Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2364: Arrest people at home (2)

  Chapter 2364 Arresting people (2)

  After hearing the signal from Lu Xiaoxiao, Liu Cheng and the others walked into the courtyard and walked towards Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Wu Jiajia's expression changed when she saw the three of Liu Cheng walking into the yard, and then she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Didn't you say you let me go? Why did you call Liu Cheng?"

   "When did I say I let you go? Why didn't I know?"

   "In the morning you obviously..."

   "I know what's wrong, I remember that I just asked you to go back to the Educated Youth Court in the morning."

   "You are shameless, even misleading me with words."

   "Hehe... Brain is a good thing, I hope you have it."


   "Liu Cheng, I'll leave the rest to you." Lu Xiaoxiao interrupted Wu Jiajia and said to Liu Cheng.

   Liu Cheng nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then asked the two people behind him to catch Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Don't touch me, if you touch me again, I will sue you." Wu Jiajia looked at the two people approaching him and shouted.

   "Don't pay attention to her words, just arrest her." Liu Cheng said to the two people he brought.

  The captain saw the arresting scene when he entered the Educated Youth Court, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Lu Xiaoxiao, is this not good?"

   "Captain, do you want to experience it too?"

  The captain shut his mouth immediately after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then stood silently watching Wu Jiajia being arrested.

  After Liu Cheng saw that the person he brought had captured Wu Jiajia, he said, "Take her away."

Seeing that she was about to be taken away, Wu Jiajia's fear reached the point. Just when she couldn't think of how to escape, she saw the captain, so she immediately shouted to the captain: "Captain, save me quickly, You save me quickly."

  The captain opened his mouth slightly after hearing Wu Jiajia's words, but in the end he chose to remain silent.

When Wu Jiajia saw that the captain didn't say anything when she heard her pleading for help, her heart suddenly turned cold, so she directly tore her face and shouted to the captain: "Captain, if you don't save me, don't blame me for shaking you out. It’s not good, so don’t even think about it.”

   "Take him away quickly." Liu Cheng said to the two people he brought.

  After hearing what Liu Cheng said, the two immediately dragged Wu Jiajia to the outside of the Educated Youth Court. No matter how Wu Jiajia yelled, they had no chance, and they just pulled Wu Jiajia away at a faster speed.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao was completely out of sight of Wu Jiajia, she said to the captain: "Captain, I will take him away, and I will leave the rest to you. I think you should know how to explain to them."

   "You remember what you promised me."

   "Don't worry, as long as you keep yourself safe, I will never touch you."

  The captain was relieved after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, so he went to explain to the people in the Educated Youth Academy and the spectators.

   "Let's go." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the captain's back and said to Liu Cheng.

  Liu Cheng nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then walked towards the outside of the Educated Youth Court with Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Master Xiao, I brought him." Liu Biao saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming out of the educated youth courtyard, so he brought Liu Ankang to Lu Xiaoxiao, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing what Liu Biao said, Lu Xiaoxiao turned to Liu Cheng and said, "This is Liu Ankang, he is an eyewitness."

   "Let's go, let's go back to the county seat now, and try to get things done before I get off work."


  (end of this chapter)

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