Chapter 2491 Harrowing

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao scolded Chen Guang eight hundred times in her heart. He didn't expect that Chen Guang would actually tell Zhang Xu about it. It was so shameless.

  Chen Guang had just finished a round of training that would have been worse than death, and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, but as soon as he got up from the ground, he sneezed twice in a row.

After rubbing his nose with his hands, he thought who was scolding him. If he knew, he would definitely clean up the person who scolded him severely, and let that person know that he is not capable of anyone. scolded.

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao touched her stuffed stomach, and asked Zhang Xu, "When will Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen arrive in Beijing? I'm really bored."

"the day after tomorrow."

   "How long will it take?"

   "Yun Province is far away from Beijing, so it will naturally take a long time."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao stopped cooking immediately. She originally thought that Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen would arrive tomorrow, but she didn't expect that they would arrive only the day after tomorrow. Then she was going to be bored to death these two days.

   Zhang Xu saw the little girl looking listless, so he said to the little girl: "A while ago, the base took in a group of new recruits. If you are bored, you can train them."

   "Let's forget it, I spent a lot of time training the people of the Blood Wolf organization, I don't want to find something for myself to do.

   In addition, my training method is different from yours. In order to prevent them from schizophrenia, it is better for me not to participate. "

Hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu didn't tell the little girl to train those people, but said to the little girl: "If you are really bored, you can go to the shooting range, but you can only stay there for one hour a day. "

   "You really want me to go to the shooting range?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu in disbelief.

   "You don't want to go?"

   "I want to go, I really want to go, if you didn't let me go there, I would have gone there long ago."

   "You have a good rest, I will take you to the shooting range in the afternoon."


  At 2:30 in the afternoon, after Lu Xiaoxiao followed Zhang Xu to the shooting range, she saw a group of people practicing target shooting, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Are the bows they use real or fake?"

   "Nature is true."

   "You are so rich, you actually use real Zigong sheet to practice for them."

   "I didn't pay for the funds of the base, so you don't have to feel sorry for me."

   "Who feels sorry for you, I just think it's a waste of money."

  "No money will be wasted. Only after they have practiced the wooden warehouse method can they perform tasks better and defend our country."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao's heart surged for some reason, and then she said to Zhang Xu: "When I become an adult, I will also join the base and defend the country with you."

   "Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the base."


  After the gray cat finished training a team of Mu Cangfa, he saw Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu standing at the entrance of the shooting range, and he quickly ran towards Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu.

   "Lu Xiaoxiao, Boss, why are you here?" The gray cat asked Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu when they came to Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu.

   "I'm here to rake."

   "Didn't the boss not let you come here? Why today...."

   "Zhang Xu agreed to let me come to the shooting range, so you take me there to shoot a few wooden barns. Just now I saw them raking, and my hands were already itchy."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, the gray cat didn't immediately take Lu Xiaoxiao to the rake, but looked at Zhang Xu.

  (end of this chapter)

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