Chapter 2345 Bloodshed

   "Wait a minute, I'll get you something to eat." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned and ran towards the house.

   After a while, she returned to the gate of the yard with an oiled paper bag and a bottle of mushroom meat sauce.

  Then she handed the oiled paper bag and the mushroom meat sauce to Chen Guangdao: "The one in the oil paper bag is the meatloaf, and the one in the bottle is the mushroom meat sauce. You can take it with you to eat on the train."

   After Chen Guang took the oil paper bag and mushroom meat sauce that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, he thanked Lu Xiaoxiao, then turned and left in a hurry.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't see Chen Guang's figure at all, she closed the door of the yard, and then went back to the house to continue cooking mutton soup.

  It was past eleven o'clock at noon, when Lu Xiaoxiao was planning to have lunch, she heard a knock on the door, so she went to the yard to open the door.

   "Second Sister, Uncle Pingjiang, why are you here? Come in and sit down." Lu Xiaoxiao opened the courtyard door and saw Liu Ermei and Liu Pingjiang, and said to them.

   "Xiaoxiao, we won't go in. I'm here to tell you that there is a person in the cowshed who fell and was bleeding. He is currently being rescued in the hospital. Go and have a look." Second Sister Liu said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

Lu Xiaoxiao's mind went blank for a moment when she heard Liu Ermei's words, but she quickly came back to her senses, and then said to Liu Ermei: "Second sister, thank you for telling me the news, I will treat you to something delicious some other day. "

   "Go to the hospital quickly, I'm afraid the captain won't pay that person's medical expenses."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao came to the hospital, she went to the front desk to ask the nurse where the patient from Tianshui Village was, and then ran towards the place the nurse said.

  After she came to the place the nurse said, she saw Foreman Xie squatting at the door of the emergency room, so she stepped forward and said to Foreman Xie, "Foreman Xie, who is in the emergency room? What's the situation now?"

  Foreman Xie raised his head immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then grabbed Lu Xiaoxiao's hand firmly with both hands, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao in a trembling voice: "You must rescue Mr. Fan back."

   "If you want me to save someone, you must first tell me what happened, otherwise I will not save you."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, foreman Xie reached out and scratched his hair, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I don't know exactly what happened. In the morning, Mr. Fan said to go for a walk, but it didn't take long for someone to tell me that Fan The old fell badly.

  So I asked the captain to let him send Mr. Fan to the hospital, but they sent Mr. Fan to the hospital without saying or doing anything, and went back to the village directly. "

  After listening to Foreman Xie's words, Lu Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and patted Foreman Xie's shoulders a few times, and then said to Foreman Xie, "Stay here and watch, I'll pay some money and go to the hospital."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao paid the money, she didn't go back to the emergency room immediately. Instead, she went to the hospital cafeteria to buy a few steamed buns before heading towards the emergency room.

When she came to the door of the rescue room, she saw Foreman Xie sitting on a bench, so she stepped forward and handed the bun to Foreman Xie and said, "Foreman Xie, eat something, or your body will not be able to bear it." of."

   "I'm not hungry, you can eat."

   "It's time for lunch now, even if you're not hungry, eat some, or your body will collapse, who will take care of Mr. Fan."

   After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Foreman Xie didn't refuse the buns handed over by Lu Xiaoxiao, he picked up one and ate it, but he didn't continue to eat after eating a bun.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Foreman Xie really had no appetite to eat, so instead of letting Foreman Xie eat buns, she wrapped the buns and put them away, and then sat with Foreman Xie until the operation was over.

  (end of this chapter)

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