Chapter 2492 Provocation

   After seeing Zhang Xu nodding towards him, he led Lu Xiaoxiao into the shooting range.

"Grey cat, why did you bring an irrelevant person into the shooting range? You're still a little girl. If we accidentally hurt her while we're raking, who will it be?" Ge Yu brought Lu Xiaoxiao to the gray cat. When it was time, he said to the gray cat.

  The gray cat was not angry at all when he heard Ge Yu's words, because he knew Ge Yu's temper was like this.

But he was afraid that Lu Xiaoxiao would be unhappy when he heard Ge Yu's words, so he whispered to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, Ge Yu's temper is relatively straight, he always thinks of what to say, I hope you don't talk to her General knowledge."

   "I see, as long as he doesn't do too much, I can let him order."

  The gray cat heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he looked at Ge Yu and said, "Old Yu, this is the captain's younger sister. The captain asked me to bring her here to see her."

   "She is the captain's younger sister, and she can't come here. The shooting range stipulates that idlers are not allowed to enter."

   "How can the captain's younger sister be an idler? Old Yu, don't take it too seriously."

   "Why am I serious, the rules of the shooting range are like this, and I still made mistakes in following the rules."


   "Grey Cat, don't talk, let me know Ge Yu." Lu Xiaoxiao interrupted Gray Cat.

  The gray cat closed its mouth immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. If he wanted to say that he didn't care about what Ge Yu said before, but now he was really **** off by what Ge Yu said.

  So when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao say that he was going to meet Ge Yu, he had no intention of stopping him at all. For a person like Ge Yu, if he is not allowed to suffer a severe beating from the society, he may not know what he will do in the future.

  Seeing that the gray cat had shut up, Lu Xiaoxiao walked up to Ge Yu and asked Ge Yu, "What can I do to be considered idle?"

   "Naturally, someone who has strong shooting ability and is recruited by the shooting team."

   "Okay, I will do as you say." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she looked at the gray cat.

When the gray cat received Lu Xiaoxiao's eye signal, he knew that it was time for him to appear on the stage, so he said: "Since Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao wants to participate in the assessment of the shooting team, let's let Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao take the assessment once." .

  If Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao passes the assessment, she can join the shooting team at any time in the future.

  If Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao fails the assessment, she will no longer be able to appear in the shooting team.

   Do you have any problems with what I said? If you have an opinion, speak up now. "

   "We have no objection, so we will do as you say." Ge Yu said after hearing Gray Cat's words.

   "Since none of you have any objections, then I'll ask someone to arrange an assessment."

   "Go quickly, stop moaning, I have to go shooting in a while."

   "Understood, I will arrange it now." After the gray cat finished speaking, he took people to arrange the checkpoints for the assessment.

   After the gray cat left, Ge Yu asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Little girl, how old are you?"

"Eleven years old."

   "What? You're only eleven years old? I thought you were fifteen or sixteen just now. I didn't expect you to be so young."


   "What are you laughing at?" Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed, Ge Yu asked Lu Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

  After hearing Ge Yu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't talk to Ge Yu again, because she saw that the checkpoints for the assessment had been set up, so she walked towards the gray cat.

   Thank you for the three cuties, Huanm, Suiyueran, and Laowantong, for the rewards and blowing kisses



  (end of this chapter)

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