Chapter 2486 My gift (2)

When she came to the cabinet, she opened the door of the cabinet, and then took out a set of exercises from the space under the cover of the cabinet and handed it to Zhang Xu: "This is the second best exercise in my hands. You can give me back the exercises."

   Zhang Xu raised his eyebrows when he heard what the little girl said, then he reached out to take the exercise that the little girl handed him, opened it and looked at it.

   After a while, he finished reading the exercises, and then said to the little girl: "This set of exercises is not suitable for me, it is suitable for girls to practice."

   "Oh, then I have no choice, after all, I can't come up with a better exercise than this."

   "It's okay, I thought of what gift to ask you to give me."

  After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu warily, and then asked Zhang Xu, "What gift?"

   "Don't be nervous, the gift I want is actually very simple, it is to let you practice this set of exercises in my hand."

   "Zhang Xu, tell me what your idea is? I don't believe you would be so kind."

   "Hehe... You just say that you practice or not." Zhang Xu looked at the little girl with dangerous eyes and said.

   Lu Xiaoxiao felt chills down her spine from Zhang Xu's eyes, and then she didn't care about what Zhang Xu was up to, she hurriedly said to Zhang Xu: "I'll practice, I can't do it."

   "So good." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he handed the exercises in his hand to the little girl, and got up to leave.

  Seeing that Zhang Xu was about to leave, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. She was almost going to be tortured by Zhang Xu tonight, and now that Zhang Xu was about to leave, she could finally have a good rest.

   Zhang Xu saw the change of expression on the little girl's face, so he knew what the little girl was thinking, so he said to the little girl, "I'm so happy to leave you."

   "Yes." Lu Xiaoxiao replied subconsciously after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and she didn't know what she just said until she recovered, so she immediately covered her mouth with her hands.

   If Zhang Xu was playing with the little girl before, then Zhang Xu was really laughed at by the little girl now.

  So he sat back on the stool and said to the little girl: "Since you want me to leave so much, I can't do what you want. Tonight I will sit on the stool and watch you sleep."

   "Brother, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, just let me go."

   "You are right, how could you be wrong, I know that what you just said was unintentional."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless after hearing Zhang Xu's words. She never knew that Zhang Xu was so difficult to deal with. If it was normal, she would definitely deal with Zhang Xu to see who is more powerful.

  But today she was too tired and didn't have the energy to deal with Zhang Xu, so she just broke the jar, ignored Zhang Xu, climbed into bed and went to sleep with her back to Zhang Xu.

   Zhang Xu looked at the little girl's thin back and smiled, then he sat silently on the stool and watched the little girl sleep. He didn't leave the little girl's dormitory until the little girl's breathing became stable.

  The next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao was woken up by a knock on the door. After scratching her hair, she got out of bed irritably and went to open the door.

When Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door of the dormitory, the monkey excitedly said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, the exercises you gave me last night are really amazing. I have only practiced for one night, and the speed on my feet has changed. twice as fast as usual."

   "You came to me just to tell me this?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked the monkey after hearing what the monkey said

  (end of this chapter)

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