Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2392: it's a little difficult

  Chapter 2392 This matter is a bit difficult to handle

"Hey... This matter is a bit difficult. If Xiaoxiao just skipped one or two grades, I can still help her, but she will jump from elementary school to junior high school this time. I'm really not sure that I can help her. "

   "Grandpa, you have to help Xiaoxiao think of a way, because Xiaoxiao really wants to skip a grade and go to junior high school. She has started to learn junior high school knowledge in order to be able to enter junior high school."

   "Is what you said true?"

"of course it's true."

   "Tomorrow, you can ask Xiaoxiao how she is doing in junior high school. If possible, you can ask Xiaoxiao to come to my house."


The next morning, after Lu Xiaoxiao finished her breakfast, she planned to go to the department store. She had a lot of tickets that were about to expire, so she planned to use those tickets that were about to expire today, otherwise those tickets would expire It would be a pity.

   "Xiaoxiao, where are you going to play?" Zhang Aihua saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming out of the house, so she ran to Lu Xiaoxiao and asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I'm going to go to the department store to buy some things, do you want to go together?"

   "Can we go later?"


   "My grandpa wants to see you?"

   "Grandpa Zhang wants to see me?"


  Lu Xiaoxiao thought for a while after hearing Zhang Aihua's words, but she didn't come up with a reason, so she decided to go to see Grandpa Zhang with Zhang Aihua.

   "Mom, is grandpa in the main room?" Zhang Aihua asked Chen Zhenzhen when she saw Chen Zhenzhen feeding the chickens when she entered the yard.

   "Yeah, what can you do with your grandpa?"

   "I won't tell you yet." After Zhang Aihua finished speaking, she dragged Lu Xiaoxiao into the main room.

   "Xiaoxiao is here, come and sit quickly." Zhang Weiguo said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the main room.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Weiguo's words, and then sat on the kang opposite Zhang Weiguo.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao sat down, Zhang Weiguo asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I heard that A Hua said that you plan to skip a grade and go to junior high school?"


   "If you really skipped a grade to junior high school, can you keep up with your studies?"

   "I have already learned the knowledge of the first grade of junior high school."



   "I have a test paper here. If you can score more than 85 points, I will find a way to help you skip to junior high school." After Zhang Weiguo finished speaking, he took out the test paper he prepared last night and put it on the z

  Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Weiguo in surprise after hearing Zhang Weiguo's words. She didn't expect that Zhang Weiguo came to her for this matter.

  Although she didn't need Zhang Weiguo's help in skipping a grade, she didn't want to spoil the old man's wishes, so she took the test paper and started writing.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao handed the written test paper to Zhang Weiguo, and then said to Zhang Weiguo, "Grandpa Zhang, I have already written it."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Weiguo took the test paper that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, and then picked up a pen to correct it.

   "Okay, that's great, Xiaoxiao, your knowledge in the first year of junior high school is very solid." Zhang Weiguo said to Lu Xiaoxiao after grading the test papers.

   "Grandpa, how many points did Xiaoxiao get in the test?"

   "Full marks."

   "Impossible, Xiaoxiao is so powerful?"

   "If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself." After Zhang Weiguo finished speaking, he handed the test paper to Zhang Aihua.

  After Zhang Aihua took the test paper that Zhang Weiguo handed her, she saw the big 100 points on the test paper, and immediately looked at Lu Xiaoxiao like looking at a fairy.

  Lu Xiaoxiao felt hairy all over when Zhang Aihua looked at her, so she coughed lightly twice, and said to Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, don't stare at me."

  (end of this chapter)

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