

   "You haven't said why you were screaming there just now?" the gray cat said to the monkey.

   "Did you see the boss just now?"

   "I see, what's the matter?"

   "Didn't you notice that the boss is wearing something different today?"

  The gray cats thought about it after hearing what the monkey said, and then they understood why the monkey screamed.

  When the monkey saw the expression of the gray cat and the others, he knew that the gray cat and the others had recollected it, so he asked them: "Aren't you curious about what the boss is doing dressed like that?"

   "What's so curious about this, the boss dressed like that is definitely going to meet a girl." Scorpion said without thinking.

   "No way, the boss has never been interested in women, how could he go to see girls."

   "Why is it impossible? Maybe the boss grows up and wants a girl, so he naturally wants to have a date."

   "You mean..."

   "That's right, it's exactly what you think, the boss is seventeen years old this year, and it's almost time for that."

  Hearing Scorpion's words, the monkey's thoughts turned back and forth, and then he asked, "What should Lu Xiaoxiao do?"

The three gray cats were silent after hearing the monkey's words. Lu Xiaoxiao was only ten years old this year, and Zhang Xu was already seventeen years old. If it was before, it would be easy to say, but now that Zhang Xu has grown up, none of them can guarantee that Zhang Xu will wait for Lu. Xiaoxiao grew up. After all, they were men, and men knew men best.

  (end of this chapter)

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