Chapter 2399 Bone setting

   "Okay, then I will give Zhang Weiguo acupuncture and moxibustion now." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao took out the silver needle from the space under the cover of her pocket, and began to give Zhang Weiguo acupuncture and moxibustion.

  After more than 20 minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao wiped the hair on her forehead with her sleeve, and then said to Zhang Aihua: "Ah Hua, I have already corrected Xiang Xiang's misplaced bones, and then Grandpa Zhang only needs to rest in bed.

  But to be on the safe side, let Uncle Zhang take Grandpa Zhang to the hospital for an examination. "


   "By the way, don't tell me about my acupuncture treatment for Grandpa Zhang. If the doctor asks you, just say that someone you don't know treated Grandpa Zhang."


   "I'm afraid of trouble."

   "Okay, I won't tell anyone about your medical skills."


   "If you want to say thank you, it should be me who told you. If it wasn't for you, my grandpa would still be suffering. How could he sleep so peacefully?"

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled after hearing Zhang Aihua's words, then she reached out and patted Zhang Aihua's shoulder, and said to Zhang Aihua: "Ah Hua, Uncle Zhang should be here soon, go and call Grandma Qian and Aunt Chen out."


   After Zhang Aihua left, Lu Xiaoxiao walked to the side of the kang, and then fed the pill in her hand into Zhang Weiguo's mouth.

  She just corrected Zhang Weiguo's dislocated bones with acupuncture and moxibustion, but Zhang Weiguo is in his fifties after all, not as young as he is.

  So even if the bone is corrected, the recovery period will take at least one or two months.

  For a restless person like Zhang Weiguo, letting him lie in bed for a month or two is worse than death.

  That's why Lu Xiaoxiao gave Zhang Weiguo the elixir that speeds up bone recovery, as a repayment for Zhang Weiguo's kindness in finding a school for her.

   "Xiaoxiao, have you really cured the old man?" Qian Juhua asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she came to the main room.

   "I helped Grandpa Zhang correct the misplaced bones. If Grandpa Zhang wants to fully recover, he still needs to be raised for a month. After all, he has been injured for a hundred days."

   "Thank you, you are really a great benefactor of my family. Without you, maybe... maybe..." Qian Juhua burst into tears while talking.

   Chen Zhenzhen saw Qian Juhua crying sadly, and her tears fell down unconsciously.

  What Lu Xiaoxiao is most afraid of is seeing others cry. Seeing Qian Juhua and Chen Zhenzhen crying there, she immediately turned to the two, so she looked at Zhang Aihua.

   Zhang Aihua also had a headache when her grandma and mother cried loudly, but she was afraid that their crying would wake Zhang Weiguo.

  So he said: "Grandma, Mom, don't cry, grandpa finally fell asleep, what if you wake up grandpa?"

  Qian Juhua and Chen Zhenzhen stopped crying immediately after hearing Zhang Aihua's words, and then whispered: "We are wrong, we will stop crying."

Zhang Aihua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing what Qian Juhua and Chen Zhenzhen said, and then said to Chen Zhenzhen: "Mom, Dad will be back soon, and now our yard is full of spectators. A certain degree of difficulty, so you have to let the people in the yard leave before Dad brings the doctor."

   "Okay, I'll let them leave me now." After Chen Zhenzhen finished speaking, she opened the door of the main room with high spirits and walked out. If her eyes were not still red and swollen, she would not have cried at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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