Chapter 2346 Vegetative

   Two and a half hours later, when Lu Xiaoxiao saw the door of the operating room opened, she immediately stood up and ran towards the door of the operating room.

   "Doctor, how is the patient's condition?" Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the operating room and asked the doctor.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the doctor did not answer Lu Xiaoxiao's question immediately, but asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "What is your relationship with the patient?"

   "He is my benefactor and saved my life."

   "You are not the patient's family member, so I can't tell you the patient's situation."

   "Doctor, Mr. Fan is alone now and has no family members."

   "How do you prove that you are not lying."

   "Thank you, foreman, please tell the doctor about Mr. Fan's situation." Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the doctor didn't let him in, so she said to thank the foreman.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, foreman Xie immediately went to the doctor and said, "Doctor, what she said is true. We are from Tianshui Village. If you don't believe me, you can find Tianshui Village to inquire about it, and you will know what we said. Is it true?"

The doctor believed that what Lu Xiaoxiao said was true when he heard Mr. Xie's words, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "The patient's condition is not optimistic, because the patient's injury is very serious this time, if it is not for the patient's good health , I couldn't make it to the hospital at all.

  Although we have brought the patient back from the gate of hell, we cannot guarantee that the patient will wake up because there is a block of blood in the patient's brain. "

  After listening to the doctor's words, Lu Xiaoxiao's heart tightened, and she said to the doctor, "You mean that if Mr. Fan can't wake up, he will become a vegetable?"


   "Is there no other way to wake up Mr. Fan?"


   "Thank you doctor."

   "You're welcome, this is what we should do, you go to the ward to take care of the patients."


  Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the ward with Foreman Xie after the doctor left.

  When they came to the ward and saw Mr. Fan with a pale complexion, they felt very uncomfortable, but they didn't know how to help Mr. Fan, so they had to move a stool and sit beside the hospital bed.

  More than an hour later, the foreman Xie said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, go and buy some daily necessities for Mr. Fan and me. I will stay in the hospital to take care of Mr. Fan these few days."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao left the hospital, she immediately ran towards the supply and marketing cooperative. After a while, she bought daily necessities and returned to the ward.

  Foreman Xie reached out to take the daily necessities bought by Lu Xiaoxiao, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "You go home, I will wipe Lao Fan's body and change clothes later."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Mr. Xie's words, then she turned and left.

  After returning home, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a chicken from the space. After cleaning the chicken, she put the chicken into a casserole to make soup with herbs.

  After five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the hospital carrying chicken soup. She saw the captain arguing with Foreman Xie in the corridor, so she stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Foreman Xie couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Lu Xiaoxiao, tell the captain quickly, let me stay and take care of Mr. Fan."

After hearing Mr. Xie's words, Lu Xiaoxiao probably understood what was going on just now, so she asked the captain expressionlessly: "Captain, if you ask Mr. Xie to go back to Tianshui Village, then who do you plan to send to take care of Mr. Fan?" ? Do you want to take care of it yourself?"

  (end of this chapter)

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