Chapter 2361 Plea

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the village office. She saw that there was only the captain sitting in the village office, which was slightly different.

   "You are here." The captain said to Lu Xiaoxiao who walked into the office.

   "Didn't the captain ask me to come?"

   "I asked you to come, sit down."

   "No need, it's fine for me to stand, the captain can say whatever he wants."

   "Do you have evidence in your hand?"


   "How about we make a deal?"

   "What deal?"

   "Leave Wu Jiajia alone, I will help you take care of those four people."

   "Impossible, if I let Wu Jiajia go, she will get worse, so this time I will not let Wu Jiajia go no matter what."

   "Think about it again." The captain said to Lu Xiaoxiao in a threatening tone.

  Lu Xiaoxiao sneered when she heard the captain's threatening words, then looked at the captain and said, "Captain, do you think Wu Jiajia has gone in, will you be far behind?"

   "What do you mean by that?"

   "It's not interesting. It's fine if the captain doesn't understand. I have something to leave first."

   "Wait a minute, what are you going to do to let Wu Jiajia go?"

   "Except for letting go of Wu Jiajia, we can talk about other things."

   "Lu Xiaoxiao, I ask you to let me go this time." The captain knelt on the ground and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Lu Xiaoxiao was taken aback by the captain's sudden action. She didn't expect the captain to kneel down for her.

   "Get up quickly." Lu Xiaoxiao said to the captain.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the captain not only didn't get up, but kowtowed to Lu Xiaoxiao. Fortunately, Lu Xiaoxiao reacted quickly and avoided the captain's bow, otherwise she would probably lose her life.

   "Captain, if you think this will allow me to let Wu Jiajia go, then you are really naive."

   "I know it's not wise for me to do this, but for the sake of my family, I have to do it."

   "Do you have something in Wu Jiajia's hands?"


   "If you want me to save you, you can, but I have a request."

"any request?"

   "Sign this piece of paper." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to the captain.

After the captain took the paper that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, he looked at the content on the paper, and then his face turned pale. He didn't expect that Lu Xiaoxiao could find out all the things he had done for so many years. It seemed that he underestimated Lu Xiaoxiao too much.

   "If I sign, you will let Wu Jiajia go?"


   "Then I won't sign."

"you sure?"


   "Hey, I originally planned to save you, but since you refused, then this confession is useless." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she was about to tear up the confession in her hand.

   "Wait a minute, what do you mean by what you just said? What do you mean by trying to save me? You sent Wu Jiajia in, how can you save me?"

   "How to save you is my business, you just need to sign the confession."

The captain hesitated for a while after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, but finally he decided to sign the confession, so he took the confession from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, then picked up the pen on the table and signed the confession. own name.

   "I have already signed the confession, I hope you don't break your promise." The captain handed the confession to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the confession letter handed to her by the captain, she checked that the name signed by the captain was correct, and put the confession letter in her pocket.

  (end of this chapter)

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