Chapter 2347 check

   "I don't have time, there are a lot of things in the team waiting for me to deal with."

   "Since the captain doesn't take care of Mr. Fan himself, and doesn't let Foreman Xie take care of Mr. Fan, who will take care of Mr. Fan?"

   "How do I know this."

   "It seems that the captain wants to abandon Mr. Fan, but I want to remind the captain that Mr. Fan is now under the management of Tianshui Village. If something happens to Mr. Fan, the captain will be responsible, so I ask the captain to think twice before acting."

  The captain frowned tightly after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Although he didn't want to admit that what Lu Xiaoxiao said was reasonable, he had to admit it, so he snorted and left.

  Foreman Xie looked at the back of the captain leaving and sighed deeply, then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "It's a good thing you're here, girl Xiao, otherwise Mr. Fan might be..."

   "Second Master, as long as I'm here, I won't let you be bullied."

   "Okay, okay, but don't call me Master outside, just call me by my name as before."

"I see."

   "Come on, let's go into the ward."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the ward, she put the chicken soup on the table, and then thanked the foreman, "Second Master, I made chicken soup for you, drink it while it's hot."

  Foreman Xie didn't refuse after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He was terribly frightened by Mr. Fan today, and his body couldn't hold on anymore. If he didn't eat anymore, he might not be able to take care of Mr. Fan.

   When Mr. Xie started to drink the chicken soup, Lu Xiaoxiao walked to the hospital bed, took Fan Lao's hand out of the quilt, put her hand on Fan Lao's hand, and felt Fan Lao's pulse.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao took her hand back, and then she moved Lao Fan's hand back into the quilt.

   "How is it? Can Mr. Fan wake up?" Foreman Xie asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I don't know, but I can try."

   "Then you do it quickly, I will watch for you at the door, and no one will come in to disturb you."

   "Second Master, don't worry, I need to go home and prepare some things. I will come to the hospital tomorrow to treat Master."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao left the hospital, she was not in a hurry to go home, but walked towards the entrance of the county seat.

  After she came to the entrance of the county seat, she looked around and then walked into the grove.

  After entering the depths of the grove, she confirmed that there was no one around, then took out the bicycle from the space, and then pushed the bicycle towards the outside of the grove.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the grove, she got on her bicycle and rode towards Tianshui Village.

  After more than forty minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the entrance of Tianshui Village. After she got off her bicycle, she found a place where no one was there to put the bicycle into the space, and then walked towards Liu Biao's house.

  She came to Liu Biao's house and saw that Liu Erdan and the others were also at Liu Biao's house, so she said to the four of them: "I have something to ask for your help today."

   "Master Xiao, just tell me what's the matter, the four of us brothers will definitely help you." Erdan Liu said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing Liu Erdan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't hesitate at all, and directly told the matter to Liu Erdan and the other four, and also explained the purpose of her visit today.

   "Master Xiao, do you mean that the person who promoted Mr. Fan is related to the captain's family?" Liu Biao asked Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said.

   "That's right, otherwise the captain wouldn't have taken such a big risk to go to the hospital to drive people away."

   "We'll go out to check for you in a while, and I'll tell you the results when I go to work in the county seat tomorrow."


  (end of this chapter)

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