Chapter 2344 Smooth

   "So it's not my turn yet, I'm so happy."

   "Eat this candy, so that you won't be sleepy." Lu Xiaoxiao took out a candy from her pocket and handed it to Zhang Aihua.

  After Zhang Aihua took the candy that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her, she glanced at the package of the candy, and asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, what kind of candy is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

   "Mints, bought in Haishi."

   "It turns out that this candy was bought in Haishi, so I said why I have never seen this kind of candy in the county. I don't know if this candy is as delicious as the white rabbit milk candy."

   "You'll know it once you eat it."

   "That's right." After Zhang Aihua finished speaking, she peeled off the candy wrapper, and stuffed the candy into her mouth.

   "Xiaoxiao, the taste of this candy is too good. I just smelt it a few times, and I feel that my mind has cleared up a lot."

   "Peppermint has a refreshing effect."

   "It turns out that mint has such a powerful effect. I used to have a mint in my yard, but I thought it smelled bad, so I pulled it out.

  If I knew the effect of mint at that time, I would definitely not pull out the mint. "

   "You can plant another one."

   "I will plant it next spring, and when I go to school in the summer, I will bring a few mint leaves, so that I will not fall asleep because of sleepiness when I am in class."

   "Your idea is very good, but you'd better soak the mint leaves in water to drink, because if you eat the mint leaves directly, it will be so cold that you will feel bitter."


  In the next few hours, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Aihua kept chatting without saying a word. They didn't stop chatting until it was their turn to buy food.

   "Ah Hua, do you still want to buy other things?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Aihua after buying food.

   "No, my grandma is here too, so I don't have to wait in line to buy other things."

   "Then let's find a place where there is no one and wait for Aunt Chen and Grandma Qian, otherwise it is easy to be squeezed and fall when standing here."


Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Chen Zhenzhen and Qian Juhua walking towards them carrying food, so she stretched out her hand and pushed Zhang Aihua, who was dozing on the steps, and said to Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, Aunt Chen and Grandma Qian Come on, don't sleep."

   Zhang Aihua rubbed her eyes after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then stood up and looked forward.

   "Xiaoxiao, have you bought the food yet?" Chen Zhenzhen came to Zhang Aihua and put down the food, then asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Already bought it."

   "Then let's go back."


   When Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, she checked the time and it was only past seven in the morning, but she didn't plan to go upstairs to sleep, because she slept long enough yesterday, and now she doesn't feel sleepy at all.

  After she put the food she bought today into the cupboard, she glanced at the menu after going to the door, and decided to cook mutton and radish soup today.

   "Is anyone home? Open the door quickly." When Chen Guang came to the door of Lu Xiaoxiao's house, he knocked on the door and shouted into the courtyard.

  After hearing the shout, Lu Xiaoxiao put the freshly dehydrated mutton into the cupboard, and then went to the yard to open the door.

   "Master Xiao, you have come to open the door. If you open the door later, I will leave."

   "What happened? It made you so anxious."

   "Nothing happened, but I have to drive to Haishi, so I came to tell you."

   "Didn't you say that you will go to Haishi in two days? Why are you in such a hurry to go to Haishi?"

   "Originally it was planned to be the day after tomorrow, but my aunt's brother-in-law was in a hurry to return to Haishi, so I had to change the time."

  (end of this chapter)

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