Chapter 2400 Terrible brain supplement

  After Chen Zhenzhen evacuated all the people in the yard, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Aihua: "Ah Hua, I'll go back first, remember what I told you earlier."


  After Zhang Aihua sent Lu Xiaoxiao away, she was about to close the door and go back to the house, when she saw Zhang Xuejun running towards her with two doctors, so she immediately stopped closing the door.

   "Ah Hua, how is your grandfather doing now?" Zhang Xuejun asked Zhang Aihua.

   "Grandpa is doing well now."

   "How can it be not bad? Before I left, your grandfather looked like he was about to die of pain. Could it be that you said such words to comfort me to comfort me?"

   "If you don't believe what I say, go into the house and see for yourself."

  After Zhang Xuejun heard what Zhang Aihua said, he immediately took the doctor and ran towards the house. When he entered the house, he saw Zhang Weiguo lying peacefully on the kang.

  He immediately rushed towards Zhang Weiguo crying.

  The people in the room were taken aback by Zhang Xuejun's move. When they were wondering why Zhang Xuejun made such a move, they were blackened by Zhang Xuejun's crying.

   "Xuejun, shut your mouth for me, your father is not dead yet, why are you crying?"

   "Mom, don't lie to me. Dad is like this. I can't see anything."

   "" Qian Juhua couldn't say anything when she was so angry with Zhang Xuejun's words, so she could only stare at Zhang Xuejun fiercely.

Chen Zhenzhen saw that her man made her mother-in-law so angry, she immediately stepped forward and pulled Zhang Xuejun away, and then said to Zhang Xuejun: "Dad is really fine, someone healed Dad's injury just now, if you don't believe me, ask the doctor to check on Dad. "

  After hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words, Zhang Xuejun asked Chen Zhenzhen suspiciously: "What you said is true?"

   "If you really ask a doctor to check it, you will know."


   Half an hour later, the doctor put away the medical equipment, and then said to Zhang Xuejun: "The patient's injury has indeed been cured, and the patient just needs to rest in bed."

   Zhang Xuejun was stunned for a moment when he heard the doctor's words, but he quickly reacted, and then asked the doctor: "Doctor, doesn't my dad need to be hospitalized?"

   "No need, if you are worried, you can go to the hospital to prescribe some medicine to promote bone recovery."

   "I see, thank you doctor."

   "This is the bill for outpatient visits. Remember to pay it at the hospital." After the doctor finished speaking, he handed the bill to Zhang Xuejun.

   After Zhang Xuejun took the payment slip handed to him by the doctor, he thanked the doctor again and sent the doctor away.

   "Zhenzhen, who cured Dad?" Zhang Xuejun asked Chen Zhenzhen after returning to the house.

  After hearing Zhang Xuejun's words, Chen Zhenzhen did not answer Zhang Xuejun immediately, but looked at Zhang Aihua.

After Zhang Aihua received Chen Zhenzhen's gaze, she said to Zhang Xuejun: "Dad, Xiaoxiao helped to correct Grandpa's bones, but Xiaoxiao doesn't want her medical skills to be known, so you don't want Xiaoxiao's medical skills to be known." Tell it out."

   "Don't worry, your dad is not the kind of person with a big tongue, and he won't tell about Xiaoxiao's medical skills.

  But Xiaoxiao has such good medical skills at such a young age, which is really amazing. "

   "Xiaoxiao is already very good, but I don't envy Xiaoxiao at all, on the contrary, I feel sorry for Xiaoxiao, because Xiaoxiao must have suffered a lot in order to learn medicine."

  (end of this chapter)

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