Chapter 2333 A lot of prey

"Liu Biao, why did you come to my house? And where did you get the goat on your back?" Liu Ermei heard the knock on the door and opened the courtyard door, and then saw Liu Biao standing at her house with a goat on his back door, so she asked.

   "Don't ask so many questions, just let me in."

After Liu Erdan heard Liu Biao's words, she immediately turned sideways to let Liu Biao enter the courtyard. After Liu Biao entered the courtyard, she just wanted to close the courtyard door, but she saw Liu Erdan walking towards her house with a deer on her back. So she had no choice but to turn sideways again and let Erdan Liu enter the yard.

   "Tell me, what's going on with you guys." Liu Ermei asked Liu Biao and Liu Erdan after closing the courtyard door.

   "Nothing, Master Xiao took us up the mountain to hunt all morning."

   "Xiaoxiao is here? Where is she?"

   "On the hill."

   "You two are too inhuman, you put Xiaoxiao alone on the mountain, don't you know how dangerous the mountain is?"

   "Don't worry, the prey on the mountain will turn their heads and run away when they see Master Xiao. No prey will hurt Master Xiao."

   "Liu Biao, you have to find a better reason for lying. Do you think I will believe what you just said?"

   "Dumb, tell her if what I said is true."

  After hearing Liu Biao's words, Liu Erdan said to Liu Ermei: "Second sister, what Brother Biao said is true. The prey on the mountain are scared by Master Xiao. They will turn around and run away immediately when they see Master Xiao."

   "So amazing? Could it be that those prey have become spirits?"

   "I don't know if the prey is fine or not, but please call Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu out. Master Xiao will let them go up the mountain to help carry the prey."


When Liu Biao took Liu Pingjiang and Mrs. Liu to the place where the prey was kept, she saw Lu Xiaoxiao roasting rabbits, so she approached Lu Xiaoxiao and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, you eat it alone. Can't finish a rabbit?"

   "I want to bring this rabbit back to the county seat. You want to eat it and bake it yourself."

   "Forget it, the rabbit meat I baked is too dry, not tasty at all."

  After hearing Liu Biao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't bother to pay attention to Liu Biao. After she put the rabbit on the fire, she got up and walked towards Liu Pingjiang and Liu Shi.

  When she came in front of Liu Pingjiang and Liu Shi, she said to Liu Pingjiang and Liu Shi: "Uncle Pingjiang, Aunt Liu, I will trouble you today."

   "It's not troublesome, it just takes a little effort, but you are really good. You have shot so many prey in one morning. You must have killed all the prey on the mountain."

   "How is it possible, if I kill all the prey on the mountain, it is impossible to only have this one."

   "That's right, what do you see me and your aunt carrying down the mountain?"

   "Rabbit and Pheasant."


   "Master Xiao, what shall we carry down the mountain?" Erdan Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao.


   "What about the remaining two goats?"

   "I will carry it."

"can you?"

   "Hehe... how about you help me carry it down the mountain."

   "Forget it, a wild boar is enough for me."

  More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao carried the goat into Liu Ermei's house. After throwing the goat on the snow, she said to Liu Ermei: "Second sister, pour me a glass of water. I'm dying of thirst."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Second Sister Liu immediately turned around and ran towards the main room. After a while, she returned to the yard with a bowl of water, and then handed the water to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the water that Liu Ermei handed her, she took a sip and saw that the water temperature was just right, so she gulped down the water.

  (end of this chapter)

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