Chapter 2353 Moment of shame

Ever since Wu Jiajia chatted with Lu Xiaoxiao in the afternoon, her heart has been uneasy. She finally waited until it was dark, and she could go out to find someone in the dark, but when she went out, she wanted to have diarrhea, so she had to run to the toilet .

  After she finished having diarrhea, she collapsed, but when she thought of the agreement with Lu Xiaoxiao, she had no choice but to support herself and walk out of the courtyard.

  When Wu Jiajia came to the place where she and Captain Zhang had a tryst, she saw Captain Zhang leaning on a tree smoking a pipe, so she stepped forward and said to the captain, "Lu Xiaoxiao came to see me today."

"I know."

"How did you know?"

   "Lu Xiaoxiao came to us before looking for you."

  Wu Jiajia panicked even more after hearing what Captain Zhang said, so she said to Captain Zhang: "What should we do next? Lu Xiaoxiao has evidence that I pushed people."

   "Don't worry, the captain said he will find a way."

   "Are you sure the captain will help me?"

   "It should be, after all, we are grasshoppers on the same rope now."

   "I hope so, if the captain doesn't help me, then I have no choice but to drag him into the water."

   Captain Zhang's eyes flashed a dangerous light when he heard Wu Jiajia's words, and then he said to Wu Jiajia: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you."

   "Well, I trust you."

   "It's getting late, let's hurry up." Captain Zhang kissed Wu Jiajia after speaking.

  Wu Jiajia was not in the mood to come out to see Captain Zhang these days because of Mr. Fan's affairs, so seeing Captain Zhang like this now, she also thought a little bit, so she directly stretched out her arms and hugged Captain Zhang's neck.

  Captain Zhang was very satisfied with Wu Jiajia's response, so he became more enthusiastic than before, which almost made Wu Jiajia unbearable.

  Just as the two of them entered the state of ecstasy, there was a sudden "pow" sound, which made the two of them freeze instantly.

   "What did you eat tonight?" Captain Zhang asked Wu Jiajia while covering his nose.

  Wu Jiajia was so ashamed to faint when she heard Captain Zhang's words, but she couldn't faint no matter what, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Soybean."

   "No wonder your fart smells so bad. It turns out that you ate soybeans, but can you bear with it and wait until we are done."

   "Yes... yes."

   Captain Zhang was relieved after hearing what Wu Jiajia said, so he kissed Wu Jiajia again.

   But at the critical moment, a fart made the two of them freeze again.

Captain Zhang was interrupted again and again by the sound of farts, and his interest suddenly disappeared, so he got up and put on his clothes, and then said to Wu Jiajia: "I will go back today, and you should go back to rest early, remember Don’t eat soybeans when you come to see me in the future.”

  Wu Jiajia only felt thunderous when she heard Captain Zhang's words. She had never felt so ashamed. I am afraid that Captain Zhang will think of today when he is with her in the future.

  Wu Jiajia returned to the dormitory in a daze. She was about to take off her clothes and go to bed, but just as she took off the padded jacket, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, so she quickly put on the padded jacket and ran to the toilet.

   Half an hour later, Wu Jiajia returned to the house with the help of the wall. Seeing that Zhou Yu, who was in the same dormitory as her, was sleeping soundly, she suddenly felt unbalanced, so she directly lit the candles in the room.

  It's a pity that even if she lit the candle, she couldn't wake Zhou Yu up, so she had to blow out the candle.

   Thank you Magic m, Zilan Memories, and Jessica for your rewards, okay?




  (end of this chapter)

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