Chapter 2490 Broken mind

  After hearing Zhang Huotou's shout, Zhou Mu felt even more guilty, but he knew that if he didn't go there now, the matter would become more serious, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk towards Zhang Huotou.

When Zhou Mu came to him, Zhang Hutou said to Zhou Mu: "Zhou Mu, tell me what you were watching just now, don't try to lie to me, I watched you grow up, so what you said Whether it’s true or false, I can tell at a glance.”

  After hearing what Zhang Hutou said, Zhou Mu knew that if he didn't tell the truth today, Zhang Hutou would definitely not let him go, so he gritted his teeth and said, "I was looking at Lu Xiaoxiao just now."

   "What do you think Lu Xiaoxiao is doing? Don't you have a crush on Lu Xiaoxiao?"

   Zhou Mu saw that his thoughts were pointed out by Mr. Zhang, and his face immediately turned red.

Seeing Zhou Mu's appearance, Mr. Zhang didn't understand something. After all, he also came from Zhou Mu's age, but Zhou Mu was destined to stumble this time. People like Lu Xiaoxiao are not what Zhou Mu can do. Xiao thought.

  So he had better let Zhou Mu break his mind as soon as possible.

"Zhou Mu, I know what you're thinking, but people like Lu Xiaoxiao are not something people like us can imagine, so you should stop thinking about it as soon as possible, or you and Lu Xiaoxiao will become friends in the end." Can't do both."

After hearing what Zhang Hutou said, Zhou Mu knew that what Zhang Hutou said was right, but he was not reconciled, so he asked Zhang Hutou: "Master, if I work under the captain, will I have a chance to meet with you?" Lu Xiaoxiao is together."



   "Because Lu Xiaoxiao is the captain's younger sister, from the captain's point of view, she would never marry Lu Xiaoxiao to someone like us who has no family background, no status, no money."

After Zhou Mu heard Zhang Hutou's words, his heart was cold and cold. Although he still couldn't let Lu Xiaoxiao go, he knew that it was impossible for him and Lu Xiaoxiao, so he would break up with Lu Xiaoxiao no matter how reluctant he was. A thought.

   Otherwise, as Zhang Hutou said, he and Lu Xiaoxiao can't even be friends.

Seeing that Zhou Mu had figured it out, Mr. Zhang stretched out his hand and patted Zhou Mu's shoulder, and then said to Zhou Mu: "Young Mu Ai, I also came from your age, so I can understand your current heart, but it's just a short pain. It's better than long pain, don't you think?"


   "As long as you can think about it, let's go get some food, they are already waiting for us at the window."


  Lu Xiaoxiao doesn't know what happened after she left the cafeteria. She is introducing some dishes she made for lunch to Zhang Xu.

  After she finished introducing the dishes, she said to Zhang Xu: "Eat, these dishes I made should be eaten while they are hot."

   Zhang Xu nodded after hearing what the little girl said, and then he picked up a piece of braised pork ribs with his chopsticks and started eating.

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Xu's first chopsticks were braised pork ribs, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and then she asked Zhang Xu meaningfully: "Zhang Xu, why did you suddenly think of asking me to make braised pork ribs? If I didn't remember If I'm wrong, I don't think I've ever made braised pork ribs for you, how do you know that my braised pork ribs are delicious?"

When Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, the hand holding the vegetables froze, but he quickly recovered, and then calmly said to the little girl: "Chen Guang told me that he also said that you took the bowl away." The last piece of braised pork ribs."

  (end of this chapter)

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