Chapter 2352 Agreement

"Wu Jiajia, there is no need for you to pretend to be innocent in front of me. Since I dare to come to you, I have sufficient evidence, so I advise you to surrender as soon as possible. Any way out."

  Wu Jiajia's face changed immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She didn't expect that she would leave evidence when she did it. What should I do?

   No, she must not let Lu Xiaoxiao hand over the evidence to the bureau. If Lu Xiaoxiao handed over the evidence to the bureau, her life would be over.

   "Lu Xiaoxiao, let me think about it for a few days." Wu Jiajia said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

After hearing Wu Jiajia's words, Lu Xiaoxiao knew what Wu Jiajia was up to, but this was exactly what she wanted, so she said to Wu Jiajia: "I will give you two days, if you don't surrender after two days, I will directly report to you. The evidence will be handed over to the bureau."


After Lu Xiaoxiao left the educated youth spot, she did not stay in Tianshui Village, but returned to the county seat. When she arrived in the county seat, she checked that the time was still early, so she went to the supply and marketing agency to buy two catties of pastries, and then walked towards the hospital go.

  When she came to the hospital, she saw Foreman Xie was talking to Mr. Fan, so she asked Foreman Xie, "Second Master, what are you talking to Master?"

   "Didn't say anything, just nagging casually, didn't you say you have something urgent to do? Why did you come to the hospital again?"

   "I've finished my work. Here are the pastries I bought for you. If you're hungry, eat a few pieces and fill your stomach."


   "Then I'm going home, and I'll come to the hospital in the evening."


  Lu Xiaoxiao turned on the stove when she got home, and then she went into the space to take a shower.

  After she took a bath, she thought that she would deliver food to Foreman Xie in the evening, so she went to the kitchen to cook ribs soup.

  After she cooked the pork rib soup, she filled half of it and put it in the space, and put the remaining half into the thermos, planning to send it to Foreman Xie later.

  After five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the hospital with ribs soup after dinner.

  When she came to the hospital, she saw Foreman Xie sitting at the table eating pastries, so she said to Foreman Xie, "Second Master, I brought you food."

   "What's for dinner tonight?" Foreman Xie asked after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Pork rib soup and white rice."

   "Girl Xiao, you can just send a few steamed buns tomorrow. Eating too much in the hospital is easy to cause trouble, especially for someone with an embarrassing status like me."

  Lu Xiaoxiao realized that she was careless after hearing Mr. Xie's words, so she said to Mr. Xie: "Second Master, I understand, I will keep a low profile in the future."

  Foreman Xie was very satisfied with Lu Xiaoxiao, so he ate dinner happily.

Half an hour later, foreman Xie finished his dinner, and then he remembered that he forgot to tell Lu Xiaoxiao about something, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Girl Xiao, have you reported to Professor Zhang and Professor Wang that you are safe?" ?”

   "I didn't go there in person, but I dragged someone to tell the third master and the fourth master about the master's situation."

   “Just tell them so they don’t lose sleep over worry.”

   "Second Master, don't worry too much, I will make Master get better before the Chinese New Year."


   "It's getting late, I'll go back first, Second Master, you should go to bed earlier."

   "Understood, when you go back, remember to take the main road instead of the small alley."


  (end of this chapter)

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