Chapter 2360 Find the witness

After Lu Xiaoxiao left the hospital, she got on her bicycle and rode towards Tianshui Village. Today is not only the day she and Liu Biao agreed to meet, but also the day she and Wu Jiajia agreed to meet. She hoped that things could be settled today, after all, the day after tomorrow It's New Year's Eve, and she wants to celebrate the new year with peace of mind.

  An hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of Liu Biao's house. Seeing that the door of Liu Biao's house was open, she pushed her bicycle directly into the yard.

   "Master Xiao, you are here." Liu Biao heard the movement in the yard, and knew that it must be Lu Xiaoxiao, so he went out of the room and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "How about the thing I asked you to check? Is there any result?"

   "A witness was found, but he was unwilling to come forward and testify."


   "Don't know."

   "Take me to him."


  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao stood in front of the dilapidated thatched cottage. She asked Liu Biao suspiciously, "Are you sure the witness is Liu Ankang?"


   "Go and knock on the door."


  Liu Ankang had just finished breakfast when he heard a knock on the door, so he put the food back into the pot in the kitchen and put it away before going to the door of the house to open the door.

   "Why are you here again? I said I won't come forward as a witness. Give up." Liu Ankang said to Liu Biao when he saw Liu Biao after opening the door.

   "Why are you unwilling to come forward as a witness?" Lu Xiaoxiao walked out from behind Liu Biao and asked Liu Ankang.

  Liu Ankang was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Lu Xiaoxiao, but soon he came back to his senses, and asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Are you and Liu Biao in the same group?"

   "That's right, I sent Liu Biao to find you."

   "Why? Why are you helping that person?"

   "Because he is my savior."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Liu Ankang lowered his head and thought for a while, then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I can testify for you, but you have to promise me one request."

"Tell me."

   "I hope you can give me a hand when I'm in trouble."

   "As long as you don't do anything harmful, I can promise you."

  After receiving Lu Xiaoxiao's promise, Liu Ankang smiled happily, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "When do you need me to come forward?"

   "The time has not been set yet."

   "I'm basically at home. When you need me to come out, you can come to my house to find me."


  When Liu Biao was a hundred meters away from Liu Ankang's house, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, why did Liu Ankang ask you to agree to such a strange request?"

   "Who knows."

   "What a weirdo."

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled after hearing Liu Biao's words, and then said to Liu Biao: "I'm going to find Wu Jiajia, do you want to go together?"

   "No, I don't like the people in the Educated Youth Academy."

   "Okay, then you go home, I will find you after I finish looking for Wu Jiajia."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the Educated Youth Academy, she saw Wu Jiajia standing under the eaves of the Educated Youth Academy. Compared with the previous two days, Wu Jiajia was much haggard, and she completely lost her previous delicate appearance.

   "Have you figured it out?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Wu Jiajia.

   "Thought it out."

   "Say your decision."

   "Before I say my decision, you and I go somewhere."

   "Where to?"

   "Village Office."

  After hearing Wu Jiajia's words, Lu Xiaoxiao thought about it for a while, and probably knew why Wu Jiajia asked her to go to the village to work, so she said to Wu Jiajia, "Let's go."

  (end of this chapter)

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