Chapter 2354 Tortured to death

  Wu Jiajia sat on the stool for half an hour. Seeing that there was no more movement in her stomach, she took off her clothes and climbed onto the kang to sleep.

  But as soon as she closed her eyes for a while, there was a gurgling sound from her stomach, which made her clamp her buttocks tightly, get off the kang, put on a padded jacket and run to the toilet.

When Zhou Yu woke up the next morning and saw Wu Jiajia sitting on the ground with disheveled hair, she was taken aback. Just when she wanted to get up to help Wu Jiajia, she saw Wu Jiajia raised her head and looked at her with eyes like It was as if he was going to eat her, and made her dare not move.

   "Bang bang bang... Zhou Yu, are you awake? It's our turn to make breakfast today." Wang Juan shouted into the house while knocking on the door.

  Zhou Yu heard Wang Juan's cry as if she had caught a life-saving straw, so she hurriedly said to Wang Juan: "Sister Juan, I've already woken up, please wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

   "Then you should be faster. We got up late today. If we don't speed up, we won't be able to finish the meal on time."

   "I see." After Zhou Yu finished speaking, he looked at Wu Jiajia who was sitting on the ground.

  Seeing Wu Jiajia lowered her head, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then quickly got dressed, and ran out of the house.

   "Your speed today is fast enough. I thought you couldn't handle it in ten minutes, but I didn't expect you to use it in three minutes. You have made great progress." Wang Juan said to Zhou Yu after Zhou Yu left the room.

   "I'm afraid of delaying things, let's go, let's make breakfast."


  Wu Jiajia slowly got up from the ground when Zhou Yu and Wang Juan's voices could not be heard at all, then she took off her clothes and got on the kang and got into the bed.

  She had diarrhea all night last night. At this moment, she was so weak that she had no strength in her body. What she wanted to do most now was to have a good sleep.

  Lu Xiaoxiao had no idea that the laxatives she gave Wu Jiajia had tormented Wu Jiajia to death. At this moment, she was walking towards the hospital with her breakfast.

   "Xiao girl, you are here. I have already wiped Lao Fan's body, you can go straight to acupuncture." Foreman Xie said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the ward.

  After hearing what Foreman Xie said, Lu Xiaoxiao handed the breakfast in her hand to Foreman Xie, and then said to Foreman Xie, "Second Master, you eat breakfast first, and I will go to Master Bang to get a pulse."


After Lu Xiaoxiao took Fan Lao's pulse, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The effect of her acupuncture on Fan Lao yesterday was very good. Today, she will give Fan Lao acupuncture once again. The blood congestion in Fan Lao's brain should be completely cured. melted away.

   "Girl Xiao, is Mr. Fan okay?" Foreman Xie came to Lu Xiaoxiao after breakfast and asked Lu Xiaoxiao.


   "That's good, I'll go and guard the door now."


  After Mr. Xie came out of the ward, Lu Xiaoxiao took out three medicines from the space and fed them to Mr. Fan, and then began to give Mr. Fan the needles.

   More than two hours later, Lu Xiaoxiao helped Mr. Fan perform the injection. After rubbing her temples with her hands, she sat down on the stool and shouted to the foreman outside the house, "You can come in."

Foreman Xie immediately entered the room after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. When he saw that Lu Xiaoxiao's face was pale, he didn't bother to ask about Mr. Fan's situation, so he knelt down and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiao girl, you Come on my back, I'll carry you to the doctor."

  (end of this chapter)

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