Chapter 2332 Undercover

   "The Yue family."

  When Wang Meng heard Zhang Xu say "Yue Family", he let go of his clenched fist, and then said to Zhang Xu: "Boss, we two brothers have taken over this task."

   "The Yue family is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Don't make a decision in such a hurry. I'll give you a day to think about it."

   "There is no need to think about it. Even if Yue's family is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, we two brothers have to make a breakthrough."

   "Is it really decided?"

   "It's decided."

   "Since you have made your decision, I will entrust you with this task. I will ask someone to arrange for you to enter Yue's house tomorrow."

   "Thank you, boss."

   "Go back and get ready."


  After Wang Meng and Wang Kai left, Zhang Xu quickly turned the pen in his hand. In fact, he didn't intend to give the task of undercover to Wang Meng and Wang Kai when he first started.

  Because Wang Meng and Wang Kai are not capable enough, they are easy to be discovered.

  As for why he later handed over the task to Wang Meng and Wang Kai, it was because Wang Meng and Wang Kai were related to the Yue family.

  If he didn't give them this undercover mission, then they would definitely feel uncomfortable when they knew about it.

  Since this is the case, why doesn’t he act as a favor, anyway, the Yue family has people arranged by him, and no matter what happens, Wang Meng and Wang Kai won’t have an accident.

  After Wang Kai returned to the dormitory, he asked Wang Meng, "Brother, why do you think the boss asked us to go to Yue's house as an undercover agent?"

   "It should be an order from above. No matter what, it is a good thing for us. This time we must use the hands of the boss to bring down the Yue family and use their blood to pay homage to our mother."

Wang Kai nodded after hearing Wang Meng's words, but then he thought that two members of the Yue family had seen their brothers, so he said to Wang Meng: "Brother, two members of the Yue family met us the year before last, you said we went to the Yue family to do something Undercover, will they recognize you?"



   "Because those two died two years ago."

  Wang Kai's heart finally fell to the ground after hearing Wang Meng's words, and then he began to analyze the current situation of the Yue family with Wang Meng, and they didn't go to bed until Yue Shangzhi.

   "Master Xiao, where are you taking the four of us before dawn?" Liu Biao asked Lu Xiaoxiao.


   "Why don't you wait for dawn before starting? The mountain road is not easy to walk at this time."

   "I am happy to leave at this time, do you have any opinions?"

"no comment."

   "Follow me." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she quickened her pace and walked forward.

  The four of Liu Biao looked at each other after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then they trotted towards Lu Xiaoxiao.

  It was past eleven o'clock at noon, when Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the prey piled up like a hill, her gloomy mood finally improved a lot.

  So she said to Liu Biao and the others: "Let's go, let's go down the mountain."

   "Master Xiao, there is no way for us to get down the mountain with so many prey. How about I go down the mountain and find some reliable people to help carry the prey?"

   "Yes, but I can only find Liu Ermei's family. You know that I don't have any good feelings for the people in the village, so I don't want them to take advantage."


  After Liu Biao and Liu Erdan came down the mountain with their prey on their backs, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Er Shunzi, "Er Shunzi, how are your parents?"

   "They are in good health, and they haven't even caught a cold this winter."

"That's good."

  (end of this chapter)

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