Chapter 2051 Be a dead little expert

   "Grey cat, do you think we should tell Lu Xiaoxiao about this?" The monkey asked the gray cat.

  The gray cat thought for a while after hearing what the monkey said, and then said: "You may not understand Lu Xiaoxiao after you say it."

   "No way, I think Lu Xiaoxiao's thinking is quite mature, look at her calm and calm appearance when she encounters problems, she doesn't look like a ten-year-old child."

"Monkey, what you said is wrong. The reason why Lu Xiaoxiao is calm and calm is because of her background. She is the only one left in her family, so she has to mature, otherwise she will be swallowed up to the bone. There is no scum left.

  But that doesn't mean she understands the relationship between men and women. If you talk to her about the boss so rashly, if she calls to ask the boss, what do you think will happen to the four of us? "

  After hearing the gray cat's words, the monkey couldn't help shivering when he thought of Zhang Xu's tricks.

   "Then what do you think we should do now, I think it would be too disrespectful if we don't tell Lu Xiaoxiao about this.

  Think about the medicines that Lu Xiaoxiao gave us to improve our strength, and think about the delicious food that Lu Xiaoxiao gave us.

  If we keep this matter a secret, will our conscience survive? "

  The three gray cats fell silent after hearing what the monkey said. They knew that if they kept this matter secret, they would be too sorry for Lu Xiaoxiao.

  So after they looked at each other, they unanimously decided to tell Lu Xiaoxiao about it.

   "Let's call Lu Xiaoxiao now while the boss is not at the base." Monkey suggested.

   "Okay, I will do as you said." After the gray cat finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the office.

  The monkeys followed the gray cat and walked towards the office.

  Brothers Wang Meng and Wang Kai waited for Monkey and the others to leave before they came out of the dormitory. They heard everything Gray Cat and the others had just said.

   "Brother, we seem to have learned a terrible secret unintentionally." Wang Kai said fiercely to Wang.

   "You can know it in your heart, don't say it, or you will have nothing to eat."

   "I see, I'm just a little curious, aren't Zhang Xu and Lu Xiaoxiao siblings? But I learned from their words just now that it doesn't seem to be the case, so what is the relationship between Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu?"

   "It's none of our business what kind of relationship they have. Our main task now is to integrate into this place well. Don't you think we live like human beings here."

  Wang Kai nodded after hearing Wang Meng's words, and then said: "Brother, I see, let's go to the cafeteria to eat now, and I will give them cultural lessons later."


  When Monkey and the others arrived at the office, they immediately went to the phone and called the Tianshui Village Brigade.

   "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao... Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, please come to the brigade, Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao..."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was about to knit a scarf after breakfast, but just as she picked up the needle, she heard the radio rang, so she had no choice but to put the needle down, then put on a thick padded jacket, and walked towards the village brigade.

  When she came to the village brigade, she saw the captain sitting in the office, so she asked the captain, "Captain, just now the loudspeaker asked me to come to the brigade, what's the matter?"

   "Someone called just now and said he was looking for you, and he will call again later, please sit and wait for a while."


  (end of this chapter)

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