Chapter 2365 Injury Report

  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the county seat, she didn't go to the bureau with Liu Cheng, but walked towards the hospital.

  Although there are eyewitnesses now, the victim will still be there. She will go to the hospital to pick up Mr. Fan, and ask the doctor to issue a report on Mr. Fan's injury.

   "Xiao girl, why are you here?" Foreman Xie asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the ward.

   "I'm here to pick up Mr. Fan. Wu Jiajia has already been taken to the bureau, and the results will come out today."

   "So fast?"

   "The New Year will be the day after tomorrow. If we don't speed up, it will be delayed until next year. I don't want to keep Wu Jiajia for the New Year."

   "Time flies so fast, another year has passed before you know it."

   "Yeah, I also think it's going pretty fast."

   "If you are young, don't imitate my tone of voice. Those who don't know think how many vicissitudes you have experienced."

  After hearing Mr. Xie's words, Lu Xiaoxiao really wanted to say that she had indeed experienced many things, but they were all things in her previous life, and she couldn't bring them out, so she had to keep her mouth shut.

   "Girl Xiao, didn't you come to pick me up, let's go." Old Fan said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Wait a minute, I'm going to the doctor to issue an injury report."

"I will go with you."

   "No, I can go alone."

   "Let's go together, I want to ask the doctor if I can be discharged today."

   "Master, you can stay in the hospital for two more days, and you can go back the day before the Chinese New Year."

   "I want to go back sooner. The older I get, the less I like places like hospitals. Because I smell the disinfectant in the hospital, I feel like there is no tomorrow after today."

  Lu Xiaoxiao heard what Fan Lao said and didn't stop Fan Lao anymore, because she also didn't like hospitals very much, so she could understand Fan Lao's mood.

  At the same time, she also decided that as long as the doctor said that Mr. Fan could be discharged from the hospital today, she would rescue Mr. Fan from the hospital and return to Tianshui Village.

  Anyway, now that the captain has the handle in her hands, Mr. Fan and the others will be protected by the captain in the future, and life will definitely be easier than before, so there is nothing wrong with going back to Tianshui Village.

   "Master, Second Master, let's go to the doctor now." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked out of the ward.

  Old Fan and Foreman Xie stood up after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then walked out of the ward after Lu Xiaoxiao.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the doctor's office, she saw that the door was half open, so she reached out and knocked on the door a few times.

"Come in."

  After Lu Xiaoxiao heard what the doctor said, she opened the door and entered the office.

   "Is there anything you want to see me for?" Huang Maode looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and the three of them and asked.

   "Doctor Huang, I came to you to ask you to help you to issue an injury report. The person who injured Mr. Fan was caught, and the hospital needs to provide Mr. Fan's injury report."

   "Okay, I'll prescribe it for you now." Huang Maode found Lao Fan's medical records after finishing speaking, and then began to issue the injury report.

   After a while, he finished the medical examination report. He handed the medical examination report to Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Check to see if there are any mistakes."

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the injury report that Huang Maode handed her, she handed it directly to Mr. Fan.

  The reason why she handed the injury report to Mr. Fan was not because she wanted to be lazy, but because she didn't know how to write the report at all, so it was useless for her to read it, so she might as well give it to Mr. Fan directly.

  Old Fan took the injury report that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, and then looked at the content on the side. Seeing that there were no mistakes, he nodded towards Lu Xiaoxiao.

  (end of this chapter)

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