Chapter 2485 Where is my gift?

   Zhang Xu sighed helplessly after hearing the little girl's words. If he didn't understand what the little girl was up to, he would have lived to this age in vain.

  So he stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish floss and ate it.

  After Zhang Xu finished eating all the fish she had picked out, Lu Xiaoxiao stood up contentedly and walked towards the bathroom.

"Master Xiao...Master Xiao...Master Xiao, open the door quickly?" Monkey came to the door of Lu Xiaoxiao's dormitory after eating. He saw that the light in Lu Xiaoxiao's dormitory was on, so he knocked on the door and shouted into the room. road.

Zhang Xu's face darkened instantly after hearing the monkey's words. When he was about to stand up and let the monkey go, he saw the little girl coming out of the bathroom, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​letting the monkey go, because he knew that the little girl would not let the monkey go. He drives away the monkeys.

   "Why are you here?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked the monkey after opening the door of the dormitory.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with hurt eyes, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, didn't you tell me to go to your dormitory to pick up gifts? Why did you forget it so quickly? Don't you have a present for me?"

"How is it possible? I have already prepared the presents for you and the gray cat. Just wait, I will get you presents." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned and went back to the dormitory, and then took out the A small book was handed to the monkey.

  After the monkey took the notebook that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, he quickly opened it and looked at it, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao with a puzzled expression: "Master Xiao, what is this you gave me?"

   "A set of exercises, as long as you learn this set of exercises, you can save your life."

   "So powerful?" Monkey asked incredulously after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Of course, if you don't believe me, you can try to practice, and soon you will understand how powerful this set of exercises is."

   "Then I will go back to practice now, and I will tell you how I feel after practicing tomorrow." After the monkey finished speaking, he immediately ran out of the dormitory.

   When Lu Xiaoxiao saw the monkey's furious look, she shook her head, and then she closed the door of the dormitory.

   After the little girl sat on the bed, Zhang Xu looked at the little girl quietly and said, "Where's my gift?"

   "Do you want a gift too?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

   "You mean there are presents for them, but not for me?"

   "No way, I have prepared gifts for them, how could I not prepare you." Seeing Zhang Xu's increasingly cold face, Lu Xiaoxiao hurriedly said to Zhang Xu.

   "Oh, then take out the gift. Just now you gave the monkeys a life-saving technique. I think my gift should not be worse than theirs."

  Lu Xiaoxiao almost spit out old blood when she heard Zhang Xu's words. She now understands the feelings of the four of them.

  At that time, she didn't believe what Monkey and the others said at all. Now she really wants to go back to that time and complain about Zhang Xu with Monkey and the others.

   "What's wrong with you? Are you reluctant to give me a gift? If you don't, I don't have to." Seeing the little girl sitting on the bed in a daze, Zhang Xu said to the little girl dissatisfied.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard what Zhang Xu said, her whole body trembled, and then she immediately got off the bed and walked towards the cabinet.

  (end of this chapter)

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