Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2393: someone already helped

  Chapter 2393 Someone has already helped

   "Let me see for a while, there is light behind you at this moment."

   Zhang Weiguo shook his head helplessly after hearing Zhang Aihua's words, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, you don't need to pay attention to Ahua, she won't look at you anymore after she has seen enough."


   "I will find a way to let you skip a grade to junior high school, but you can't relax during this time. You must consolidate the knowledge of the first year of junior high school. You may need to take the exam again when you enter school."

   "Grandpa Zhang, thank you for your kindness, but someone has already helped me with the matter of skipping a grade."


"my brother."

   "Okay, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, come to my house to find me."

   "Understood, thank you Grandpa Zhang." Lu Xiaoxiao said gratefully after hearing Zhang Weiguo's words.

   "Ah Hua, come back to your senses, if you don't come back to your senses, Xiaoxiao will leave." Seeing that Zhang Aihua was still looking at Lu Xiaoxiao, Zhang Weiguo stretched out his hand to pat Zhang Aihua's head and said.

  Zhang Aihua was brought back to her senses by Zhang Weiguo's slap, and then she touched the painful place from Zhang Weiguo's slap and said, "Grandpa, you slapped my head again."

   "Who made you look like a fool."

   "I don't look like a fool. There is no such good-looking fool as me in this world."

   "Go away, don't block my eyes."

   "Let's go, Xiaoxiao, let's go to the department store."


  After Zhang Aihua left the house, she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, do you really not need my grandpa's help?"

   "You heard the conversation between me and Grandpa Zhang just now."

   "Of course I heard it. Although I was staring at you at that time, I still paid attention to the conversation between you and my grandpa."

   "See all directions and listen to all directions, Ah Hua, you can do it."

   "Hey... This is what I practiced when I was absent in class. I will definitely not let the teacher catch me for not paying attention to the class."

After hearing Zhang Aihua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched involuntarily, and then persuaded Zhang Aihua: "Ah Hua, you should listen carefully in class in the future, after all, learning opportunities are very precious, and many people want to go to school now but have no chance to go to school." .”

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Aihua fell silent when she thought that the number of students in their class was getting smaller every year.

   After a while, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I understand, I will study hard in the future, and try to skip a grade like you."

   "With ambition, I believe you will succeed."

   “I also believe in myself.”

   "Let's go, let's go to the department store."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao took Zhang Aihua around the department store, he used up all the tickets that were about to expire, and then she said to Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, you can accompany me to buy the last thing."

   "You still have to buy something."

   "Last same."

"All right."

  Lu Xiaoxiao came to the counter where the pens were sold, and said to the salesperson, "Please help me get two identical Hero brand pens."

  The salesperson glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, then took out two Hero brand pens from the counter and put them on the counter, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "It's four dollars in total."

  After hearing what the salesperson said, Lu Xiaoxiao took out four dollars from her bag and handed it to the salesperson, then put the pen in the bag, and walked towards the entrance of the department store with Zhang Aihua.

   "Xiaoxiao, why did you buy such an expensive fountain pen? You bought two of them at once." Zhang Aihua asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw that Lu Xiaoxiao wanted to buy two identical Hero brand fountain pens.

   "I'll tell you when I get home."

   "Can't you say it now?"


"All right."

  (end of this chapter)

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